Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1931, p. 53

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Films at the Wilrnette theatre this week throb with. such drama, power and initensity that thev actually en- ricb the experience of, the observers. The week moves towards a niighty climax, capped bythe presentation of thé western epw.c,"The Big Trail," on Friçlayand .Saturctay Februa-ry 6 and 7. This picture gives 'the romantic story of the old Oregon trail, ,ana- tion in exodus to the' promised- land of. the> west. The production moves with a breathless sweepi, and high- ights include a buffalo -bunt, cross- ing - swollen river, and an Indian attack.. One cani hear, the creaking of- prairie schoo6ners and the blood- curdling shrieks »f Indians. Photography, is excellent. One long shot, the circling attack of the corralled wagons by the Indian.s. bas the beauty of Remington's pictures -)f the o'ld west,,a critic declares. John Wayne, a screen newcom er, in the leadinig'role of the young scout, plays with a 'ining Mixture of boyish diffidence and self -assurance. There are fine characterizations by Mar- guerite Churchill, Ian Keith, El Breùi- del, and by Tuily Marshall as an old scout. Grac. Moore Stars On Monday and Tuesday, Eebruary 2 and 3, the Wilmette off ers Grace Moore, famous Metropolitan opera soprano, in "A Lady's Morals," based on the life of Jenny Lind, historic Swedish singer. This ,film marks Grace Moore's debut on the talking screen. Tbe picture deals with the career of "The Swedish Nightingale", and lier sesational appearance i New York under -the auspices of P. T;. Ilarnum, pioneer of sbowmanship, and the romance between the singer and a.blind song composer. A notable ataper ith the singer. Reginald. Denny, bit- of '*Madam. Satani", and -"Those Three' French Girls,", enacts1 Brandt, the composer who goes blind, and M'al- lace Aeery of "The Big Hôuise' and 'Way for a Sailor," is seen as P. T. Norma ýTalimadge as Madiame. Du Barrjy,. who' hcld sway over t he emnotions. of King Louis, XV oF France,, stars ini "Du .Barry'- Womon ofPassionj," supreine talk- ing picture romance at f/te Wil-. mette theatere onWeditesday and Ttu rsday, Fcbriuary 4 and . El Brendel Moàns When Whisker Illusions Fadei El Brendel, famous coniic who plays the featured role of "Gussie" ini Raoul Walsh's "The Big Trail," dlaims the only heartbreak he had during the picture was Walsh's re- fusai to allow him to grow a beard.ý "Out of 20,000 people," moans El, '«l had to be the only one allowed to of; it and send it back to the folks, in Philadelphia, bis home town. The filin, "The Big Trail," will bc shown at the 'Wilmette theatre *Fri- day aud Saturday, F.ebruary 6 -and 7. Barbara Kent.1s Again Harold's Leading Laidy Barbara Kent, petite film favorite, who, last year, ini 'Welcome Daniger," ;%dt dhe.r naine21and fame to the cxý-, promises to be everybody's fun to- day and tomorrow, F.riday and Sat- urday, january 30 and .31., Héightening th e intérest in this filmn lis the. fact tbat t fe story :of "Anybody's,*War" was taken from the novrel, publisbed several years ago, "The Two. Blackc Crows in the A. -E.. F, " by Charles E. Mack, lead- er of the comedy team. "Anybody's War" tells about, Uncle 'Sam's "ruction" that included. the Twoà Black Crows anid the'ir escapades. Cbildren will be glad to watch the dog actor,,Deep Stuif, that will win much of the sympatby of the audi- enice by way of sharing some of the honors with M oran andMack. There will be a special-matinee Saturday at 2:30. The 'picture- for next. Friday and Saturciay, February 6 and 7, will be "The Vagabond King" with Denn*ii Kingand jeanette MacDonald. Once a Two-Fisted Marn, He .Now Tickies Ivories The hand that used to rock prize-> fighters to ýsleep in "The Leather Pushers," fight dramas, today elicits soulful melody trom the keyboard of a piano. Reginald. Deniny, erstwhile fight hero, is a pianist brilliant enough to play accompaniments for Morals," her new starrùngý. vehicle, based on the life of Jenny Lind, cofirn- ing to the Wilmette theatre Monday and Tuesday, February 2 and 3. AT, COMMUNITY HOUSE joan, Peérs. and Neil Hamilton ar e two of the, players in "Anvbody's War," starring Moran and Mack, the Two Black Crows, at Comrnunity House on Friday and Saturday, Jan,- nary 30 and 31. Saturday, Jan. 31 RICHARD ARIEN an' 2 Serials At motine. Sùidày.c>nly. Feb. 1 GEORGE BANCROFT i and: Charlie Chase Comedy, Mon.. Tues.. Feb. l-3 fallae. Thurs., F.b. 4-5 Aiso "Msily slmphony" Ci Fri.. St., Feb. 6-7 v 4 "Derelict"' gives the fans aniother two-fisted George Bancroft at the Wilmiette on- Sunday, 'February 1. Hie is: seen.as a belligerent, sea captain fighting .to keep à slugi h tramp, steamier. afloat .through. the fury of a ture tonight, iriaay, p anuary oU. ±' film effectively shows the part of weinen in the big struggle. Anita Page, june Walkeèr, Robert Mont- gomnery and kobert Ames contribute to the;picture's success. "1story Book Parade" Ki4MIe Revue 68W Ing Vol giniers" Carton Metrotoite News ', virtuous rn'-KCay Franioi ý'Bavhelor Father"-Marion Davieg '4ilihtsn' "#ý-WoiJ Rogers8

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