vîtn the final count jus:. taicen on 1930 events for the Shawnee .Sharks and trophies awarded ta, the eigbt winners, Mr. Eckert bas launched a new 22-miile "Channel Swim" contest which will' keep the' swinmmers busy for another tbree montbs at least. Cromwell Bowen received the Dr. Searle 'trophy for 1930, havinig cov- ered a total of 443/j miles during the *past twelve months. .. . Bennett %vas second. in this eventý with a rec- ord of 41!/2 miles. Trhe. Danùiels troph f for attendance went to Fred Schroeder, the Feltman trophy to Hiarry Daniels, and the Howard Fogg* cup, for tie. fastest half-nfii e, to PaulCret In the 'bliîid bogey event, offering the. Triggs trophy, R.. N. Wade and R. L. Lasater, ti.ed for first place. Charles W. Triggs, took home the Stanten cup, John Bennett. received the Tom King.trophy, and the Utley cup for the 'greatest distance back- ...stroke. went to H..A. Richter. Fifty-two entries have .already been inade in *tbe channel swimi event and * more are expected. The distance will. kequal an. actual course from Catalina, island to Point Vin cent,' Cal. * Three hazards, each one mile wide, mutst, be, crossed by the swimrners * during the race.- A wheel bas been installed by the side oôf the tank and« thé swiner's chance on getting safely through these danger belts de- pénds upon bis luck in spinning this wheel. He niust perform whichever. rqs pi n the 1, xEltcru Wilson, ndQwar M'les Geringer, Jr., Charles rs. J. Hébblewaite, Dr. Hari Elizabeth Morrison, .1 Dave ,Bob rd J. s UIi- *ry A. lames a P- *,t-teei.vv***aam jinnY, ar na SK. Loess, Joseph Lynch,.,John Vanlanding- ham. Marion Hedrlcki Cynthia Vernay, Mrs., L. -W. Strong, Lois 'Wolfe, Mrs. I. H, Moiter, Harold Moiter, BiIh Lynch, Be tty Morse, Mr&. R. K. Morse, Rosemary, Ronen, Mrs. F. . .Lucas,* Mrs.. Boozer, M'rs. B. H. Hmggins, Josephine Bal- hatchet, Jean Kuhi. Ahna Wilson, Gretchen Stewart,, Johnl L. Bennett,, James Kingery,. Martha Farmer,, Arthur Stanen, Fred Schroeder. Jr., Cromweli Boweén, James Kraft, H. G. Hamme'r, Jean. Becker, Graham Burke,,. Marion Kraft, Jack Cummings. Jane .Waitz, 'Virginia Vanlandingham, Mrs. Wallace'Milier, Dorothy Brookby. Don Beeker, and J. English, Josef Lhevinne. Recital at Civie Theatre Suinday. Josef Lhevinne,, the Russian mnas- ter-pianist , will bebeard in a recital atthe Civ] c theatre on Sunday after- noon, February 8, at 3.o'clock, under, the direction cf Bertha Ott. Mr.'and Mrs. John W. Cullei, 1226 Ashland. avenu e, are leaving, today, for Winter 'Park,;:Fia., where they expectta spend about six weeks. Mrs.* John Campbell, 815 Lake 'ave- nue, spent lâst week-end with friends in Milwaukee. FEB. 2 SAT.I percent DISCOUNT on FEBRARYSALE VALUE has aiWays been the buy- word of these seMi-anriual sales. Trier igh school. She is studyinq violin with Aretile Scheasby. Àppearing with Miss Biesemeier ini a two-violin program will be Miss Lelia Boettcher;* Miss Violetý B. Butt will accompany at the piano. -Thle. numbers will iriclude the uite "Amtique" by.AI- bert Stoessel, "Duos" by R Glier< and ".Poems" 'by 'Paul Juon. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVIC ES "Spirit" il be the subject at, theý services in the, First. Churchi of' Christ,' *Scientist,, inVilîniette, Suni- day ilorniiing. Februarv: 8,' at Il- o'clock. Sundav school-convenes at 9:45 o'clock. -MILK.-the Natural Foodi for, ChiIdren 1 SPECIALISTS i6o8 (HïiCA() AVENUE. + EVANSTON t t -WttV - N *1 .1 I I IS ALM Wiimette 3 VAYS A CONSISTÉNTLY GOOD )FOOD Order frosu our aaleuman or phone.' 109Wipmetka 137 Glesos,. Upholutewkmg RopalelalS Take Advangtagoitfthe Besourees of the 8 opse 01a Elgh-QrwAe .Pnrnlture Store. Comploe Equip- metfo-ulk, ThorouRgh Wei*. BroFn niture -CO. I146 ShemmaAve. Ua. x& CHILDREN'S -I -4111 ===àmmp..-r 1