Momulay mm uesday, February 9th end ILOth will beDollar Dy a i t ore. W.believe we areý. -Offering 0smr for Four mener than, ever beoore.ý A' vlsit, will couviaiee.- o.u. e Do t miss this sale. Sm 1k P C.pailpue sIk fiaî eepe 319"> wlde, 10 new plgmtiey....1.N anlClti,45" wide, lfe weave for mangllet 350 valueg 4 yds ......... Du'wmnuis,36" ',wideypou wlliwauat sme -of tiis. Ise value, - 10 rd**.-$ 1.000 Beit Sieets, Peppereli Qualt y, mazes 81X99 or 72x99., eaeh.. . $1.0.. PU1*W'Cames, 4ZZ36 or4Sx36, good quality et eaul,£ or. ................ Bed PlloWs, iteavy to leMedwltitgoo<1 qualty of Reathecm, c eg. ieah.$. Blankets of part wool, 66x88. Cornfort 4 l style in plaid, pastel shades, each.... S'1000V Pyrox Table Covers, 54x54 square, ifE in beautif id pastel shades, each.....mi V Wash cloths in pastel shades of fancy $1fi colors, 6 in a package, 2 pkgs. for... MON.U Bath TowelIs (Cannon make) 1'8x36 double thiread, with colored $i U borders, 6,for.......... V Bath Towels, (Cannon make) extra heavy, large size with fancy $ pastel borders, 2 for .............i1400 E b Womnen's1 Smocks of f ast color .br-oadcloth,, Rose, Blue, Orchid, Green., ~ 1f each .............. ..........$ 90 Womnens Bloomers of non-run Rayon, al Women's Pnes * 2 or .. Women's Veste es $100.... O Women's Combination suit brassiere or straight top style, non-run Rayon, cach .................'.. Costume Slips of Rayon Crepe wit$1fl embroidered front pink, eaeh 1 0 Pito. WImefe 88 Todein iImlteFour Deliveris DaiIy i t 4 Immvia. 1 Phone wilmeffe 588. Trade in- Wilmeite