For the convenience of our patrons, we have a Loop office where you can place your Want Ad* SUITE'l 212-11:13 TOWER BLDG. 6 NORTH MICHIGAN 'AVENUE: CHICAGO, ILLINOIS COR. MICHIGAN AT MADISON STREET WHE NPRECISION COUNTS The company reports no bank bor- rowings and advises that although it as the manager and has exclusive brokerage coxtrol of more than $24,- 000,000 of property, it does not in- clude in its statenient a single dollar àan good-will or in intangible* items. The. officers further advise that. in the investment account of the com- pany of approximately $400,000, flot a single inivestment is in default-and that ail the receivables as sbown are Alilof .the properties wbiýicb Bilîs5 î Reàl-tyF,- mc., bas .syndicated and Éhandled~ are, segregated in separate, trusts, the. assets,' liabilities, receiv- ables, and payables and cash thereof ,b being in no way commingled with thae assets, cash or liabilities of Buis Realty, Inc., sucli syndicate properties standing on their own bottom. Howeyer, the officers of the coin- pany report tbat1 despite the réal. es- tate deépression, *which is the result. of the genéral depression, no ne of the properties of which the corporation is syndicate mnager, bas ~a singe foreclosure proceeding filed, pending or proposed. TELLS ABOUT CURS Motbers of boys wbo are niembers of the Kenilworth Cubs organization, comn- posed of boys under Scout age, hearda Robert W. TownIcy, atbletic director at1 the joseph Sears scbool, explain thea purposes and activities of the Cub or-i ganization Wednesday moraing at tbe school. I i E = I = = = E i HE 15 crouch.d for the, fakeoiff . .. now h. is H s.iling tbrough the ait et a t.rrific rate of sped...hha$s Inded . .. a rcord has belon made . .. precision meant .veryfhing., TEPHONE 4804. Pfl4TR-ONIZEOURA.DVERTISERS I OR STYLE'S SAKE HAVE lUS CLEAN, SCHUJLTZ & NORID Cleanerit to the Diacrminting 1152 Central Avenue, Wilkette, Phon es 320-32 I Evanston Phone:' Greenleaf 6660 was, no banquet iast year, iu naving been deciled te combine the two this year in a. commemoratioai service on the anniversary of the sinking of the Maine, P'eb. 16, 189. The speaker of the evening will be Brig. Cen. John V. Cininin of -Glen- coe , formerly colonel1 of the First. Illinois infantry." B. P. . Bliss', past departmfent 'commander of Illinois. cbirman, of the - banquet comnlittee. will preside as. toa.stmaster. The Rev. Cari A.. Naumann of Evanston *il! deliver t b e invocation a n d Col. Charles W.. Castle of Wilmette, 'camp .chaplain, will pronounce the benedic- tion, There will be a prograni of MUSIC. Among tbe bonored guests will be the following: W. P. Turner,~ com- nia nder, John A. Logan Post, G. A. R. Evanston;- W. C. Bechito.ld, com- mander, Evanston Post, NO. 42, An-ý erican Legiîon;, Walter Reiter, com- mander, Rosequist Post- No.- 555,ý U., V. W.; C. W. Sberrick. Past Commander-in-Chief, U. S. W. V.; John A. Sutherland, Pontiac, Ill., de- partment commander of- Illinois ,U. S. W. V., and the departmnent president of the Illinois U. S. W. V.ý auxiliary. Members of camps in Chicago, Ev- anston, Aurora, Joliet, Pontiac, Elgin, Peoria, Higbland Park, Waukegan, and other adjacent towns have been invited and it is especially empha- sized in the invitations that womeai guests are expected.