FEBRUARY 89 1931 Subject: SPIRIT READING R.OOM-1 148 Central Avenue Opta Daill (excepe Wedaeoday an-Saturday) 9 A. M. to>6 P. M. Wedaesday 9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M.L; Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Open Sanday ateanoona .3P.iM. to, 6 P. MW. Tht Bile and Works of 'Mary Baker Eddy and ail otbir, atàhorized Cbristian Science Literature may be rimd. borrow.d or puichased at thé Reading Ptoom. _TgE, PULIC IS CORDIALL1Y INVITBD TO ATTHND THE CHURCH SERVICliS AND VISIT THE READING ROOM PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISER ATOMOBILEI Made of steel, the new pv"'rsi' c tually. add strength to the body ai- though they are Qllly about haif the size of the wood pillars normaiiy used to support the windshield and 'front doors of mnotor cars. .NEW DELIVERY CAR The Graham-Paige. Motors cor - poration has announced a new niodel deliver.y car .of,1000 pounds. capacitY,ý listing at $895, with cither the panel orscreen body. In.,general ionstrulc- tionýý and appearance the new . model follows' closely the- previonus Paige Commercial car, retaiflifg alFits spe- cial features of design. The bodies are identical - ith those on the former model except that the'length of the Ioading space has been in- creased according to Hanson Motor, companY,' 557 Chestnut street, .Wiiu- netka, local dealers. RADIO FREE For, a Linltod Turne ON LYTwe Win give away absolutely FRE, 9wlth ea.h NEW 1931 (Seles 2): D@EIO@TEERS' SIX or KIGUT, ON£ "TRANSIo Tour' 19SPUCIA AUTOMOBILE RADIO SET (Value $ 175.00). EVKRY DODOE -CAR 18 SPECIALLY EQUIPPRO FOR, RADIO,9 MAKING INSTALLATIONý MRWDODOE 6 SEDAN-....$940,00 Delivered 10117 Mqulpped, FRE RA"IO c. M. M. eDONALDý 109DAVIS ST., EVANSTON OPEN EVENINO-S guîoemm sam «. ALwÀ&Ts I E = i E. E E E explained. "Curve' signs lnducate, a wide, gradual change in the course of the highwyay. When the highway is f ree from ice and snow, these curves may be generally nego'tiated at ai- most regular touring speeds. Slip- pery- rôad surfaces,. however, cali for mnatèrially re'duced sed whe round-. ing a curve. k«ýi - ---------------- fore a rmeans has been found to in- corporate it in the 10w priced volume field, according to the Chevrolet executive. "Witness the radiator screeil grille," Mr. D. E~. Raîston' pointed. out. -"Popularized, by one of Amner- ica's finest cars, it becamne standard equipmneft within a year on every sport model in the new Chevrolet inie., The, adjustable driver's seat won enthusiïstic endorsemnent, when it inade its public appearance on'one of the higher priced cars, yet in 1no tirne at al. it became a. feature of every Fisher-Chevrolet body." Ford Carburetor Simple in Design, Dealer Says "At one tme,, carburetor adjust- ments wer e a source of' much trouble to owners and garagemnen,". say offi- ciais of the S$kokie Motor company, local Ford dealers. "Whenever a car, did not run just right, we usuaily said the carburetor ui.eded ac1justing. Which was generally on'ly too true .With the complicated adjustments which were formerly required. "With his usual directness, Mr. Henîry, Ford. solved' the carburetor probiem in a novel mnner, nmaking a ýcarburetor with but a single ad-.. justment. This adjustment controis the richness of the mixture at . slow engine speeds. A fixed venturi ,suip- plies the right amnount of air, fixed jets meter the fuel through the driv- ing range and a fixed jet nieasures the' fuel required for idling. "Since dirt may tend to cause, clog- ging Of the jets of any carburetor, thbe Ford fuel systemn is doubiy guard- ed by a fuel strainer mounted in a very accessible -location on the en- gin 'e side. of the dash, together with another strainer of fine xnesh *ire scéreen, where thefuel enters the car- buretor. The' strainer in the carbu- 1retor is also easilyremno ved for dlean- inig by turning -a single,,nut. "Instead of using six bosses with boits to'hoid the uppe and lower castings together, one boit lý placed approximately ini the center of the. F~ord carburetor. By rernoving this. one boit, the -entire ,carburetor is