Reaidence: IL Phone ,D. D. ,anston Ohurch Office: State B3ank building Phone Wilmette 0644 Pastor'is fours: 10 A M.ý to 12 Noon except Saturdays !dmise Pebruary 1 Prelude: - uAdaglo. Cantabile" (Sonate Paethetique ...>..... ....... Beethoven Solo--'«Open the Gates" .... ....:. Knapp Mr. Otis Oftertor-:"Steal Âway'? Negro Spiritual Postlude-"Ersultemuùs"........Kinder Strangers, and visitors are cordiaily weleomed to alilservices. Junior church at il a. m. coincides with the public worahip to give opportunity for parents to:brlng eilîdren. Sunday school at 9:30, with graded. classes. On Wednesday evenlng at the prayer meeting Dr. Zelie will give the fourth talk InIls aeVles on the New Testament. Tis week the theme willlbe "How to Know the Book of Acts;, The Preabyterlai meeting will be heid Fébruairy 6 at Triitye Presbyterlan cliurch, Laranie and Fulton streets The. speakers wi'll be the Rev. Rbbert MUcteàn, autilor e of oe of our study books, who wlll talk on national mis- sions,' and the Rev. Rose Wilson -of For- mon Christian coilege, Laho're, India., Reswvatione ahould be made with Mrs. John B. BSrtholomew, 104. Nlnth street. by Pebruary 3. Methodist Church Renember the Sunday Evenlng club- Sunday night at six thirty at the Con- gregational church. L4orado Taft Is the speaker. The Philathea, ciass wilI bave a p(,t- luck supper at church. Tuesday night. PoiloDwlng thesupper, they wili hold thc. regulor montbly. s:octi aad business meeting. ýPéIlQwshjpIiour -on Wednes4day night wil' take on the nature of a prayer serv- ice. ,Som'e'of the spiritual probleinis andi possibilUies of this church wlll be con- sidered ln the. light of otifr'Ienten,,pro- grami. atternoon, urch, a sor ,er the au Society. F0 sets fortl ýe will be at uniqu ns of 1 The new Marcy Center Is the. place at. which the semni-annual' meeting >of the Womens'. Home Mf-issionry society will be held next Wednesday. Those going> are. asked to meet at the North Shore' station, at 9.:30 A. M. Make reser- vations with Mrs. George Hoffman- by, Monday. Phone Wlnn.,2925. First Con gregational, James Clair. Mead,. Director of Religlous Education Dr. Nehemiah. Boynton, will occupy the pupfit next Sunday morning. His sermon topie Will be "The Nobility, of Temptation." The Church schôoi wiii meet lnfive departments as follows: Prlmary (grades 1, 29 3): 9 :30 to 12:00 a. m Junior. (grades 4, ý 5, -6):'9 :30 to 10: 45 a.m Intermnediate (grades 7 ahd 8): 9 :30. to 10 :45 a.' mi. Beginnes (re-scht10) *10:45 to 12:0 H-igh echool (ail four years> 12:00 to 1 :00 P. ln. Asecond meeting of the H igh School younig folks from Wilmette churches Iwil be held next Sunday eVening at'the IMethodiet chut-eh. After a lunch and social bout- beglnning at 5:30, there wili be a à program led by Harold Ehren- sperger. There was a fine attendance at -the last one, s0 everyone ls expect- ing a big crowd and a happy tinte next Sunday evenlng. The Sunday Even'irg club, 'which meets in this chui-ch, wlll present imneiz% Aniaa veViI4.. J.UflcUVof wili be .'erved at 12:30..o'clock, and tl),e afternoon will be spent ln sewing. The East End Cirele w.1li meet for, luncheon at the homre of -Mrs. Myron H.West, 916 Greenleaf, ave nuùe, next Monday- at 1 o'clock. -On Thursday, Februa'ry 5, an ail-day work meeting of the Coizy Corner Cir- cie wlll be held ln the church.* The hostesses willlb. Mrs. E. L. VonGlahn, Mrs. Henry>. Iaack, Mrs. A. K. Meet- Jian, and Mrm. E. G. Uoode. Lunicheon, wl1 be served at 1 o'clock. n oLter Di is a. desirf English. Lutheran (fr-eenleaf avenue atSeventh street' Wilmette» Carl . 1.Empson, pastor Sunday February 1 SEPTUAtGESJIMA SUNDAY 9:45 A. M. ... Sunday school Arthur F, Stark, superintendent ilA. M.. Morning worship, Sermon:, "Humllity and Fa'lth" The'Suniday school le on, the way to a ýnew, record for attendance., Thé riew eiipe'*rntendent le greatly encouraged& We rejoice with Ihlmin hls new work. The Womfen 's Missionary society.will'* meet in the church Thursday afternoon, February 5. The: meeting begins at 2p. M. The Church couno Il ls a' busy body. They* bave had several' special mneeti-ngs thisý past month. Their regular Febru- a.ry meetinag willbe a.t thée ohureh Tues- day evenlng, ?ebruary 3. The Luther league le practiclng with might and 'main in preparation of their play, "Phoebe Cleans flouse," Which *ill be presented two nights, Friday and Saturday, February 13 and 141 Tickets are available from any member of the young people's organization. Mrs. Elmer Young is dfl-ecting the cast. The Music committee wlll hold a1 special meeting Sunday after the serv-N ice. St. Johzn's Lut/zeran SERVICE~S Septuagesima Sunday 9:15 A. '.N. Firet service and sermoni 9:30 A. M. Suuday school, and Bible 1classes 10:45 A. M. Coiifesslonal service *for communicants. Ilý A. -M., S econd -service, and Holy Communion' Confessional> address, "The Christian Race," 1 Cor. 9, 24. Sermon: . God's Measuring Rod,"ý Matth. 19, 27. MEETINGS Frlday, January 30, at 8: Senior play at Howard4 sehool also prf It'iseclalmed that the play whlch 'the Senior Yroung People are presentlng' at the Howard school' auditorium le the bent play ever given by this organiza- tion. If that Is true,aand many say Éo, it wlll have to be inighty good. And it will pay anyone to. go and see it. mnci- dentaliy the proceeds are. to flow into St. John's building fund. A luncheon given, on Thurs- day, February 5, by the Apron Circle of the.Ladies Ai and Missionary eo- iciety at 'the' Sunday gichool roomes of the church. It wil begin at 12 :30, and willf be foliowed>by the regular meeting of the AId. Babtist. Church. Wllmette*and Forest avenues George* D. :Allison. m4nister "1A Church that Cares". We urge -Our members, and friends to particlpate in~ the entire church pro- gram, beginnlng at 9 :ào Sunday morn- ing with the session of the Church school. The Adulte will1 enjoy the heip- fui discussions dutring the lesson hour which are led by the paetor and built around the. theme, "Pathways to Cer- are cared. for In the Nursery, Kinder- garten, and, Priniary depaWrtments. The echool session le adjourned at 10:45 to be *nerged wlth the morning worshlp service of the church beginning at il o'clock. There le a children's ftory as part of the service, after ,whieli the younger children are dlsniissed for a. period' of hand-work while the older boys and girls and the adulte remain for* the sermon; Durlig January the *iastor' preached a series of sermons interpreting fo rus s e of the difficuit sayings of Jesus. Beginnlng next Suný dMy and durlng the month of February the topice wlll be related to present day probieme 0of our people, and the theme, for the sermon on February '1 will be, "G'an Business Aid the King- dom That.,le Crniing?"-, Next Sunda.y there will be a joint 'session of>ail. the departments. of 'the. sechool at 9:30 at which time announce 1- mente will be made regarding. ,the Scbooi-wide contest beginning Feifru- ary 1 and running through April .6, Easter. Sunday. Varlous awards havé been planned In each depuartmen t. In the X«s and women, ail the adulte of the e4ieda ha iy nvitation., W. hope Thqure chut-eh and congregation, are aoked to to have wlth us Mi-. M. C. RboThe qzonerof hoId' Pebruary il for an urtusual gather- Scout ~~ule0 i.N RthSore behoezoeft Img @f the *hurcI. Area. Two Indien entertainers have noon IVid even Woepaa's Ald meeting will b. lield on ben seeur eChako anotuan deeme iLuthei lngIndanspeke and singer, and Ill.,Final plar Clearwater, a farmous Indian hoop meetingfo't iA. IL Executive committea and dancer.-Joliet, feor th 'il Lucl»on-Fourth-, Division sei-. Te ack meeting% of the Cuba wîîî subjeet of vitaI be.1 heid froininine luntil' Il o'cîock ~Pie là iooonf Alilthe men -- - -----&-..Z w rgiu inLUU VUfUrcU service. District convention at - A group debate on o' On. Fiday, Februiary- 6, the young Interest to young pea- people wil hold their an nual Mid-Year e prograni. banquet. The- program iu .beln g. plan- era o the: Senior and ned by the members of the difé-SeIrv.