We. COU.LD, Stress .the Low ýPrîces of Ed gar A, Stevens SSILKS ---but we consider Good QUALITY more important Our ctustomers do, too. Thaf's why we've builit such a phenomenal-silk businss-why the Edgar A. Stevens nerme is synonymous1 with good, fashionable sïlks ail over the North- Shore, ail over Chicagio.,,And Ihat 'is why. toéo,.we ar e. able l'o show, at ail fîmes, ample assoriments of ever;y desira-ble kind of'silks. Sil11ks And WFîat About Prices?0 thal' The prces of Stevens silks are as iow, quality Y, as any you can find. In many instances F.AM OU S a nd FOR for Ç4 Styl e 0 0,' P. t, t s ms ILK We