Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1931, p. 16

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'W,' ar opening thfs business beeause we realifusthe neresssity 01tain *eusive services covering this field. Thls service youi owe te Your personai appearante~. W. dlean hats, gloves,,te, suits, dresses, eon ts- aise, tiean and poll8h wbit, tan and biaek sites.. Cail and deliver $ 1000 Any s~ik, wool. or piaited, drees, cicanied and prsssed ........ en sied .... ......... ..$1,000 4, pairs 9f shoes, ýcIoeneqd PATRONIrZE OUR ADVERTISERS Why?: 1. To hear Miss Edna Dean Baker of National College of, Education give some heipful hints to parents and teachers. 2. To 'sec Mrs. Ernest iËrce- ni an ,as officiai hostess, cut the birthday cake, -in celebration of the thirty-fourth birthd ay of- the Parents' and TÈeacher'ý associa* tion-Founder's Day. 3.To -.hclp, settie the .mattcr of chiidrcn's centertainmcnt,, as pianned by the P. T. A. f or next year. 4. To 'get'your monthly bulle- tin., with ail kIinds of information abotty our school and community. 5. TÈo éat a. tasty sandwich, and drink a cup of coffec. Illne ss -Causes, Absence- of Two Sears Teachers Tivo teachers -at the 'Joseph Scars schiool ini Kenilworth, Miss Tolita ffàhson and Miss Etta FE* Rùudsen. werc absent f rom thecir clasecai thiis wcck becauise of illucess. Miss Hani- s;on teaclies general science and do- mlestic science. Miss Knudscnii"s the first grade teacher. MNr. and MNrs. Edivin B. Knudtso0,n of 1141 Chcestnut avenlue icft 1i1ast week Friday on a mnonth's mnotor tour ~hogiFlorida. Tliev' will miake their heitdqltarters- in Sebring, Fia. ment ot thenorUIii Ci a aa AUwa pa- ticularly wriiten foôr al *bo have to do with the training of young chiidren. Mrs. F. J. Dawd is to review chapter 2-The Appetites and Habit formation. and chapter 3-Habit Formation. Mrs. W. J. Flynn is to review .chapter 4- Hlabits of, Sleeping.. Ail interested mothers are urged to attend'. Pive Boys Accomp any Townley.on'Explor-ation, Robe rt W. Towniley, athletic director at the Joseph- Sears school in Keénil- worth, took five boys on, an explora- tion hike Iast Saturday. -They looked oVe" possible sites for future, bikes ini *which boys of the Joseph Scars school will take -part, visiting- Chippily ridge, Deer Grove, the-Fox river, Cary and other points. Boys who, accompanied Mr. Townicy werc Benjamin.MacKin- '1on, Billy Stebbins., Don Stiliman, Arthur Bonnet and Jimmy.Olin. Dr. 'Hilton 1. Jonces Speaker at La Grange Dr. Hiltonti ra Joncs, 1538 Forest :LVetnue, WVilmcette, Iast Sunday evening. aiddressed>thie ILa Grange Sund;ay Eýve- ping club for the third timie. Other p)rogram f eatures aiso eiihanced thé in- terest of themeetinig. Porter Hcaps, Weil knlownl to Wilmnettc people, is.the. o'rfaiiist fur tbeý club. Sugar. FINEST GRANULATED %.0,II 11'r '20 $100 Swansdowa 2%4lb Fancy Tali Sa m nPink Alaska Cans $0 Monday Tuesday February 9-10 0 Stationery and, Gif t Shop 1155 WILMETTE AVEWLETE35 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIuhiiIiIaIiiuhInhhuIiiiu...Ima*à ...... .......... Ai

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