4S FOR SA.A-AUTOM OALiJ)COCE.A-1 CONDITION. 4 new: tres, driven only by original wonan owfler. Rare bargain-$200. Wnnetka 1165. 4SLTN4Oltp s imO,\IZING-$4, $5, AND $6. CARS called for and delivered. Phone Kenil- woYth 1156. 60LTN40-tc 51 FOR RENT-ROOMU NICE 1-ARGE QU IET ROOM FOR gentleman. Private ho me. One blâck f rom transportation and res-. tkuants. No ladies, please.. F Sulliv'an,90 Burr ave., Hubbard WooJds. 51LTN40-Itp P OR 11tNT 2 ROOMS FOR. LIGHT housekeeping or wIll separate. 1023'Main St. Ph. Wilmette 3007 51LTN40-ltp VtNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE AND conifortable room ln private lneigh- bo6rltdod; ijear trarisp. Use of piano. Ph. S Winnetka 3139. 51LTN40-tc *LARGEl-,, LIGHT, WELL FURN. 1100-1 wit r. withôut board near transp. * Garage. Ph. Winnetka 1543. 2 ROOMS AND PRIVATE BATH FOR ight hou.4-eleeping, parfly furnished. Garagýe space. Ph. Wilmette 824-W. 51LTN4-te 1 OR2 ROOMS, ALL CONVENIENCILS. Near New Trier. 1 block Indian Hi!! station. Tél. Winmetka 769. 51LTN38-tfc F01i 1l1ENT -ý WILL !URNISHED fronit rolom suitable for oeeor two. G;araigu if desired. Ph. Wilmette 3804. 5lL39-tfc 04 O TWO TURNZISHED ROOMS for: rent.w. Phone Kenilworth 1307. 51LTN4-lte PLEAATROOM WITH FRIVATE fan (. entlemen only. Phone WIin- nka 938. 51LTN4-ltp SINGLE ROOM FOR RENT, EAS1' *side, near transportation. Ph, Wil- 'nette 3559. 5ILTN4-te LAARGE WARM ROOM FOR RENT., 1096 Oak St-, Ph. Wlnnetka 2690. 5lL40ltn QUICK/ L Buyer and Seller ave found the Want-Ads of WILMETTE. LIFE- of inestmable value. Many a deal involving hundreds uof dollars, has'been the resuit ofa Classified ad whiCh cost but a few cents. CIassifiedeads wilI be, accepted;èvery evening until 9. Phonte W.imette,4300: Vvedineisday before 9 P. M. or the Current Issue s WTD. TO, RENT-APARTMENTU 66 FOR RENT-STORES & OFFICIES 2 OR .3 ROOM-%SiFORIOUE E- ing, furn. or unfurxi. Ref.er. exclianged Wi.niette 2850. 5SLTN4Oltc i WVANTED! HOUSES' FOR lIENT DOROTHY K. ROSS 663 Vernon Ave. Gece305 5SLTN 4-tl 60 FOR RENT-HOLISES EXCELL~ENT RENTAL Most attractive colonial horne on a large wooded lot in fine section of Win- netka. ilouse bas 6 bedrms., 3 baths, libraËy, oil beat, open se. porch, 2 car gar. Fine value for $250. per nionth Other g'ood rëntals f ront$'JO to $500ýper me., furn. and unfut-n. FRANCES J. WI.NSCOTT 902' Spruce $t. Winnetka 1267 In order to get a tenat.it iiediately we offer unùsual inducemnent to. re- sponsible. party to. rent, and occupY thscomfortable- hom-e; eight ironim, 2 complete baths, sleeping porch, h ot water beat; wooded lot; garage on premises; will acceit juàt balf the figure we consid.?r the rental value. Glenlcoe State Bank IN S tITE S0F 1-2 OR 3 ROOMS suitable for Doctor,, Dentist, Archi-, vt.(t or any business requirig 'office. sî>ace. Low rentai. 66LT36-tfe FOR lIENT-STORE IN EXCELLENT location in Wilmette, also office suit- able for professional nman. Eddington & Allen, Inc. 110 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 407 66LTN40-lte 7à FOR SALE-HOUSES Hlome of Distinction TWO ACRES- OF RIPARIAN picturesque Italian Villa, unusuatly> weli constructed and pianned.. L oggia library, living rm. 20x32j an- tique' cypress panielling and trimmingi, 4 m'iaster.,chambers,._3 master baths. FormaI gardens, tennis court, beautiful wooded law n 150XQQ00 te private. beach. owner wants effer. or cxcbange for ,imiallei' improved. BAIRD & WARNER .clilIren' la8PUY TrI. 3OX3O~5 Ptlrs. 2 car garage. 011 burner. .Véry large grounds. P71ce $55,000. Hokamzsora& Jâz k 513 - Davis St. Èvanston Gre. 1617 930 Spanlsh, Ct.. Wilmnette Wl!. 2020 7SLTN40-tec ATT. 7 RM. STUCS0, CENTRAL northeast section. H. W. oil heati garage. Týhis houese has Just been reduced from $22,600- to $18,000 and la an excellent purchase. Builit for the. owner *ho now occupies It. For further Information cali- 340 LîdnAve. 72L40-te AND NOW ONE OF THI M OST 'CHARMING Geergian colonial homesý we have ever offered. * miaster bed.fis., 3 baths, Woouled lawn 80x200. 'Ideal location. Owner wants offer or exohange for simaller. Mr., Ebellng. BAIRD'& WARNE'R' 528 'Davis St. Greenleaf 1855 72L40-1tc ENGLISH BRICK IIOUSE ON LARGE WOODED LOT., Has living room, dinlng room, kitchen' on flrst floor;, 4 bedrooms, 2 tlled baths on second. Electrie rofrigeration. Hat water ohl heat. 2-car attached garage. Ready to move Into. QUISILAN & TYSON, nc; 714 Elm St., Winnetka Winnietka 2198 72LTN4O-fltc SELL OR RENT-LOVELT.Y MODERN home overlooking Lake Shore Coun- try Club. Two blks. te Braeside' sta- tions. 5 bedrms., 3 tile baths with attic. where 2 roins, and bath lu pro- vddfor. G. E. ref'Ig. Smnooth top rangeroli. screens, everything te the fineet. Famllliygene te California. Rea- sonable rentaL Real bargain te buyer. Open afternàoons. Owner,' 2301 Sheri- dan Rd., Ravinia. 72LTN39-4tp ýs' FÔR RNT -FÙRN.APTS. FOR- RENT .- FURTJSHED APTS., near tranpp.' Adults only. Ph. Wil1ý mette 2à99. 57LTN40-.tfe. Wrllmnette 64.5aN4-t 64 FoR RENF-rtr-GARAG 92Spue n 72LTN40-1te GARAGE FOR RENT, NEAR INDIAN $l5,O0oo.WINNETiCA Hii ttin.Pon innetka 3208. Most attractive house near 13chool, 6 Hil sttio. PoneW -tP large, pesn rooms, porch, lav. ____________________ H. W. ht. Gar. Nice yard. FO< R 1 Tn NEffl RGE470 DRTY K.Ross Chetnt S. lnntk. <11 663 VernlOflAve. Glencoe 805 64L.TN4071tP LTO-t -j' 4 greum land, 6 40 S. i Highlýat