"jo "There is stili room for more talent in both the men's and women's chor- ruses," i t is announced, "and anyone Who can sing in a chorus at ail will bc very -welcome atý the next rehearsal, Monday evening,February 2, at 7:30, at the Howard. school auditorium. "The directoir, W. Jack. Higgins, is w ~ orking with the end.men and the in- terlocutor on, their gags and songs," reads an announcement, "and, thé re- hearsals are fulil of ýfun for everyone. The interlocutor is none other than our digîaified J. R. Harper, superintendent of schools, and among the ,cast are many prominent WVilmette citizens. Just wait until you see and hear them cake-. w~alk and sing coon, songs! "The chuldren in the seventb and cigbtb grade art classes, uûder the di- rection of ,Mrs,. Mason, are making clever and colorful, posters, which Wvil soon adorn* the wvindows of Wilmette. business bouses. Tickets for the eve- nings of February 19 and 20 are to, go on sale this week, and may be pro- cured f rotu any of the board members, the roomn mothers, or at the Patty Shoppe on Wilmette avenue. Special S provision is being made for the chul- dren of the grammar schools to see the minstrel show at .the dress, rehearsal. exactly as piesented.: and at, a reduced .prIce. i Women Voter I I News The annual ail-day Conference on International Alfairs, held under the auspices of the Forum of the League of Women Voters and cooperating. organizations, will be beld,,on Satur-' day, February 14, in the Florentine room of the Congress hQtel, Chicaglo., "the maiin.speaker.of th-e confer- ence willbe Senor Salvador de Ma- &* dariaga.. He will speak at the after-, noen session on >the subject, "Co- opération versus Compétition!' Senor de Madlariaga was. for a number oi years. the chief of the Disarmament Section of the Secretariat of - the League of. Nations. In this position criiitp llla=itw " UUIC x aIU nave neen recommendea for sup- Nurses, Motor DIrivers' License, port by the League of Women 1929-1930 Acconmpisbrnts. Voters. 0f especial interest to us, - in that it promises some relief ini February 3 at the Harriet. Mc- the tatx situation, is the bill now ini Cormick Memorial Y. W. C. A., the state legisiature designed to i1 if T1iU mtte 1705, .3~ /4 . . ~L Announcuýng, the FO RMAL.OPENINO Of VýAN DU ERM' S Bea utySalon Thursday,_.Februa ry. 5 Yo u a re cordiaIlly invited'to take ýadvantà'g'e of' the 'services ofý Miss Edith Williams, an expert consultant on the complexion and kn.Ms Willamsspecializes on the correction of dry *skin-lines and wrinkles-coarse pores-anid various nomic [lU 18 thI on interi ec- WILMETTE WObAAN ON PRO- GRAM F ,LECISLATIVE >FORUM M Es sther Dunshee, Efficiency in Go'verfment chairmnan ýof the Wil- mette Icague of Woinen Voters,. is For Appoirtment Phone Wilmette 3154 L. 4 . i7ý w %m