Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1931, p. 50

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direction ofthe music enairman, Mrs Miles Gerinyer, and the art chair- mnan, Mrs. Charles H. Dennis, and their comnaittees, a musicale, tea andi art exhibit wiIl offer their appéeal to members of the club andi guests. Paitins;by memnbers of the. North, bhore- Art league, an "Wn Memoriam" 3dibit, *and music by tbq prominent Paist, Mmç. Theodora Sturkow- -yder, comprise Sianday s calendar. Exhibiting artists, ail residents of t the north shore, are, Mrs. .Johnston Bowman of Evanston, Winifred Wil- J son andi Marguerite -Calkins Taylor of Wilmette, Etina M. S. Johansen and iMaria K. Gallagher of Win-. netka,, Grace. P. Brion. of. Glencoe', Hazel. Crow Ewell andi Elizabeth Peyraud of Ravinia andý Elizabeth Millared of Highland Park. The "hall on. the seçond floor of the club will be given over entirely to a'memorialý' exhibit' by thé late MarieKoupal- Lusk, one of Wilinette's mçst talenteti women anti mother of Milan Lusk, violinist, who on Februâry. 22, will give the recitaI rhat m~arks the close of the exhibit. Madame Sturkow-Ryder will com- mience the- music hour at 4, at the conclusion of which tea will be served. Madame Sturkow-Ryder' is well, known to« north shore musicians. She isan unusually fine pianist, plays with great taste and gives the im- pression of absolute joy in ber work.' V She displays excellent technical. equipinent anti is a most charming entertainer. An interesting feature oin her nroram uill be ber nwncon fascinating cat may easîly be tollowecl eVen to its scaimpering. '* Among the numbers which the soloist will play -will 6e the "Suite ini D Minor" by Arthur Foote; "Siciliano" by Bach; -"Caprice" by Paderewski, and "Etude" by Saint- Sgens. Thç imusic and art conimittees an- ntounce oDther splendid prograins: for this'season in addition to Mr. Lusk's re cital: March 1, the Hrusa -trio in areturn enizagetnent wbich will onen M4'iss Marie Filent 1ye in the P;.icture at the lef t, and Miss Viîrjiwia Bixby,' at thte right are-co-chairinen for thte Valentine's day bridge tea and style show the junior 4uxilitùjy of the Womai"s club of Wilnt*e is sponsoring to raise funids ith umhich to carry on ifs cha rit y %ork. feîhbcrs of t/he.Womiait's club w/to zwillbe mnannequins for thte fashion revue are Mrs. Wilford DeBerard, Mrs. J. r. Booz, Mrs. Henry Craig, Mrs. Fred S. RYc, MrS. Perry Smit/ters, and Dr. A lice Tuttile. T/he Junior auxiliary members will be thte Misses, Virginia Bixby, Marion Borns, Frances Bredin, Helen 13lis, Marie Flentye, ,Dorothy Hall, Helen Hayes, Vera Hoer- ber, Elizabeth Hunt, Marion Kirtley, Mary Mack, Florence Melbye, AIýma' ,guelI'erg, Jane Tr.qgs, Stella Truska, Bessie Weiss, and Mrs. Carl Gode, Jr., and Mrs. James Sutrpless., Dance on . r Kenilworth club,: the proceeds froin which will go to'local charities. Music will be provideti by The Society Syncopators. Miss Marjorie Koenig is ,beàd of the committee in charge with ber asýsistants 'the Misses Mary Daegling, Mgrian Ortseifen, Kath- leen ýHarvey,* Mary Catherine Glea- son, Dorothy Pettiniger,.Grace Lud-, wig, ýand Mary Florence Koenig. Mrs. Charles Barton of Wilmette is chaperon. She is assisteti by Mrs.. Alfred H. Rohol, Mrs. Frank Kutteni for the current rnonth, JFebruary coin - ,nenced with the special first-of-the- rrnonth bridge luncheon Montiay, to be ushereti ii further with another eve- ning bridge Saturday, February 7, at 8 o'clock, With the Val Smiths and.the joseph Kuttens serving as hosts anti hostesses.. Both.auction anti conitract wili be played. .Sunday, Dudiley C rafts Watson re- turns to the club with another 'of bis entertaining lectures, the title' of* wbich is "East of Switzerlanid."' The hour is 4:30 o'clock. *The, club bas scheduled its next regular bridge luncheon for 'Monday,, February, 9, wit h Mrs.' W. G, :Kelley andi Mrs. T. F. 'McEwan as bostesses. Tbat saine. evéning, a stag ping pong party bas been arrangeti with -R. W. McKisson as ehairman. Valentine's day ill he celebrateti by a dinner dance February- 14,; with special* features planneti. The 'next f amily dinnier bridge. occurs Wetines- day evening, February 18. Dinner is to be served at 6:30 o'clock and Mr. anti Mrs. Arnoldi R. Barr -are to be bost anti hostess. Other "events of the 'month are. a f ancy costume. Junior tiance Friday, Pebruary 20, andi a musàicalé Surnday,. February 22, with Fay ]Pal mer Kreer.' anti Marguerite McAdaffns the soloists. The Thursday fainily dininer 'nights continue in their'popularity., Ezvening Bridge W É1 J unios' School B ranch Bene fit Church Guild Sets Day for J3ene fit As an innovation in the affairs planneti Tbe annual benefit bal of the Chi- to increase its funds for ils charitable cago Junior school wili be helti the work,. the ways anti means comnuttee evening of February 13, at 'the Lake of the Woman's guilti of St. Augus- Shore Atbletic club. Cards anti en- tine's Episcopal churcb 15 giving an tertainnient will be atideti features of evening tcard party at 8 o'clock Tues- the occas.ion.. The proceetis w iii beé day, February 11, in the c lub bouse use&i for the benefit of'the niainten- at 1126 Wilmette avenue. The event ance anti-building. .funtis.'of the will be one of the gala events' of schopol which, is locateti in Elgin on, the, pre-lenten season., An attractive teFxrvr prize will be given, at >each table anti refreshinents wîll be serveci. The purpose of the school is en- *Mrs. Perry L. Sinithers, chairman of tirelyý philanthropic. It supplies 'a. '.the ways anti means coinmittee, is i home anti educat ion for young boys charge of arrangements, anti the coin- anti girls whose homes bave been dis- rnîttee responsible_ for the sale. of rtipted and whose parents, while Thne rebruary nîçetîng of Alpha Welfare Metb Monday 1Beta alumnae chaptir tof Sigma Al- eetingpha Iota will be helti at 2 o'clock on The WWllmette Senior board of the Eriday, February 6, at the home of Infant Welf are society will meet at M(rs. Frederick W. Shearer, 549 Hin- the. home of Mrs. Harold B. Foster, man avenue, Evanston., An import- 120 Woidbine avýenue, Montiay, >Feb- ant business meeting will be followed, ruary 9, at H. o'ckck. by bridge. hard .G. Breeden is chair- e library committee of the alumnae ant isi in chargý,e 1. Members of ber cont- utie Mrs. William T. Hall, Faye Wright, Miss Sa ie- and. Miss Jae Htci The Crescent circle of the Wil- met-te Congregational church will holti an- ail day work meeting next Tues-' day, February 10, at the home of Mrs. A. W. Craig, 211 Ninth street. As- sistant bostesses will'be Mrs, Charles L. Hosken4Mrs. Samuel Vowell, anti Mrs. George P.* Tuf. Luncheon will beeserveti at.12:30.

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