The choli bute totC lenten seN chorale, lnr of the sen sunig by tl what Law Passion ac Et. Maftew. the1 The regular. monthly, Meeting, of théý voting mnembers of the congregation will1 be bheld 'on Tuesday eyenlng, February 17, at 7,45 o'clock. A new voter will be formna1ly recelved Intc; memnbership. M1%at- tèrs concerning the eonstitution and by- laws - f the congregation will also be preserted for disé-ussidn. A letter hast gone out to ail voters urginig themn to1 -1e *present. Mr. George F. Simons, vice- q-hairman will -peside during the ab- !,etiot of Dr. Betiing. First Evangelical 886 ýEim street, Winnetka Roy A. Thompsofl, pas3tor 794 Elm street (Winnetka 2104) :la.Sunâay, February là 2a.m.-Sunday school. Il a. worship. Junior 010oir. Rev. A. S Berg W111 preAch. 1)p. m.-Youig ,People's Aservice. 7:45'ospel serv ice. Rev. A. S. Begwil prejach. IMonday, February 16 7:30 p. m.-Mi~sionaLry rally Raedke 1prothers ýwiLsing. Pastor J. C. O'Hara %011 speak. Tbarfaday, FebruftTy 19 8 p,ni.-Ml1d-week service. Girl Scout News BIG NEWS Thursday, February 5, the Girl Scouts of Troop 3 had a silent and iieditative meeting. It was the in- v-e&3titure of Dorothy Lagerla f. This is a cerémiony that is sacred ini the b earts 'of most of the girls in the troop. The candlelight service. was nxost interestin1g, also-mwithi'the prom- * ise and. Iaws' being spoken with solennVows4 At this special meeting> there were as our guests the memi- bers of the, Troop committee, w-ho ae Mrs. 'G. E. Leslie Mrs. D. . W. Rapp,-. Mrs. F. B. Weakly, Mrs. P. J. Church, 6tw lieutenant, and our cap- tain, Miss Pearl Hoose. Mrs. Ralph C. Moulding, chairman of the Wil- TROOP Z We are working on the following badges which are to be passed and given us before the next Court of Awards. .Photographers' Handy- Wonain, Hostess, Pathfinder, Swim- mer, Horsewoman, Artist, Cooks. These are the girls from Troop il wbo are interested in passing these tests: N4el Chamnbers, Gloria Rettke, Louise Hickmian, Vernia Archambault, Mildred Farmer, Jane "McClintock, "eorette Becker, Marjorie Wood,. Sýcrbe, Troop 2, Troop 2 voted on s Troop Crest last Thursday. The vote was be- tween Pineý Tree,, Bluebeli and For- And chi*ê iryou notQone shillinDg. Mrs. E. V. Holding of 309 Seven-' teenth street was hostess to a group of her friends at luncheon Thursday, February 5, Several of the guests wete f rom out of town. 0o- Mrs. Guy Colby of New York City. formerly of Wilmette, is. recuperat-. ing. very satisfactorily from a major operatioà. I Teche. Panite BgerentceVoe Wilmette 1705 CNVU.LAL $1.00 DAY SP BCIALS TWO STAYFORMS OF TUE SA12MODEL FOR TUE PRICE 0F ONE PLUS ONE DOLLAR Styles 311, 3 eg. $ber5oui Reg $6.5O Troop 3- of the Baptist church is having a '4tucky Hike." It is to be on the day of Yriday the thirteenth. thus it is cafled our "lucky hike." Ruth Phelps, who 5 .workiuig on her first, class, U. to, be in charge. The girls and their caiptainaet Servng North SI>ore Residents for more Wilmette iFS Centrai Aves. Fret D.liverg Service in Wilmette Phones: WiI. 400-401 and IC.nil>oth UÙntil i o p. m. Edigewater Beach Hote 1524 Btet'ena BU#. 4237 Lincoln ~Ii 57 B. >1adÂeoQa, Bt,, $Z5 B. Ord St. ~i009 Lake St dJ>4kPar1i I~I j APractical VALENTIN.E *4 -L . J