JAN.30t v-EB SMpec a SI FII7 TO FIVE PREE DELIVERIES DAILY ROASTIG cII I-KEN-rFIH DRFISE... Our customary high grade of -po)utry.: Plump. e nd full-ilavored. I ~b lb.90! Very best fresh calves sweetbresds Ibo 5 Fresh ground to-0-order lb. Z90 Richelieu large No. 2Vz, tins of finest ripe Hawaiian fruit. liD CHE 1 1 ....... 4 "a s981 Monticello No. 2 size tins of red pitted pie cher- ries. A choice pack. ]FRUIT SALAD ...... ....4 "Sm 9se &*by St'uart tali No. 1 size tins of fancy rix.4 fruits. GINERAL..............ozIL$198 Canada Dry~ convenient Hostess carton. PEPPERM>INTS . ... ..Ibo 430 Sckrafft's Jumbo chocolate covered peppermint creams. 20 large pieces to the poutnd. CANE SU MA .. ....é.... 10 Ibn* 59o ceprtm-nt wiI mo tion pictures. k on -Fi be illust Snext f the1 police' Safe-. 1wîth TO GIVE VALENTINE PARtTY The. Kenilwortb club will hold a spe- cial Valentine party and, dimier dance on Friday, Februa ry 6.-Hostesses, will' be ITrs.. Leon T. Ellis: and Mrs. Har- old O ., Barnes. Dinner . reservations must be made promptly with Mrs. Ellis or with Mrs. William J. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. William Wynes Nicholas Il who were married on January 10 at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert WT. Weld of Winnetka, have returned froml their. wedding trip in . the east and are now-making their.home at 530 Sheridhin road, Evanston. Mr. an'd-Mrs. Nicholas have been gone for the past two- weeks. Mrs.,Nicho- las is the former Francis Elizabeth It is perhaps'- superfluous to say -very *much in announcing Mr. Taft's ap- pearance ini Wilmette. His wonder fui ùarvings in stone grace and beautif y Am-erica and bave made him famous the world.over. Illinois dlaims Lorado Taft, for her own and takes particular pride in the two. outstanding pieces,,of sculpture, "The Spirit of the, Great Lakes"ý and "T ,he Fountaini of Time," products of his genius, that stand in, Chiécago. as an inspiration to the pub- ic and. a -monument to the art of the creator. G arage, Auto? House, Cause of Fire, Runs The Wilmette fine depantmnent made three runs in the week ending Wednes.. day. january 28, one f or a garage lire, another for an automobile. fire, and, -the third. for. a house lire. At 1J:25 o'clock Thursday morning, january 22, the firemen were called to 714 Wash- ington avenue to extinguish a.blaze in, the Hiarold R. Sherman garage. An overheated stove caused the fine. Later the samne day, about 4 o'clock in the, aftennoon, an automobile caught lire at 932 Lake avenue and the finemen again responded. Last Satunday afte- noon at 4 o'clock a ref nigenator in, the Nat M. Kahn residence, 1510 High-: land avenue, broke into flames. The blaze originated in the electric motor of t 'he refrigeraton. Only slight dam-, age resulted. Girl Scout Council Holde First Session The finst meeting of the New Trier Township council, Girl Scouts of America, which wals recently organized. was held Wednesday, January 21, in the Girl Scout room of the Wilmette Meth- odist chunch. The offilcersof this coun- cil are: *Mns. T. W. Heanne of Wjn- netka, commtissioner;- Mrs. R alip«h Moulding of Wilmette, first deputy coinmissioner: Mrs. J. R.- Goltz of Winnetka; second deputy comîi ssioner; Mrs. W. Richardson of Wilmette, sec-,* retary; M4rs. D. B. Gasett of WVin- netka, treasuner. Rab>' Stuaart high quality wvgetables in smali tins for u"~ ommli, famiIy. A generous serving for two people *witlaut . Stationery and Gift Shop TC 1155 Wilmette Ave. Wil. 3051', minai tHardware