Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1931, p. 56

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a eq, iuonsWan.i wtre votedu ipon at adopted : First Resolutton "Whereas, the Senate, lin January 19j bY a vote of 76 -ta 17, pazsed *a reol tion providing that the UTnited Stati sbould.adbere,,to the World court, Wl certain reservations; and «Wbereae, the dangers ainticipated li these, reservations, jparticularly wit réference to Advisory Jurisdict4on' 0f tl) court, bave now been entirely rernove( and «*Whereas; the World court 15 a grea constructive agency for the maintenanc of International peace, and. needs -l creaslngosup)ort froinithe public ophn ion of the world and 'la needed . n tur flot -only, by other nations, but from'lnth, standpolnt of enlightened self-interes by our own nation, as well, and "Wbereas,4 the United States may nov safely, become a member of said cour under the Root prËotocol without eitbei sacrifice Of sovereignity or violation oY traditional polities 4n International ai. 'Therefore, be It resolved that wc earnestly favor the ratification of thesE protocols by th~e Senate ofthte, United Sta.tes - that a copy of this resolution b. sent to the senators representing 1111. noie at Washington, and that a. copy of the resolution be sent to the Forelgr Relations comilttee of the United States." Second Resiolution #Whereas, the Goverrror of the. State of Illinois appointed six delegates to the -National Conference on Street and XIgihway Safety held at Washington; Maýy 24, 25, 26, 1930, and "Whereas, these six delegates reported back to the G overnor and recommended thit the Stalie o!fIllnois pass the Model code for the Drivers' License Law s worked. out by the National Conference, and *'Whereas, a state wlde conferne icnown as, the Illinois Conference on Street and }!lgbway Safety held tt Spri'fld, Noveniber 24-415 a.nd ait- tended by deIegates from ail parts of the State of Illinois, who unanlmously approved of the Mode! code after it was made to con form to: the constitution and exlstlng laws o! the State of Illinois, and .. Wbere.L, this, conferene bill bas been pi oposed and dlstributed through- out the. State o!flinois and Is known* as the.Ilnois Conferenceý bill, "Be lt 1reolved ' that we endorse tliis bill worked out by the National and qtate Conferences and recormcend Its BE IT FU-RTHER RESOLVED, th,,. Miss Margaret' Rggert (righît) and Howard Bleser (left) have the Ieading roles in the drama, "JEyes of Loive,'" by Lillian Mortirner, which is bcing pre- sepited in the How'ard schooI auditorium, this -zeek by the Young People's society ,g St. Jo~hn's fsfhean cd*vp'c. The frtt performncie was giveà ldst evekting and zýIlI be followved fi' another presenitation ton ight. Habits of Parents, Children, Told to Pre-Sehool Circle The Logan-1-oward' Pre-Schooi circle heid a meeting ini the Howard school Wednesday evening, January, 14. Mrs. Featherston, f rom the E, 1i z a b e t h McCorrnick neiorial. spoke on "The Habits and Emiotio . s of Parents and Cliildrein.» $he lias addressed this group before and lier popularity was eividen.cedby the large nuinber who came, eager to hear.an- other of lier interesting talks. "You pride yourself on saying that you are emotional, don't you?" 'Was Mrs., -eatherston's first question.ý Her witty and forceful, talk was Mostly-questions and aiisw'%ers. Then she went on to say».You shouldd fot be at ail surprised to discover that your children have emotions. Sorne say you may have as many as fifty %vho is nôt wanted on the playgroundi( because of fear. That is whiere the niother inust corne into. the picture and carefully direct the chuld out of fear. Carefulness and watchfulness, instead of fear, should be encouraged wlien it cornes to physical danger. The parents shiould set the example Mrs. Featherston cited. a bceiîe which she had recently witnessed, where a wýomian. was nearly killed when she ran in front of a train., She was se anxious to mnake the train that she daried across the tracks just as it pulled in, losing her slippers. A number of children on their m-ay to school witnessed' the heedless" act Parents' Conduct. Imnportant As children grow olde r the' wiiecn ilng of fearful experiences m.ust .b( explaincd toward b)uildliing uJ a ra- tional knowledge. of fear. Parenlte e s so ,IL ue'?>vs ie parents' to ac bi ecions to Situàtionis and( to meet situations with Poise." Vie ciid who is ugly and vindictive ii, adol0- escence isolle who has--givei1 juil vent - to bis anger as- a smnall fl He gets. it in the home not, iia1' escehce. Last, but flot ieast, we havi c)- and ordinarily the childid j,, cer loved too mnuch or flot enougli.. The chiid on whomf there is a lav'isli die- play of -afifectio*n before ,str;iingers. if a boi' and someitnies. if à girl," Nvill resent it. Affecion shown inoru ini 4 comradeship way is the hest anid Yfýet,-!#ýVg. Mosit children iik. to have their. mothers love ani careý;s, them when they are alone. ýpare t& Should Cooperate * EaFch parent shoffld "back u'thl"le other. They should agrec aiiead ioni the child's program. Both îrnrre.nts should participate in the care of the chiid. He- is not a plaything for par4 ents but a great bier re.spotisil>iiiîv. Peace shouild be maintaine i iinIlle home and an atmosphere of liappi- ness. In,,closing Mrs:.-WeFatherston i' affd, "Remembe r that you as parents arc just the patterns for your thiidn(n.' What, to them is a hero or herÂile tbey can' ,t stand having ridiculevd. You must be a, prophetA doctor -ald, everything else under the. suit and your child wiIl like you if von :Îre poised." -Ruth C. Donelson, F. E. . Cole of 315 Essexçrod Kenilworth bas reXtrned to his h.'rne after atteriding the 'funeraI op day of his uncle, Charles W.Hp kinis of Benton Harbor, ihgn Mr. Hopkins was 86 years of age anr1il -Mr. and 'Mrs. Hu tgh Foresmnan last, weekend in Newv Orle.ans. returnled to thieir home on Essex KenilwNo'rth, on Monday. Mrs. Charles Ware of Abott! road, TCenUuwth. hal-retu SI> wlit riad ~eks sj.entt M 1 l. i4 UI . a ims WiliAD on will review the J neniber to ng a box eacn P r atherston said -that she real- exar s to sec a child capable of be- 9 thorougjhîy angry, Ail health- idren fight either gracefully, or ise. Do not -take up (children!s ls. Let themn fight their Own Anger in a chiid wheits F.M. L311-2tc .1

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