Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1931, p. 60

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SIEVICES Sunday-Sexagesima 9:15 A. M. First service and sermon. 9 S:30 A. M. Sunday school and Bible dlas 10:00 A. M. Advanced Bible class il1:00 A. M. Second service and sermon Sermon: The Sower and. the Soll MEETINGS Fr1., Feb. 6:- Junior Y. . S. and Walther league Mon. at 7:.45: Choir rehearsal Wed.; at 4: Classes. for chiidren Sàt.- at 9 A. M.: Classes for children. Next, Sunday. afternoon and evening the North Shore Zone of the, Walther league wiil, have 1 ts qiuarterly meeting at .:Redeemner. Lutherani church, 622 Grove street, Waukeggn, 111. The after- noon session will be :takten up, *th a report zon the church activities of the young- people. Th 1Is wlli'be followed by a group debate. The Millhurst players, a group nf iyoung people selected from those who spent some time at.the Lu- *theran camp at Millhurst last year, wil entertain 'tn the evening. Ail Seniors and Juniors of St. John's should nt- tend. Our Lord once explained ln a parable the' kind of reception wth which the preaching of. 111e Word would meet. It. Is one of the few parables which He Himseif explained to His disciples. *White we read this we must flot forget that there are gow rs besides .cod. There are sowers of evil who aimf. to spread their seeds. on the hunfian heart and niind. Becauqe they, corne in dieguise they areflot always qulckly recognlzed." The channels through which they seek access to the human heart and mindare manifold. It pays to lic vigilant. The sermon next Sunday, will deal wvith *this subject. Eve'ryonie le cordially in- vited. *The new organ screen on the transept side of the.oYgan chamber was reeeived *and Insta!led this week. It is the gift of the Ladies' Aid and Missiona-ry soQ- *clety of oui' cburch. The choir of St. John's is now .busily preparlng for the approaching Lenten season. Services will b li eld every- Wednesday evening beginning Febru-- ary 18 at 7:45. The pastor wlll deliverý a sertes, f- six sermons on the great suffering of Christ. The choir wili take part tn ail the.- services and iln each one *sing a chorale In a Bach harmioniza-, tion., On Palm. SuIi*ay evenitg the choir will slng Stainer's Crucifixion. -The regular mronthly meeting of the voting members of the congregation has hAdin Potnoned to Tuesdavy eveping, ,en of . Today, (February 6), the -Young peo- pie wili have a. banquet at the church at 6:3 he prog'ram is to be presented by memàberso! th Life Service league Reports ..il be.g.Ven, by the -Comnmis- sion- Directors. as to the* goals aeecom- plished since last Septemnber. There will be ail-da y> ewing. at the -WÔmanýs club today, for the BaptIst Oid People's Homie'in Maywood. Mrs. Lilli1an Hyatt,1 superintendent at the home, will be the speaker. The Chicago. Baptiest Mission Union meeting will be held Tueeday, Febru- ary 10, at* the Beiden Avenue, Baptlst eliurch, Belden avenue and Hlfals;ted streets. In the morning the speaker wll be Miss Aima Noble, executive. secretary o! theWonld Wide guild. In the after- noon,. Miss Susanna. Roberts, teacher ln a mission sehool In Ongole, South India, will give the address. The me.et-, ing begins at il o'clock. The Young Pleople's Meeting on Sun- dayevenlng ls to, be ln -charge o! the Fellowshlp commission, Lee Blayloèk. direetorn For- thec foJlowing ttnday, Feb- ruary 15,- the Stewardship commission is presentlng a play, "The Waiting Guest." a play o! South American village life. Friday, February 13, tire Girl Scouts o!- Trogp 3 are planning a ."lucky, hike," to be 'ia charge of Rut-h Phelps, who, la workiag for firet ca.During this month the:re wiil be opportunity for those ln the troop working toward com- plet ion o! Tenderfoot or Second Class to, wcfl1-at the church during the week with Mrs. CIflrch and Nliss Hoose. Tests will be givea Tuesday and Wedaesý- day o! next week, February 10 and 11, ajo Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb- ruary 17 and 18, and- February 24 and 25. First Con gregational James. Clair Mead, director of religious education. Next Sunday morning Dr. Nehieriah- Boynton will preaeh on the subjeet, "The UJnity of the Worid." The service o! worship is held at 10:45 o'clock.. The Church schooi will meet in fiVÉ departments as folows:- Prinlary (grades 1, 2, and 3): 9 :30 to 12 a.m. .}unio'r (grades 4, 5, and 6): 9 :30 to 10 :45 a.ip. -Intermediate <grades 7 and 8)- 9 :30 reservaionsw ' il Monda.y evening, Februai'y 9. Scou t Sunday wilI be observed ln our church by Boy Scouts and Cubs attend- ing the service ln their uniforms. This church is cooperating wlth the North Shore Area .Boy Scout councl finance campaign.i hbis belng conducted dur- ing thle next ten days. Théee was an Increase in the. enroîl- ment at the. Standard Teacher- Train- ing course for Wilmette Church schooi teceslast .Tuesday eveiig.'.It le qulte évident that those , attending are enjoyixig the work and plan.to do more effective. work, lntheir vaioUés churches In the future.ý B'ranson De Cou, wh o has -so delighted the Wilmeëtte Sunday Evenlng> club au- dienices the past. few years wlth his "Dream Pictures,". by poplar déimand is brought back this 'year for tw .o pro. gram1s. 'He -will pret3ent a cômpletel3' new, series o!' "Dream Pictures," Uthc first, "Japan."ý His prô«ram wiil inctude rebuilt.Tokyo, the great Daibutsu Bud-, dha at Kamakura,.'the Sacred Deer' Parki temples and.manyother features;. As before, these picture«s and ýMr. Deý Cou's address will. be presented. with m-uscal acconipaniment. Methodist Clzurch "The Wickersham Report" will he the subject o! iliscussion at the Men's class Sunday morningý at 9:45. Visitors are cordially welcome to this speriaL.-ses- sion. Copies ; of the forum article cati- tied "The Wets G'Ive 'Me a Pain in the, Nec," ivill be dist'ributed, at the close of the hou!'. The choir music for Sunday miorning îq as foloWs :, "Ho! Everyofle That 'Thirsteth" by Martin, anà "Remain With Us" by . Matthews. The pastor"5 sermon topic will be "The Child Grew." *This cburch cooperates ln the Sunday Evening club which meets in the Con- gregational church at 7 :30. The speaker this week is B3ranson De Cou who will present his famous "dream pictures."- The Young Married People will hold their February meeting Tuesday evening at,-the church at 8 o'clock. Hilton Ira Joncs wiil speak upon "The Greatest Thing in the World." Mr. Joncs lsaa member .of this church who, has fôOr yea rs been a. popular speaker In. the scientific field on the chautauqua. plat-7 f orm. Next Sunday wIlI be celebrated the 2lst anniversary of the founding of the Boy Scout movement. Boy Scouts every- whei'e wIll ho attending services on this day. Our 13o> Scouts wilI attend. ln uni- fo'rm at St. Augustine's and the rector will preach on the importance o! the Boy Scout -movement. Next Monday everiiiig, Fe-bruary 9. there will ho a steakdinner in the club house'for the men of the pArish. The commIttee consideeing the formatiùof->f some kind o! a men's club will, report. AUl men In touch with St. Augustine's are invited. ReservatIolis should bc sent, to. the ehu'rch by tomo'row night or Sunday.,. Mr.- and Mrs. Robert Stoddard, Mr. andý Mrs. J. C. Comnfort, and1 Mr. and Mrs. Royal D. Smith, delegates elected' to represent St. Augustine's at the Di- cesan conve 1ýntion, have been ln attend-. ance at St. James' cathedral, Chicago, Tuesday a&nd Wednesday of this week. Other meinbers of the parish have. also atte-nded sorne of the sessions. The, new Girl Scout, troop No. 6 atý St. Augustlfle's meets in the parish house1 every Thursday at 3-45 o'clock-' The Women's Associated Guilds ars- giviing a party ln the club bouse iiext -Wednesday e-vening~, Febi'uary .11, to. aid tîjef i paying pledges to thi, chari- ties. Tickets can be reserved througb M'rs. Merle B. Spyder, Mrs. W. E. Roi,- ertson, and Mrs. Hubert Carleton. .,Kenilworih Union kenilworthý avenue and' Warwickroc Dr. Herbe'rt. L. Willett, miinister There will be no il o'çioek services ln thie tnion church Sunday, February 8S, -but the two churches of Kenilworth will observe "Boy Scout Day" in L uniohn service at the Church o! the Holy Com- forter. A troop of Boy Scouts will ge present and. pa'rticlpate in the service,- nnd an address wili be made by a Scoutniaster. The oftering of the- day wil 'be devoted to- tiis cause. Surnday school meets each. Su-ndav mor-ning at 9 :45. Ali are invited to attend. The Women's Guiid wil meet Mon- dlay morning at 10 o'clock ln the ,Guild toom o! the church, AIl the ladies are moAt cordlally ui'ged to corne for. as Much time as they feel they can glye to 80. worthy, a cause as the 'variou 9 charitable institutions as -'those fOr which the ladies work. On Wednesiday evening, Of this next week, Pebruary 11, Dr. Willett wiil give. the fifth o! a. series o! Wednesday eve- nlng addresses on "Some Modern Faiths." The "riles will Inlude such subjeûts as ttheme: 4'Can Business Be Made Court among the negro boys., This year Tuned rkvryse.Dod.Mm.Bo is t be the soioistMrs ÉistUa»" There will be a story for the a smail arnount Is -to be sent to miss Unrdmrkvn s .Ddds.Mrs. osa isneo! Lhre, India, loy sd grl arogoed yaknegr aliofiia etvlewol on The followlng dates should be kept- will be the speaker. Spoke 12 wili serve tonpérod in hreo Mis Nettie uxusual work among.the mining people. ta- mmd: Ash W-1dnesday, February 18; tea after the meeting. -afmi Church night dinners begin Februamy- Peniel Commuaity..conter auJçtliarY. KAUupu's. - - ~~~~Deflnite plans have been made for the. 25; Easter, April 5. --nebmhp tlb eevddnit T'he obChuh programn betina at 9:30 Fathers and Sons banquet te be held In ebrhp wilb ecvddun. Feb'ruary by Mrs. lb. G. Berol, .1414 wththe »egson of- the, hurch achool. tlÎe church on Thuraday evening, Feb-. Remember, the Bakery sale to be held Gregory avenue. One bare4 a", ..ety-.eIght mem- ruary ID at -6:-30. 'Iho Mn's club have >f Vnn Deusen's stoyre next -Saturdy nWdedyeeigD.ZlewI bers~gf 0U 18t Sula. tegtat gadlyjoied hei mothlydiner ithFe-rulary 7. by the girls In the Youngive an addiress on ù ota«sms w ~ tss Tire. -~ w~~ hisbanuet seto tosemonownng >eope'sdeprtmntImportant. event sinoce the ReformatioiL" ýry'-Éio-

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