j.JdIJVI nu sita Followiiig are the new regulations, which art subritted te Wilmette residents by Superintendent of Pub- li c Wôrks C. C. Schultz ini tbe hope that ail villagers will cooperate in the inatter of garbage, rubbish and ash collection: Garbage a»dCoibeustblo Waste (j).Al garbage,' waete paper and combustible rubbish-can be placed to- gether in the saine receptacle, Ail re- ceptacles must be of mnetal wlth close- fitting coyers, of a size that one man eau handie;. (2) Al gkrbage must be well draîned and wrapped In sevieral thlckne$àes of paper before placins lIn the garbage. cans. Do not place tin and glassware With thegarbage. (3) Al householders muest furnlsh metal receptacles with close-fttlng covers to. hold the garibâge and comn- bustible: waete.' These receptacles must set at the, alley In the rear of the prop- erty, and If no alley les avallable, they must be placed at. some conivenient lo- cation for collection. (4) GaYbage wlll be collected by the, Village -twlce a week fromn November 1 to June .1, and three times a week f rom Jufle i to November 1., Ashes and No-CoubustIle Watet (5) Ait ashes and non-combustible waste (tUn Cans, glass, etc.) must be placed in covered metal receptacles of a size that one man can handle. ()Ahl ashes and non-comnbustible waste will be collected twice a week during, the -Wlnter monthe and once. caeh week during.the Sumrner months. (7) Al ashes and non-comnbustible waste muet be placed at -or- near the. àlley, or wltere no alley Is available, this. material must be placed at the curb. (8) Grass cuttings, when placed In suitable containers, and yard trimmingl and brush, when tied lu bundies will be renioved by the collector. (9) This collection ie turnished free to ail househoiders. (10) The collectors will rermove the ashes and non-combustible waste from the bac.k doors for the following charges: Five-roorn bouse, $3.00 ver ye2ar'; six-seven-elght-room b ouse, $.0 per Year; ni-ne-room hbouse, $6.00 per yeatr;, ten-room bouse, $7.00 per year: eleven-roomn bouse, $8.00 per year, and twelve-room bouise, $9.00 per Year. Houses with oil or gas burners willl pay , ne-baif the above rate. The abiove fees must'be' paid to the Village Colector.at the Village Hall. 1(11) No collector of any 'of the, Vil- lage Departments is permitted te accept anv remuneration from hoùsehoider for service rendered. (12) Householders are, requested to) m1ake Inqiries and to report any Inat- tax bils go out a year later than the time tbey are actually due. ,Miss Helen Kirtley of 927 Green- leaf ýavenue, Ieft last week for a two rnonths' stay in Florida,. visiting Atlanta, Ça., on ber way south. --o- Mr. and Mrs. johni Wilds of Ox- ford road, Kenîlworth bave gone to California. for an* extendedvaw,-it. EVANSTON STORE CHURCH--.SHERMA & Company . Silhouettes, of the. ,CHILDREN wiII, be eut by Mis.s Jane J hn so in the Infants' Section on the Second Floor, during the week of February 2nd, f ro0M. 10:30 A. M. to 4:30 STOCKS, BOMI Telephone IWilrnette 2717 rVS & MOIRTGAGUU I WimttIllio is )tod or not todo Is this -the question ta your home every night after cinner? Then we'l1 wager yoii dont have automatic hot water service. You have* to wait for your water to heat in a teaketde, You have to skiznp with it, using just s'O much for. the suds, so much for the rinsing, so much for the inevitable pots and pans. And it seems to take twice as long as it should. It's ail very different when you can just turn a fauicet for your hot water. Thezi dishwashkg isn't bad at ail. You can have your foaxing suds in haif a ininute-waste a littie water in rinsing if you like-it doesn't marre. Thereýs, no danger of being caught short. ýYou know. there's a tankful of hot waterv akting to be used. Not, only for the dishes but for bath-i ing, cleianing, washing-anything. are. fow in Arizona for. a few weeks. Mrs. Edward Cole of New York City, who bas been the bouse guest of bher aunt, Mrs. 0. C. Eastmnan, 1027 Elmwood avenue, for. three weeks, left for ber borne on Tuesday. These articles can be bought at a saving on the first floor. JOSEPH W. KEHOE,, District Manager 1141. Central Ave., WiIm.tt Phone WiImete 2899 I