Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1931, p. 68

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5.vonga ring W.eh Dboor Opeao 6:3o-beo Stubt 7 P. eM. ToNiGHrs PICTURE SLIM SUMMERVILLE .ndIIARRY, LANGDON, SATURDAY. FEI. 7 u'I~ - micurnus oeONwoeu.L NOAUU UUEUV JOAU PUUUS Suemus seavua UIUUV U. WALTUALL fr.0~ bp JOMu BLYSTONI A Cemamél. Marilyn tMiller' and Lawrence Gray, stars of "Suinn y;" to be shozcw at the Teatro del Logo Tlsursday and Friday, February 12 and 13. Marilvt& sings, dairces, ox MovietOfle Li ùctOd by DAVID UJLEI EL DRENDEL "Hollywood Thenie 8ong"ý-Harry Gribbon Tlniversal TaIkingr News TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, FEB. 10-11I "VSTAND LOOSE"99 MIRIAM HOPKINS 4«The Fatal Cord"-W. and E. Howard "Wfil Man's* Land"--Curiosity "1fy Gai l l"-Tailkurtoon LOVE " E ... ..1...........R AND THE P~LUMBEW'.........4 .. . .. . o. . ........... CROMWELL ES ART IST Richard Cromwell, who plays the stellar rote in ."Tol'able David" at the Teatro del Lago Saturday, February 7,' is1 an artist of some talent. He' is a, graduate of a weil known art.school in Cali fornia and is, an: ardent devotee of, painting. He lias donc some impres-, sionistic murais which bang in the mezzanine of a new Hollywood pia- bouse. Hie bas also doue po rtraits of bis f riends amongthte film celebrities. 111-. -l167 Wilmei+e Ave. CompIefe Beauty Service EAUTY SHQPý satistyiflg talkie entertainnivn m «"ToI'able David" on Saturday, Feb- ruary 7, as an outstanding feature of a week of fine mrovies at the Teatro del Lago, where pictures are -c4refully> selected and perfectly screened. Hailed as1 "the screen's new est sen- - sation," Richard Cromwell plays the titie role in «Tol'able David,' wbicb yields a 'clear-cut character study of an, unique and'unusual. genre of peo- pie in the. Virginia and Tennessee- mountains.of the United States. Noali. »eery, Joan Peers and Henry. B. WalthaIl are other outstanding mcmn- bers of, the cast. At the Saturday matinee on F uairy 7, the last episode of the thrill- ing serial, "The Indians Are Coming," wiIl be sbown. Col. Tim McCoy, the bero, wilI be. greater tihan ever in tbis final episode. Tonight, Eriday, February .6, the Teatro del Lago offers Harry Lang- don and SIim. Summerville in that cocktail of mirth, ."See America Thirst." The boys are cauglit. un- awaresin tbe toils of gangdom and bootlegging. But this ýtime, it's a laughing nmatter. This Film Stimulâtes "Just Imagine" is an exhilarating- picture to be sbown at the Teatro del Lago on Sunday and Monday,, February 8 and~ 9. Tbis is a story. told largely in. music' and dancing,: and it's tbere, aIl riglit, for DeSylva, Henderson and Brown bave done the tuneful telling. On Tuesday and Wedniesday, Feb- ruary 10 and 11, tbe Teatro del Lago presetits the talkie, "Fast and Loosc.'- iný whicb Miriami Hopkins, a e star, flashes t.o favor. Turning the tables on the staid older folks pro-, vides, a sparkling the.me for four brilliant .vuung players. and a spien- did supporting cast. The four. are, Miriam Hopkins, Charles Starrett, Henry Wadsworth and Carole Lom- bard. The présence of Frank Mor- gan in the cast furtber enlivens the pciture. Marilyn Miller cornes to the Teat ro del Lago on Tb:irsdav anid Fridv, ; cz-i ý

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