1144-46s48 Central Avenue Opposite Village mal SPECIALS - UNTIL WEDNESDAY, FEE. 18-INCLUSIVE BUTTER (Country Rol) in 2-lb rola Pound... EGOS Strictly fresh, ail white. Dozen............................. . 9 BAKERS COCOA One-half pound9 tin .......... ................ GELATINE KNOX Package............................. COFFEE CHASE & SANBORN Pound.................. FeVlday and Saturday I SPECIALS Oanàges L.arge Californias, Doz. ................... Meats Duks, 'Fresh, Pound ...... ....... .. Broilers, averageb 2 to 21/4 lbs., each .... Veal Roast, Boneless, No Waste, Pound .... %ici RIPE OLIVES Maywood Colossal. Large ti. Regular value $1.50...... QUEEN OLIVES Old Monk Quart jar............. . . . A Wonderful Buy SALMON Savoy Red Large can.............. FLOOR WAX Johuson's. Large can. __ Regular value 85e.............. CORDIALSl:ý Moquin. AIl lavors. e Large bottle.......... . PAS1 AMMONIA (Parson's) Quart bottle,.................... 'IP E;I 100e HONET White ClGver Comb...... .......... Regular value 51.25................... Three cana................ *.ee00 We Weleonse Charge Aceounts FREE DELIVERY TO WILMETTE - KENILWORTH - INDIAN HILL - WINNETKA - HUBBARD WOODS - GLENCOE 1