1931. Clothes over a 1930UFigure? As dross and coo't linos, change from season to icason. to do the.-lines of the, foun- dat ion garment. If y ou want your new clothes fo JookL theirbcst, you'lI need a corset that cm phasizes the grèoce of .your figure-nips yorwaistine a bit more- holdsy oùuà .liffi. more -firmly thon ladt y.ai's n o*1t-aud gives a graceful iffed Une fo thec bust. But Be Sure Your Corset Is, --nd to de fhaf1 you must, have an expert Stevens fiffer choose *ust flic righf one for you. SCe wilI find y ou flic ýmodel fliaf wiII do..1h. mo't for- your figujrei-and do if with perfect comforf I worked for two suminers. RUTH KUTOK ILL M4iss Ruta Kutok, cashier alid stenographer. at the Kenilworth Village, office, wvas absent f rom ber duties early this week because of an attack of in- fluenza;. VIveZrDEK& SONS, Retl anad JVhoIsaIe Florigs Telophome Wil. l0us Apricots Pears Extra Sllt.d Cornc aret MvcNaïr K~ahler, Uy LwU U4LIg5A ters, Mrs. J. W. Henrich of Buffalo and Mrs. C. C. Von Paulsen of Cape May, N. J., bv tbree sons, llugb Mc- Nair Kahler of Princeton, N. J.; Heu-m ry, C.. Kahler of 'New York City and Frederick A. Kahler of Winnetka, and by eighteen grandchildrên. Mr. Kahler went. east. to attend the' fu- neral services which were held from the Holy Trinîty- Lutheran, church iii Buffalo, Tuesday, January,27. Burial took:place at Buffal.o. Jack Frost, a Senior at New Trier High school, bas been confined at bis home witb a sinus infection. Callonîla Calilonîla bilaN Halvas 2 ùan 45e 2 o.45c No! 2 No. 2 5 This event, is set for Saturday, February 21.- According to C.* Miles McDonalcl, president of the club, no effort is, being spared to celebrat.e fittingly the cluib's second. anniversary and Roy: M., KirtlIand, chiairian of the -enter- tainment1 comm1iittee, has -been busv for the past six weeks planning an' elaborate .program for the, occasion. The party.is.-to be another cabaret affair, with 'dinner starting at- 7 -31 o'lock 'and dancing and entertain- ment from 8:30 to 1. A buffet supper will be served at mýidnight. The special miusic'engaged'for the evening will consist of two -Cope Harvey orchestras, one of ýtheni thi- original, with> Mr. Harvey hiniseIf. Talented -Entertaiuers Franlk Libuse,: one of t he' highest paid comiedianis in the country, Myr- tle. Lansing, prima donna, Alyce. petite toe1 dancer,' Robert Robinson andi his .Gypsy, Polîta, the Wanderer's male quartet, each of whose members is a soioist, are to' be the entertaining artists., It is also expected that Pro-, fessor Lucifer Butz will make an ap- pearanrce during the evening. Reservations already are. being made for the anniversaire and ac- cording, to Mr, Kirtland pla Iis are .be- ing made to entertain. five'hundred guests, both adults: and the younger people. A feature of the chi ldren's party on St. Valentine's afternoon, Febru- ary 14, will be a large Valentine box A program of stage entertainment will] be given, after which each littie guest will be called to the front, when. the box is -opened, tô -receive his or.,her Valentine. There will be faosfr ail 'and refreshents wilI *be served. Buffet Duaxuer Feb. 12l In. observance of St. Valentine's day mrembers w111 mneet for a buffet ditnner on FPebruary 12 and to play the game of hearts. Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Richter are in charge of the evening, whicb will take.the place.of.. A Fronces Stcp-in, excwuve wmt us. HADOvry FtdsV 9-S o1 W-G-N GJVING LARGE DANCE The Grey Togas of Evanston, under tbe auspices of St. Mary's* Catholic church,. Evanston, will give a formai dance on Wednesday, February 11, at the Evanston Country club. Ail the: students of Nortbwestern university are- aniong those on theý invitation. To Moveyu Wiently, to oife, diii- clou, lan, Irte fooàs, to nake you, Corn Fbk*!es Amant Jemima Paole2~.1 FlSo 0ue. h Caliornie YelIow Clins No. 2 OSHalvçm or Slîced cm, .,boom