Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1931, p. 55

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< iig u t V- - - - -ul iu lu ..c Viç ing and paving of West Railroad ave- nue. It was allowed to stand until re- *ceitly because of the fact thaï thiere \Vas a lease on the building wbich ex- pired January 15, '1931.. The new pave- ment was laid around the building, but * now thé landmnark is beinig tori down. The property,,till1 no longer be used as, a stoneyard, but, a permit bas been *is- sued ,for the'erection of ,a flling sta- tioni in >its ,place. OId residents of Kenil- *Worth -remember wheh thé stoneyard wvas run by the late Fraik' Pali,1 m New Golf Courseto Open in West Wilmette in May, West 'Wiimette Iiluminated is the niame of a new -9-hôle golf course wvhich will open the latter 'part of May * adjoining the Wilniette Golf club on the west at. Lake .avenue and ,Harms road. .The' new course wili be of, the compact, iron-shot type, especia1lY de- signed for golfers Wishing practice ini, i mproving tbeir "shiort" garne, and will be illuminated for niglit play. Members * of private clubs on the north shore are being invited *to take out seas.o'. cards at the new club, wvhich reserves the right to select those to whom sea- *son or round privileges, will be issued,- Wbhen gufficient season priviiege mcm- berships are taken by private club mem- bers West Wilmette lluminated wilI operate as a private club, and until that *tiiie others wili be permitted to piaN. * Mrs. \Villiamn Remv, w7ho Nvith ber daughter, Isabel Helinj bas been vis- iting lier parents, .Bisbop and Mrs. E. H. Hughes, 941 Sheridan road. j siîice Cbristmas . time, returned, to lier homne ini Indianapolis' this week. -o- Mr. and Mrs. Frank *Lincoln Koontz qf 1121 *Asiand avenue left iast Sunday for Phoenix, Ariz., and, points iii southern California.. They will1 be gonTe about. six wecks. Association of Commerce pertaiffing to organization of a voiuntary coin- mittee to be, known as the Chicago Regional Port commission. The' proposed commission is to act as a clearing bouse for ail water terminal proposais ini a similar manner, 'o that in which the Chicago Plan com- mission and the. Chicago Regional Planning association fun1ctiîon ini their respective fields. ln view of the fact that the- Il miois waterway is expected, to be fnished in two years, the Chicago Association of' Commerce is endeavoring to secur e .an endorsenient-of its resolution by al municipalities bordering- on [.ake Michigan, South. fromý Waukegan, toe Gary. Ifid. Thie following is the text of the recomnme ndation made on Monday night te the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce hy its ci vic. committee "Me the -civic committee, of the Wii- mette Chamber> of Commerce recom- rnend to your body that ),ou give your endorsemient at this time to the resolu- tion as apprové'd fecember 5, 1930, .by the executive committee of the Chicago Association of Commerce which wvas submitted by the Harbors and Water- ways committee of that organization pertaining to the organizing of a volun-, tary comittee to be known as the Chi- cago Regional Port commission." CONTRACT BRIDGE AUCTION BRIDGE Winnefka HORTENSE M. KATZ 2636 . 1010 Spruce St. A s the curtain of winter rols away,. our 350 acre'nurseëry becomfes the'scene of the greatest show of its kind. Here you will see thousands of trees, shrubsý and plants in gala attire. The: nursery is, located one mile. west of. Waukegan Ro.ad. in Glenview. Drive iîn any time and let us guide you around. j Ye mreltgladly confer rith yon and advise withonut charge or obligation. ,,Pa n ds cap e ""'I u ,çarden ers GLEN VIE W, ILL. PHONE ROGERS PARK 6620 OR GLENVIEW 87 OR 88. Since 1856 liI, PATRONIZE OUR ADVJ&RTLSBRS *28. lâeading Banking Institutions JOHN R. DRAPERU fnveagtmntSecuritîes 120 South La Salie Street', Chicago >Téléphone &sndolph 5864 llions Total _______________ h ______________________________ & ____________ h M TRUTEED AMERICAN BA NK SH ARES' represent a participating interest ini 23 of America' s dominant financial institutions and may now be purchased in a single investment. ý4, - , à , .4 1 - ý 1 ý. 1 i ml ýý ý - llý 1 Là.-

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