Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1931, p. 62

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5riiary 1little ports.1 t bôard's ice-reports have shown very littie skating this year in comfparison. with paýst years, alIthough theat tendance on dayrs that, have per- mnitted skatinig bas, been equal to that of previous reports. .A total of 67, days' skaiting, 35. at the Greenleaf pond and 32 'at the' Viliâge ýGreen lias been recorded. up ta the present time. >The last skat- ing was on January 24, when *the ice was extremely sof t. 0f the 35 days at the Greenleaf pond on onl1y 19 days was the ice in good condition, because of the weather conditions, and only 19 days at the Village Green per- mitted good ice. The total attendance, for both ponds during,,the- short season was 50,338, ofZ this total 13,308 being recorded at thé Greenleaf pond, and 37,030 at the VilIl.ge Green pond. 1 Last year the total attendance Was 60,415, with 33 days of skatiiig at the Greenleaf p'ond and 38 days at the *Village Green. Only nine days of pcior skating were recorded. Glen W. Gathercoal, recreation as- sistant supervising the. ice ponds, anw- *nounces that in the event of colId weather, the ponds will. be flooded and the skating resumed., Sports CalendarI MONDAy, FEBRTJARY 9 j ,7:30 p. mi. Girls' basketball. DOD's vs. XYZ. Stolp gymnastuni. 7:30 p. mi.Nfen's volleyball. Baptist vs. Howard P. T. A. Howard gymnasiurn. 7:30 p. ni. Men's volleyball. Hoffmans vs. Hoffmans Il Howard gytnna- :15 p. ni. Girls' basketball. TPNT. vs. 8:15 p. rn. Men's volleyýbaIl. Gym Class I n e ",p g m aqmvs. Blackh àw ks. H ow ard gymna- slum. 8:5p. ni. Men's vôlleynball.' Methodist vo. Gym Clas IL. :-05 p. mi. Girls' basketball. Stolp gym- nastum. TUEISDAT,ýFEBRTTARY 10. 7 P. nm. Qrammar school gymasi?5un lmilaium last games ai: St( lnesday ever Chldren's m u c h bespoken of originality is certainly dernonstrated ini thé ýnames submitted for'a girls' basketball league, shô'wn on a. recent schedule handed in, 1by. a physical training instructor. Qne cannot but feel a iîttle trepidation1 as to the. o utcome of, gaines sucli as these: Gangsters -.vs. Shooting Stars *Firecracýkeit vs. Skyrockets Hot Dogs v s. Jumping jacks Lincoln vs. KKK's 'Follow Through" vs. "The St. l.ouis Blues"I John Ouse, a member of the,-Blaclç- hawk basketbalf tearnI, Iast Vednle's-. day sffered one of the <freakiest" disloctions of a finger probably 'ever t, t.countercil l rouiîdti e.~training roorrs. He- was -ht Ly a on. zlatm.he inde x finger and the finger was'lient backward in a righit àngle Naturally, john, wîth everyone else in the Stolp gyrnnasium, thought the finger was )roken and immediately took i t a physician. to be set. However, the l)yiinfound that tiot a.bolre was :roken àand pulled the finger ba k ini place'. That accidents are not always what they seemi was showni last week in the WVisconsin-Brownie garne ini the girls' I)asketball league. One of the Wiscon- sin players sustainied a very liard fal during the game. Shie fell on the left anm which was caught under bier body and twisted in a painful position. ýThe gymnasium director' and refere hurried ta lier expecting iîotbing less than a double fracture of the anm. The girl was helped to lier feet care- f ully and immediately started rub- bi ng ber right ankle, calmly remark- ing she -hoped slie hadn't spirained it;. that. she'd given it, a twist as 'she f elî t t took an over-tinie period f Qr the St. joseph basketball teami to main- tain its second place standing iii thé game of last week. iils core was the higbest talle4 in the men's leagues during the week. Bill Webster of the Blackhawks teani also mnade a good record, ma.king 17 out of the 27 points scored by bis teani during a ganie w ith St. Francis . The St. Francis teani. was only two points * belîinîd a t the end of the - gamne. and 15 of their 25 points were Made by Jacl< Walkhurst., The final score does tiotalysi- (icate the game's worth watcing. Some of the hardest fouglît and most interesting games have rather. one- sided scores. -A gamnewherein the losing:te.âm fights, grimly tilI the iast whistle blows, at no> timne allowing the opposing side the realization that their victory is definite, a1 game in w~hich each. side. must caîl upon its reserve strength, is not ýonly an in- teresting game, it's a gaine the on-. ooker is always glad he's.,seen.. *The Hollister-Lymian Tetaco 'game %vas such a 'hard-fought affair Iast. Wednesday evening. The Hollisters, won 30 ta 16 but no member of the s(Iuad called it an easy victory. ' However, no teain is. going to have easy pickings with, the Hollister bunch because they have themost enthusiastic rooters of any team ini the league. The rooters, watch every Lare and give loyal support in point- of nurnbers and volume of cheering. Smarting under the defeat adni in- istered by. the SOM teai thé week before, the Brownie team cinibed hack into .a share of the Ieading place ,in the girls' basketball league îast *Tuesday by defeatlng the previously undefeated Wisconsin team. This upset tied the Schultz and Nord,,Wis- consin, and Brownietteanîs as leaders of the league at.,the'beginning of'this week's play. The firt round, robin ofthe schedule ends this week and- the three teamis' leading the league ,Will enter in the final. round of play next week ta determine the *winners, of the gold basketballs ta lie awarde(d ta the teani having the highest per-] centage~ of.- ames won at the end- of Qionoftis much neecleciproject 'last Monday evening when definite plans were made to cati an onen meetinig for public discussion of sites, atnd organization of a permanent ci mnittee to launch the drive to mak e the.projecta reality. The need for a coniunity hous.c is apparent. Yetto give it emphasis., _;t will be well to recall that With two school, gymnasiums, one play field, two ponds for ice skating, and, threc, 1'laygrounds,, the >total attendance recorded in last year's report of the Playground and Recreation board was 208,824. This total' could 1>e tripl!ed with added facilities providei I)y a community house. Ninety-five women attended %veek IV swimming classes conducted by the Playgropnd and Recreation board in Evanston. and Chic ago Pools.ý Witli a swimming pool lin Vilmette,. evcry s;chooî child would have a chance to learn to *swimn and ,every aduit would, have the same opportunity. Roonis for meetings of the Amier,- rati Legion, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts Camip Pire Girls and other civic or-* ran1izations ýWould be provided. The Recreation board,,b as had to.ý turti down dozens -of sucb requestsý. IRecréation, Leagues f * WOMEN'S BAS~KETBALL Freshnien 1 (11)1 XYZ (25>" Suzanne . arels Elizabeth Hoiffin n Peggy O'Shea Rosetta Connelly A'gnes Costello DorntlivKumt .Tanette Schaeffer Lillian Heit, Sylvia Keili Ma ry Kreusébýl Ma%.,ry Frances Schwall Vivian Quigl-' Jans~, referee *Freshmen I1 2 SM(14,~ ,uzanne KaYtels A~Ygnes Costello Peggyýý Shay Ann Kristoff 1'Isabelle Fltzpatrlck Elsie Z0mil (leraldine MIck Pauline Garrity, Anne Stempel 'Clara Kristoff Jans, reeree Sclhultz* and, Nord (21 (',raldine Weber Vera Johnson' Àlipe Nord-. 7) TNT (20) Marion vro Jean Munro ElI.se von Reinsperg Marjorle Paterson Dorothy Volîil'i referee atte ** P 7:30 P. m. Men'a horftahboes. Optimiat Co va. RIdge confectlofle'y. -Howard tir uchool attie. 9 1:0pm L h't-b«OTs4pm . Erobhs miois Bell welephone company .11 league. Stolp gymnasluni. 'TeSarcswoaei i slet>bill for men. Elast Siders TeSaÉcswoaei it Joseph. Howard gymnasîium. place in the nien's baskethali league ero club for boys. Supervsed gave the Schultz and Nord team, Üitle ion. Central school manual contenders, a bard struggle to defend roo. iaketball for men. Elites, Vs. their record of no defeatsthis season s, lKoward gymnaàglum. last Wçdnesday. Thé Shamrockg. weks play but losers in thie final games are' loath to give up playing and a ladder tournament bas. been started for their benefit. Each'player îs assigned a place on the ladder and mav challenge anybodyr on theron above himi,climbing:Up as he defeats the player on, he round above hlmn.

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