Offers an excellent opportunity l'o purchase BRIDGE PRIZES and other GIFTS- $1.Oo VON AMMON 944-948 SPANISH COURT WILMETTE, ILL. ON MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE Mrs. Corinne True, 418 Forest ave- nue, sailed from New York on Tues- cday on the S. S. Emipress of France on a tbree. months' Mediterranean cruise. She wl spen.d four ýeeks in Palestine. A sons, Harold Andrew, was boni to Mn. and Mrs.JoseçihBorne, 2801 L~ake avenue on Tuesday, january 27, at St. Francis hospital. The habyl's grnnparents are Mn. and Mrs. Bei Thalmann.. Mn. and Mns. Wallace B.. Behnke, 300, Greenleaf avenue,, ith C. L. Gra- hamn, Mrs. Behnke's grandfathenr," :notored to Waukesha, Wis., last Fn- day- to spend the week-end. with [friends. j' Eve ry Day Is BARGAIN DAYý netka Chamber of Commerce at meet- ings hield recently have been invited to liean him next Fridav at Highi- wood. No admission 'will be chargeI for his lecture. Mr. Caslow is widely kniown as afoe of the syndicate sys-, tem' of, business' le broadcasts oven itat ion WCHI;- Chicago. ENLARGING SHOP .The facial departmienit of tie.ÇCayr- L.een,Beiuty salon, 1124-28 'Central avenue, Wilmette, is being enlaieged. Mns. PF. A. Buck, propn)'ietor, hlas stated that she not.only is getting two more rooms neady but ivill secure another openator to insujre, the, coi-- fort of àail, ler custornens.>, Mrs..,Ludwig llohmleyer,, 246 Green- leaf avenue, lias as bier bouse guest her sister, Mrs. H. J. Garstangof liaveinport,' Iowa, who is.beipg idé- I'v en'tertained,,,bv bler sister's friends. Mr..and Mrs. Gale W~Books, 831 Flfteenth street, gave an . eveniig, bridge last Saturday for a small. grouip of thein friends. awaken everyone to the, values that Wiln-ette mnerchants will offer on the Dollar Days, Monday and i uesday, February 9 and 10. 1Support for the Dollar Days, sport- sored by the .:,ilmette Charrber- of Commerce, is tçi be in the form of ad- .vertising and of hones t values, Van Deusen emphasized. 'We've got to convince the people to bu%, ii Wilmette, because- there: are real reasons for shopping h ere.-" hie s a id. The Wilniçtte C hamber' of Com-, rnerce is--stre4ssiig thé following shop- ping Slogan for:the nmonth of Fehru- ary: "Park comfortablyin .\Wiirette" A catchy phrase, showing thé wisdloi. of,.shopping in Wilmette, will he used throughout each month. MARRIED, Announcem fenti s made 0of theýinar-. niage. 'of1 Miss Mercelia Charlotte Putt, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Rolli- and A. Putt, 1231 'Gregory avenuie, Wilmette, and Don .Schoemaker of WVeesp, Holland. Mr. and N ,. Schoèmaker are residing with the hride's parents temnporarily. IiThis Establishment Our abiity and determination to produce dry clea.ning that sisnulates: perfection, calling for infinite care and individual treatment of each garment, with prices consistently Iow. for this type of service, makes every day à bargain day for. our many patrons. N.A.Hanna mc., 92Spanish Court Hats Form,.erly prced $J0 tf,.$1.5 's1 DollarDaYs Ht A WoPrd Abou Our Cleain"lg & DRY C.LEANING SYSTEM CENTRAL and MAIN* STS. WILMETTE. Specias formerly prked $1,5 to $22 Costume Jewelry LoveIy .peces, reduced to.$ $8950 PhnoWiIm.ff. 467 $200o