Ol-World charm ini furniture was neyer better presented than in the extensive collec-', .tion, of, Eighteenth Century Furniture on -display in ou store, especially ried durn the Semi-Annual Sale. French Provincial Dining Room Group, maple and beech, beautifullyfinishied; eight pieoeS, Draw, Table., Sidcboard, Arm Chair, five Danýing Rooôm$2, Chairs . $6 Scholle 'taditions of Quality, respected through three generations, sponsor every offering in this sale. Incidentally, the Semîi- Annual Sale is not a means of disposing of odds and ends or close-outs-rather it constitutes an exhibit of the latestad finest in ~fine fur- * niture The. Seholle Semi-Annual Sale provides the exceptional alone made in fine furnishings-at values Possible through recent inac- .,.bouglit advantageously at distress prices -and.reflect the benefits of.,these savings in retail prices. Charles 11, pull-up chair, solid walnut -assorted $25 SCHOLLE.FURNITURE CI FURN ITURE *DECORATIONS OMPANY RUGS 21S-OUTH WABASH' AVEN:UýE> Annual Sale