Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1931, p. 70

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Rates-làcents a Une ln one paper, 25cents a Une ln any two paders. 30 ens Ue I al hrepaper N INIMUX CHARGE8100 Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on ail cash with order advertisements when brought to our ornIe. ut 1232 Central Ave., Wiimette, 661 Lineoin Ave., Wlnnetku., or 341 Park Ave., Gleueoe. Contract rates may be had upon request. Deadline- fors p oý efinay9ôiolob for the WiLMru Luu or ail'trepa»r;Thuirsday 9 ocloekfor the WINNwrKA TA&LKand Friday 6 o'clock fartheGLencom Nuws. Telephones: Wilmette 4300, Winnetka'2000, lbnétk .50or Glencoe 1484, Greenleaf 4300 or Sheidrake 4697. I LOT AND FOUND LOST-BLACK COCKER SPANIEL, female, wearing harness. License No. 117. Retur» .to 12265 Asbury Ave., Hlubbard Woo'd-re.ward. Phone Win- netka 438.. 2LTN4-tp LOST SIYNDAY, WILMETTE TO Glencoe fountain pen with name *"Biliy Katz.' Keepsake. Rewarçl. Ph. Wilmàette 2152. 2LTN40-ltc S URILDINQ AND CONrAC*TriNS. Remodeling-Repairing UAVE YOUR REMODELING AND RE- par work done while prices are 10w. Planning, Estimating Free., Financing --Satisfactory Reference. Ph. Green- leaf 2532. 8LTN37-4tp 9 BUSINESS SURVICE AUl Kinds of ~Carpenter Worlç Done JOHN BOIMSCH Ph. Wlmette 2165 9LTN36-tfc il DRESSUAKUNG Dressrnaking -- Remodeling COLLETTE eOEU1IS-Winnetka 1011. 11LTN4-ltp 14 GARDEN [N0 FO)R SALE-BEAUTIFUL ELM TREE < perfect ln shape 23% finches 'ln cir- cumference at base, about 35 'feet tail,' aiso two smhal ones. i 224 Forest Ave.. Ph. Wiimette- 2710. 14LTN4O-itc 15 INSTRUCTION * LEARN lTO LOWE ST POSSIBLE as you fly. Best nsi Royal Air Force Inai * Taylor, rm. 1401 Bulle US; PAYý ýn "Y et -l V. C.ý CABINET RADIO, PERFECT TONE quaiity. 8 tube'heterodyne, adjustable loop aeriai, bargain. Phono Winnetka 2330._ 28LTN40-litp 30 RtEPAIRING :AND REFINISIIINQ ANITIQUE AND OTHBR FURNI- ture repairedand. reflnished. Expiert work. Reas. pirices. pelils. 928 'Chi- cago Ave., 'Ph. Uniyorslty 0103. 33 WIARING APRL FOR SALE-TAN CARACUL JAC- quette like newv. Size'.38 to 42. Real bargain. Phone Gieneoe 1379. 33LTN40-1te FOR SALE - PERFECTLY NE W short Pony coat. Ph. Winnetka 3138. 33LTN40-lte 39 DUSNJ OPPORTUN ITIES FOR SALE-ONE FIFTH- INTEREST in valuabie property -for $5,000 cash. Unusual future. Only cash transac-, tion considered. Prefer private pur-. chaser. Write .A-141, Box 40, Wilrnette. 35LT.N40-1te ~,*ANS LOANS TO PROPERT!Y QWeE1S. IMake and .buy lst and 2nd mortgages. EVANSTON BOND & MTG. CO. 618 Grove St. Greenleaf 5600ý 38LTN36-tef 41. SITUATION WANTED>-FENALE POSITIONS WANTED- Cook, German, 4 year.reforence. ooFrench, 4% yoar rfrne Seod maid, Scotch, 3 year reference. Second maid, Gernian, 4 yjear refermce. Waltress (private>, 3 year referonce. Nurse-governess, French, 2 year refer- ence. Practical nurse, A-i reference. General maids, excellentreference. EXPER. WHITE *AU7DRESS wants work any day of 'the week. Mrs., Jensen., phione Winnetka 2976. 41LTN40-lnc EXPER,. WHITE WOMAN WANTS day workc. Good worker. Ref. Can stay evenings. Phone. »iversiey 8320. 41LTN40-itp EXPER. WHITE WOMAN WISHES position genieral housework or cook and lot floor workc. Ref.. Diversey 8320. 41LTN40Oltp EXP. TRANSLATOR, PH. D. FRENCH German, Itaian, Norwegian.. Also German lessons. Ph. University 8641. 41LTN40-1tp EXPER. GERM AN COOK OR GEN- eral housework. Best -of ref.' Cail. M4ortonG'rove 8006-R-i. Ph. - IZVJN40-iflc iTO- SCH-OOL its work of ally 26-J-2. MARRIED MAN, WILL DýO ANY kind of work by the, hour or day. Phone Wlnnetka 2359. 42LTN40-1ne, RELIABLE WHITE, MAN WANTS' houseWork, painting and odd jobs of any. kind. References. Ph. Wilmette 3294. :42LTN40-ine' EXPERIENCED MAN «ý- CARE, 0Fr furnacei, wash windows, garden work, etc. Winnetka 1552. 42L40-1ttp SITUATION WANTED, HOUSEMAN, *colored, In private, home; wIiing worker. Ph. Atlantic 2013. 42L40-ltp WANTED HOUSEWORK, WINDOW washing and painting_ N. S. ref. Cali Wimiette 3073. 42 ÏT;N40-l tp 4ILTN4O-ltp j43 air. .wrD.- FIA.m AND PEMALE COOKING OR 'SERVING LUNCH- eo~ns, dinner-s, and parties by theý hour or day. Exper. waitress. Wln-1 netka 1920. 41LTN40-ltp SIT. WANTZD-etEFINED YOUNG woman as child's nurse and.companion to elderly ladyt. cook aid' do hôuÈe- work. Buc.kingham 9773., 4ILTN4Oà-ltc FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS, CLEAN- ing. prepare and serve dininers and luncheons. Best N. S. references. Phono Gre. 0553. 41LI'N40-1tip SITUATION WANrEl;D, ]ENERALA Housework, good cook. Reforences. Ph, Univorsity 2582. Cali evenings. 41LTN40-1te %WANTED - DRESSMAKING AND) plain sewing at your home or mine. Call Kenilworth .1178. 41LTN6-lne WÔMAN WANTS GENElIÂL 1HOU1Sî-- - work. North S.hore reforence. Ph. W'iimette 801. 41L40-1ne WANTED-WASIIIN(G AND IRONINO; to take homo. Will cail and deliver. CaOI Wilmette 3246,. 41LTN,40-Itc YOUNý%G WOMAN WANTISDAÀY WORK, cleaning and la undrv. Ph. Gliencoe 243. EXPEIINCED GERMAN LAUTN- dress wants work Fridays., Ph. W7il- mette 3073. :41LTN40-lnc 2 COUPLES, WHITE, THOROUGHLY eirpeten~ed, excelent N. S. ref. Paul- inc'is Agency, Ph. Wlnnetka 2662. REMLIABLE 'GERMAN COUPLE wishes positilon as cook Houseman and Chauffeur, no* employed. Good North Shoère reference. Ph. Wilrnette 46M9 43LTN40,-2tp EXP. COLORED COUPLE WISHES position in private famiiy as cook, maid, houseman and chauffeur. Gond N. S. reference. Ph. Wimette 1058. 431LTN40-1 n', 44 HELP WANTED-FEMALE WANTED AT ONCE, COOKS, SEC- ond maids, children nurses, practical nurses, general maids. Many posi- tions rtow open for exp. help. PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY 748 Elm St. Ph. Winnetka 266~2 44LTN40-lte WHITE M A ID FOR GENERAL housç,work. 2 In famlly.. Nie ,homne. SniaIl wages.ý Phone Winnietka' 3758. 44L40-1 t.p EXPER.. WHITE COOK, NO LAIN- dry., $20. Second maiýd,- aslst with chIdTren. $12. Phone Winnetka 1535 44LTN40-lte EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL FOR This Office wîiJ accept clauified adverti sing to be: mn i TUoE VANsToN REvmEw, reacbing 1 6,000O fanii- lits in Evaston, REw copy must b. in by 5 p. m. on Tue.dy. TeIepbône Wiltmette 4300 orWneka20 J VVIIIIULKU zzg< ppujntr - 42LTN40-1ne GENRALHOUSE SERVICE, YARD.4 HL work. chauffeurîng .50 cents an hoi»'. WRITE C A* A- . .ef. Phone Wlnnetka 3194.. class, go * 42LTN40-1tp, Wlnnetki WTO.--MALM AND FEMALE > IOUPLE MUlST'» BE FIËST OdI wâtgeg. PaOle' Agenc*y. m,08.40LTN40-ite. àl - 1 1 . V

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