Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1931, p. 47

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j Honme Pays Most Consider the home, which is real estate, from an investment stand- point, it pays the largest returns pos- s ible, in those thixigs that are most imipùrtant in 11e, happiness, content - nient, environnenlt of our own de-. sign, a shelter where we are kingsý (or second in commiand) and, besides, a .portion o f the, dollar expense. of this wonderfuni investment' can be deducted as rentai, or usage, that, inust be paid to soîneone. Quite frequently oie hears that real estate is dead, ixot inuving,, or a word of surprise is expressed when a- transfer, of real estate titie is mnadc TÉhe following facts, as gathered f romn records, as published in a re- liable publication during' 1927, 1928 1929 and 1930, will, no doubt, inter- est you-. Real estate is not dead and trans- fers of titie from onç. party to an- other, are, in the, final analysis, the judge and jury. - In Cook county, t c numbers of trans fers are, 1927-109,' - 129; 1928-102,399;~ 1929--84,453; 1930, -67,770. Now, let us analyze these by coni- paring the north shore. In 1929 Evanston township recorded .658, New Trier township, 761. In 1930 Evanston 699, an increase of 2 »II.1 and 'ew Trier 818, an increase of' 7.3%. These figures, so f ar as'the north shore is concerned, show plain-7 Iy that real estate is quite, alive and, that some people are buying real estate, but, it does not tell you that people are paying arbitrary prices, f ar in excess of the real value, Publie Viel Postd The buying public is well posted on what tô look for ini value and they are denianding and getting it froni realtors who are on thie alert, study- ing conditions and trying to deliver the services a seller or buyer s4iould e.xpect f rom their agent. New Trier township, was againi di- v ided, from these. saine records, tQ show. thé activityi or number of transfers, in each village,- as follows: ,Pet. o f Loss or 1929 1M3 Gain as the hlgflest type of citizen in greater .Chicago district, wiant such a reputation- Let us ail cooperate and stop this practice hefore we un- derniine ourselves. Do this for* pro- fit to yourselves and we wil make 1931 -show another increase in. trans- fers. Review Financing .'by Bonds, -Stocks Duri*ngYear l1930 New first nortgage real estate bond, note and stock financing during *the year of 1930 aggregated but $192,- 537,OO-.a.decrease of 64 perceît.f roni 1929 and the Iowest volumne' since 1922, according to the annual realty invest- ment review of Nelson,, Hunt and company, o! Chicago and Evanston,j issues aggregated but $18,405,000, a loss of 87 percent froini the record breaking volume of $117,976,000 re- corded during the twelve mionths of last year. TPle review also reveal ttistic show irig the trend of first mortgagë real estate-financing during the last twelve years,. in which timi .e the vol- unie of new securities, publicl:y of- fered, aggregated $5,226,675,000.. Of this ýamount $4,796,861,OOO was in bond RJEAL ESTATE L OANS Have funda to lbanon-,North Shore:resident'1s4l property at rea- sonable. rates. See. un on renewale. Also mortgages'for sale. E. G. Pailing &.ýc.. 10 8. La Salle St. FPralin 7746, &J,. Lm ESTATES MAITNsi. 1 elephone Wilmette 2717 Il e The supporting evidence of this statement is in, train and bus scbedules visualized in the tinie and distance chart (time is a'verage of the fast- est eight trains between Chicago and each. stationi). Time between Winnetka station and Chicago is 27 ý6 minutes. Time between the faatheat doorstep in Indian Hill Estates and the Chicago station is 29 >' minutes by bus and train. In. comparison, if you live fartber than two Min- lutes' 'walk from the Winnetka station, thin you are farther. out than Indian Hill Estates. Two beautifu1 big. coaches course tbrougb your 'front -door 17 e synchronized witb times a railroad Pest Office Box 44 Wllmette, Mihnois FIRSI MORTGAGE LOANS- aDartments und business properties for 5.10 or 15 year terms. CODY TRUS T COMPANY los Séoth' La Sélie Strtet Rendolph 6600, C HIC AGO il 'I oy traineci mincis, the wise côtans-el of ;your realtor, Who knqwvs real estate. SIf 'he does flot know his business look around until you find a realtor, Who keeps abreast of, the times and. çan render you the se.rvice for which 2703 BiL Ashland Ave. Wilmett2792 ýs REALTY, Inc. 208 South La Salle St. 1649 State .0266 Sheridan Road Wilrnette 3740 -on boumes, Dooirsteps. of, Homes in Indian Hill Estates ..Are Closer to Chicago Than Doorsteps in Winnetka in Both Time and Comfort.ý Il

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