Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1931, p. 48

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.1for' ymir -à- tor eateu w " This, winter-.very radlator heated hogne-s-teamlhot water, vapor-c n joy the correct lei"humidity of balmy Juneai wlh: te: Doherty-Brehni Humldifying ]Radiatoir. Positive and autoinatic, ie scientlfically evap. orates up to 100 gallons ofwteadaytlsto moqhi4g pans to get out 0of OTderI Replaces one rad,ýiator. On. unit -prop erly humidifies an entire hou. . Iexpensive.* Oifred by Crane Co. through u&. Backed by 7&Veàar Crane rawtatlon. LUt us, instal itl for only 10% down., bal. anc. mnonthly, under the Crane *U Budget Plan. Write or 'phone for fit infrnatîon. ,oiage W. B. LUCKE 514 E, Rallwoad A-e. TeI.pboa. Wlumiette 2020 * Re~~1 Orronugton at Davis, Evanston, Illinois ter Homes omtiutee for Arkansas; knowledged by experts to be one of and Miss Édith Ahbott of Chicago, the finest ini the whole nortb shore professor of social service administra- area. Several magazines are carry-: dion at the University of Chicago. ing articles descriptive of it as on'e Brdof the best of the Englisb type in. *The other members of tbeBor the country. are Christian Herter of Boston, Mrs. Harold I. Pratt of New York City and It is, a hand-built, bouse with ail Mrs. James J. Storrow of Boston. Dr. the artistryi of the old-tinie mechanic James Ford is executive director oi, Ur. Rindskopf gives credit for. the Better Homes in America. accomplisbment particuiarly to three' T he1 program for the coming year Wilmette men. Arcbitect Hl. T. Hol. willfolow te cstoary mpbsiscomb, E. V. Holding, carpenter con- on the promotion of- home-ownership' tractor, and Leonard Geer, masonry and single 'fami 1ly housing, but there con.tractor. will. be ijncreasing emphasis upon, the Tevaostrds re mo- ca .re. and repair of the, home as a, talized by Mr. Rindskopf in, carvings means of providing labor for -the. Un- on the face of the great oaký door at employed as well as' teprovide more teetac.I lntebuei sanitary -and .Whotesomne:environnent L shaped, 83x50 feet an& faces south- for children. east. and west. The exterioir walls are Durng he ast yea th re as een old Belgian brick laid in design and the ro is 'of hand-made heavy an increase. of 23,percent in the num- nistleMrRndkp ber of local. Better Homes committees Egihte r idkp will fin- organized, and altogecher. in the, past ish the interior walls bimself. campàign there ýwere 7,240 such vol- Inbresponse to, the suggestion of a untee r co mmittees throughout, the number o0reuets. he plans later to, country which concerned t 'hemselves hod pre house n utherineetof with the stu<Iy of, needs. of. housgapriaon ad frhace f and hoe lif in thir co ninni ebauty in home .designing and arch- and 'oew ein ogracoof lectu es ditectur. As a nationally known in- dusions, contessan oflcusndterior, designer he has created some discrsions, cndicanadsed noteworthy interiors of bank, clubs. intretsandiarnteffrtin hoeadapartnlent bouses and private resi- ipremt n eerstaote in-he dences. His latest in. Chicago is the union. he enrstof Grge odrf apartments at,,1.500 Throughth eeoiy f Mrs. Lake Shore drive. William Brown Meloney gold mnedals The Rindskopfs will move from .,19, -have been offered to architects de- E Pearson street, Chicago. jThere, sigiing the best one-story, one-ancd- are two boys in the family, Richard a-4alf story and and two-story bouses and Bill3r. Mr. Rindskopf's niother in the country, to be judged by a and father will live with them. cowmittee to be appointed by the American Institute of Architecis. The WILL TAICE LONG CRULISE 1930 competition bas just closed and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford, announcement of the medal winners 835 Elmwood avenue, will sail f rom will be m~ade shortly. The 1931 com- New York on Thursday, February> 5, petitiÔn is to be opened next month on tbe S. S. Rotterdam for a tliree and will close on December 1, 1931. months' Mediterranean cruise. Their Gutzon Borglum, sculptor, is design- daughter, Miss Betty, who i.s attendiüg ing the gold medals to, be awarded Wellesley college, will see ber parents. next month,' off fromn New York. fluring the past year Better Homes in Atnericabas cooperated witb the. being publisbed by the White Flouse, White Flouse Conference on Child conference and will be available for Healtb and Protection in drawing up distribution in February. Similar optimum standards for homes in standards were drawn up.for.the fur-', wbkbh there are childrep. These are nishing of homies.. PusUC SumRIc OMPANY OP NOTHE UUnmO*8 SnW*g 6,ooo square mila r.9 "t4 ei and oejmmaia -i" Gisand EI<ct.i,Mm I ý 1 :'. . ; ý 49 1

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