on a. ue nce. The choir music for ý Sunday morning l"Seek Ye the Lord" by Roberts, and, ."Lost In the Nlght" by Christiansen. .Jhe organ prelude: ' "Andante" (Pa-, tietlque Symphony) by Tschaikovsky -andi "In Paradisum",by Dubols. The ranpostlude:, "Toccata" by Boellnîan. On. Sunday afternoot at 4 -3I0 two d1ramas wlll be presenteti ln'our asseru- ""Y room. e"The Travelling Man" by LadyGregory wlll be presented by 'r 'own young people, andi "The Hou r iolaas" by William Butler Yeats by a «roup of playèrs frôru the -Glencoe Union church.1 Both of these plays wihl be entereti ln the Chicago Inter-Churelî Drama Toürnament lu March. The high ýschool >and younge people wIll have a. joint social hour followlng the prograru. Ail are Inviteti to attend this dramatlc. service. The annual dinner for the men of the Congregation will be held Mdonday nlglit at the Shawnee club, at 6 :45'. Pictures will be shown and a brief address made by Mr. Maloney, oiwator of the Rosen- wald Industriai Museumu. There -will, also be songs andi good fellowshlp. The Frlentily Circle invites the womnen of 'the, church, to nîeet with theru Sun- day morning at 9:45 lu the 'Womani's rooru. T1he tople this Sunday *111 be "Jesus the Frlend." Branson DeCou andi his Drear PIC-] tures of American Wonderlands Will. appear ait the Sunday Evening clubait 7:30 in the Congregational cliurch. The Wesleyan Service Guildi will meet Tuesday evening at 8 o'clockî at the home. of Ethel Drynan, 727 Park ave- nue. Asslstlng hnstesses, Peiri. Olthof andi Sophie Nettlenian. Ail' young .wom- en are cordially lnviteti. Next Wedniesday' -niglit at 8 o'clock there will e' -a Special Prayer' service ln this churvh. 'At this tiime we willl begin to turn 'our faûe towards Easter. Tt is hoped that 'a large group 'wtfl be ln attendance. The Woman's Home lsclonaey. so- clety meets at the ëhurch on Thursd.ae at 2 o'clock.- Mrs. H.,S. Hollingsworth ýwill speak on the SpanlshWork. Mrs. Etiln Youngberg.1le the,.hostess., The .World Day of Prayer for Mis- sions *111-be observé'd by the womhen of this cornmunlty on F'rlday. ait -2 o'clock ln the auditorium of Ithis church. Imont wlth the followlnn preachers: The t fev. 'Charles 'Y. Hall of St. Paul's' BY the Lake, Chica&g; The Rev. Joseph S. Mlinnis of the Church of the 'Atone- ment, Chicago; The: Bey. Howard R. B3rinker of St. Bartholomnew'x churcéh, Chicago-, Rev. Richard C. Talbot o! St. Elisabeth'.s church ln Giencoe, and Rev.. Walter Blechier of Christ churých,, Chi- cago. These meetings Wviii last about, three-quar-ters> ofe an hour. A_ cordial Invitation is extended. ta anyone lu- teresteti tovisit the Pârish Cburch and hear the message of. these mien. The WQman's. Guiid continues* ta meet. as usual on Monday mor-nings for the purposeof sewing on niaterialsý for use ln varlous charitable ognztos fluncheon is served at ý12 30 acok English Lutheran Greenicafl.avenue at Seventh street Wilmette Cari 1. Enipson, pastor QUINQUAGESIMA SU4-DAýY (Fiftieth Day before Easter) 1#:45 A. M. .... ..Suntday eh1ool Mr. Arthur Stark, supeite(ndent il A. M. ý..... ....... Morniug Wlor-siip Sermin- "T]he Great Question-"1 AS)! WEDNESB'AY (February 18~ j :45 P. M........Lentei Vesper!s Sermnon: "The Righiteousness That. Exceeds" <The choir will rehearse. at tuiee hurth Sa-turday eveing at 6 :30 p. mu. The women's society invites ai i mem, bers and friends to a Valentine party at the chiurch Thuirsday eveing, Febru- ary 12, at 8Sp. in. The Sui day school is settiing a new nutrk in attendance every Suuday. The 'average attendance is about 90% of the enroluient.' We are proud of this rec- ord. Send your ciildren . to. Sun'day sechool. We have. a class for every chiild' Visitors are always -welcomie at this ehureji. \Vonshij) with us regularly! Baptist Churciz Wilmtette and Forest avenues George D. Allison, miuister *'A.Church .that .Cares" AÀ most cordial welcomne is exteÜded to1 ail those. having. no other church con-' nectioi't to Worship in fellowship) with1.1 u. the5 cnuun hwullIl,1"Lexiu Monday, February 16, #t 8,;15. Ther Mehdt church. Mrs. Helen Street willi be a mneeting of the teachers of the Ranney, associate secretary Of the Con- Junjor-Interruediate departinent in the' gregational Commission on Missions, rhurcir office at 7 :30 o'clock. %vill lie the speaker. Kenilwortlz Union.. Presbyterian Ch.urch, Kenilworth avenue and Warwick. road Worshiping.In Woman's, club Dr. Herbert L. Willett, mninister C#"Ireeileaf and. Tenth stleets - Rev. John Sheridan Zelie, D. 1. Dr. Willett's subject Sunday, Feb- actilig pastor ruary 15, will be '"Into the MWilderiit-,s.' Residence, Library Plaza hotel, Evaný3toh The mornlng services are at il o'clock. Office hours dally except Saturdayý: 10-12 à. ni. at the church office, Wilmnette' Sunday schol meets each Sufldav Bank building, Tel, Wl. 0064> morning at 9 :45.- Sundajy, February 1à The lVotian's Guild wvili ineet as usuai suîdav~ sehool at 9 :30, i. im. for al Monday morning at 10 o'ciock lit the I1e <luild ranni of the chlurch. A cordial V Ju ior church at Il a-nm. invitation is extendecl toalal the ladies IMa'rning worship at Il. a-. . to eone In. for as nîuch tirne as 1 hey uu ean giv'e.to this gaad work. Prelude, "Nocturne". ..Mendelssohn Solo, "Like as the Hart" ...« Siddle On lVed'nesday even ing of. next week, fet 1"et Asi....Coi February 18, Dr. Wiliett wvîll give the!- Miss Rounds, arganist sixth, of a series of Wed.pesday, eveniing Pastld,"otue!lV ...Fuk. addresses on 'Somie Modern Faitlis" tid "otuelA . uk The seies wili include suchl subjects a Os'nedyeenn t8 'lc -Christian, Science," "T1heosophy," 4Thle iiteWmnscu uligavr B3aha'i Falth," ,*'lecent Phases o mor0tmetn f h ogrgto Roman Catholleisnim," "The Zlionist j iportet hein pleof the Mondeayil Movemnent," "The Samnaritanis," etc. wiflg m1)e etingPlctofishuss *fulyh The subject of thre address on eWedn mesîn ythng Co regatlonaly che day' evening wil be invaîs m itioshy Mth odisetionhurchuWi Trherýe ili be a brief peuiod of devo anmette theforru a uion church.ofThese tion and :Ur. James W. Gterlthet()frn'ilnn hr.Tes church soloist, wlll sing. The metetinfg i mnditttoln s îsued in. a generous -spîrit willbe iel in he uil roon. nd:withi.ut auy..ai iof annexing anoth- wil b hidintheGuidroniitr congregatio n or augmentîng the pres- *Dur-iugi the Linten eaolwhcr A' ige of' their respective denomination.9' gins next Wedniesdiay, Febrýuary 18, the have been discussed _byjir- aller groupl- paniffhlet caiied "The Felawship (ý iinthe Presbyterian church and wiii now Praer,. p'e 1,_dby the' Fedlerajl ho offer-ed for full and "fres disusion (*gnuncil of ChIurchles e;tclivyear wiîîllic I by vthe cong'regatioin. It is deslred thât ivalabe fi- hos wlo desi'e o l thle fulles*t possible attendance of the' avaiabl fo thse l'i deireta ave nimbers sMa be present at this, meet- thje pîrilege of using. it. i( sg. P4'e P.m con*n~ l - Pen iel.Connuiitv -uilxi iariy melubper-' 1 - &la& ~ .-dFU6E gututu J. C'lair Meadi, di'rector of religious education 'Che Sunday niorning serv,-ice of wor-i ship is hielti at 10 :45 o'ciock. .Next Sun- day Dr. A. C. McGiffert, Jr., professor of Church History at Chicago Theo-.1 logical seniilinary, will preae.h on "The Lord's Judgmenits." The chUrlh school will meet- inri five deparýtments'as folloWs:. ' Primary (grades l1, 2,,auid 3): 9 :30 tg' 12 a.ru. Junior (grades 4, 5, andý 6): 9:30 tg 10:45 a. ru. Intermeidiate (grades 7 and 8):.9:30 to 1 0:45 a. ru. High school (al four'years): 12 to i,ý 1). ru. Beglnn@rs (pre-schOOl): 10:45-'f0.12 a. m; SJrIps wihl be receýiveti during F eb)ruary hyMrs.'E. G. Berol, 414 Gregory avenue, St. Jokn's Lutheran Milmette and Park avenues, Wiimette 1l-er.tîan W. éer M. A., pastor 106 Prairie avenue. Telephone 134A. Clu-rch telephone 311,1. SERVICES suday Quinquagesia !15a. ni. First srieandsermoén. 9 IO..ni. Sunday school andi Bible' 10 :00 a. mi. Advancfed Bible elass. 1Il :00 a.* :m. Second *ervice andi sermon. Sermion: The Call of,,the'Hour- Monday at 7 :45: Cho ir rehearsaL. Tuesday at 7 :45: Voter's meeting. Wednesday at 4: Classes for ehill'en. Satui'day at 9 a. mu. Classes for chli- dren. VUai W.F5r, 40 le Aauricau .JI arer anau wa.t ah: and her au "'tu Ln g ro Âp M ISS e rtha w neeiocl< L ord 's -su ife r andi Miss Loulse Goodhue are the new' by the four Wednesday, Febrpiary', 18, tihe second memberg. . the services in a 'sertes of dinners wlll bé given at Th'e sub Jec thre church. Corne at 6:30 for, a time of The Cube of Pack No. 63 wlll meet, for thns yeai gooti fellowship aroundth ie tabe An Saturday morninw et 9:30. There .will Feb. 18:- lnterestlng prograru le resentedi each b. reports by denners as to tests passed, matie. Matth wekcentering ariound the 'theme, since the iast Pack meeting two weeks Feb. 25 "Idi."ago.: uttered. Mal I tier.wih W b- r. ntiMre B~>'a etthe'.Bys' Mar. 4: il ~rlday, FebrÙary,9'hew-1 .b; Ur.adUs0.yno tlèByg turned: Mgl Lehten sermons Ilowlng: tha.t was neyer' thtwas neyer were, never re-