with twenty-live or more beautiful examples of old Persian and Indian shawls which were a delight to look ppon. The shawl of the orient orig- inated with the Persian and then *was taken up by the Indian, the lat- ter taking théekequisite exaïnples of workmanship, and, înaking their own even> more beaptiful. Time means *nothing to the weaver of these shawls. He cares. littie whethee it takes a month or two years to con:- plete an. irch or more. of -the 'shawI, * or rug, but the intricacyofdsig means a great deal and the bleniding * of color ýis of intense importance to hlm It was a very much enjoyed pro- gram, and Mrs. Erwin's spacious rooms added to-the ease and pleas- *ure of the members as wel as giving plenty' of opportunity to display the shawls'.which were discusse.d. I PUBLIC FORUMJ * Editor'.9 note: The following letter was recelved by Mrs. Robert C. Kirk- * patrlck, 1328 Greenwood avenue, WiI- mette, from Phillp R. Clarke, campalgn chaflrman for the Governor's Commission on Unemployment and Relief, to explafin the amount of money that is needed by the commission and just how it wlll be spent. Among the north shore residents who have officesý in the commission are Willoughby G. Wallng of Winnetka, chairnian of the committee on Industrial loans, and Harry F. Keator of Glencoe, * Secretary of the athietics vomrnlttee. Mrs. Klrkpatrick ýsuggests that those who Wish to donate money to this * worthy cause niay make. their checks * payable to the -Woman's Division on *Unemployment and Relief" and mail * either to Mýrs. Kirkpatrick or to Mrs. V. K. Spicer, 312 Essex road, Kenil- worth. Mrs. Kirkpatrlck is general chairman of the drive for funds that' will be carried on next week along the for.th .shore. * The letter reads: *Governor's Comimission on U.;ne.ploymjent anid Relief, 105 S. ý La ýSalle street, Chicago, 111. February 2, 1931. Mrs. Robert C. Kirkpatrick, 1328 Greenwood avenue, Wiimette, Ill. al and m( Ve.: weerk Sincerely, Philip R. Clarke, C fo r CHAIRS AND»-TABLES FOR BENT FOR ALL O CCASIONS 521 MAIN ST. WILMETTE3 u.stomers FOR the irst time in many years, the. Public Service Company of Northern Illinois is now abke to show youi how to become a stockholder and part owner of the, Company and ail of its property, on easy ternis through mn arrangement witli the Utility Securities Company. After be- coming such a part owner, you wiil draw dividends from its earnings, as thousands of its other customers are now doing. The Utility Securities Company has provided a monthly savings plan for the especial advantage of our customers whereby you can buy., one, two,, three, or more shares, up to flfty, of Public Service Company of Nortliern Illinois Common stock, at the' current market price, and pay for it in. ten instaiments-one- teDffi down and the remainder in ninemotypyens Your instaliment payments will draw interest at thé. rate of five per cent per year until the stock is issued to you at the. completion of the payments. .(No one person, however, wifl b. permitted to buy more than fifty shares under thi8 plan.) Naag-------------- ,-oni anu a trezing among thle 300,000 dAestitute that the f und is now caring for. Of this ' amount, a total of $4,- 175,000 has been raised to date-leav- ing M85,000 to be obtained before the termination of.the drive on Pebruary Il. You should know that evefry cenit Chicago Pleae un d full infornation about Public Service Company of k4orthcrii Illinoie Com- mon Stock amdyour monthly avingi plan. Di-vid.end"S.: àfddra: ,"m Fe- - . , * 1 ý i . ' ý 1 1 ý 1 Il