- - .5 THE EVANSTON STORE' participates m the event with, over 2 CQMMADINGVALUES at. eack Mr&. J. Ny. a.ma E.rI D. Lyon Mrs. J. Nye Macalister, Miss lne Wliîmacqk, and Earle V. Li-oie, ail *'of Willmette, willi-tel thie ade sa the Woman's club ofWilïeette March ýS, 6. and 7, Inoi-e .aoiut "Whty 'M ei Leave Ho nie." w/es i, tatsophiisticated Pin 'V. ix /rcsentrd for t/te bene it' .f hie bîIiiNilg f "'l of thte club 2A'! rs. Miacalis fer is to be Grandtna Çîîttien, z'ho believes in equal rights for 7wOillen ald equai responsibili- ties, a>îid mu(c]i of thte action of t/te Pla 'v aud t4 solutionî of: ifs prob- - 1Miss Ilîi:îîicgick lias the raie of Betty Lorrinmer, the globe trottmgý '(llife of Artic zttho is insinp at he-. tic a'tith his iprtcrests and ixs sps- Mr. L 'ioii pin s .4Irtie. lhe hus- .band, D'ire w/to stay s'at ho ne. T/he. part is liqit comiedy aüd ix suited, tao the type of aciinq he lias donc. Uis ex/'erù,nce has been uigh local dra.îîalic oqani.zations. L.Ti ck ets. are sellfing _rapidly for ChiIdren's Appauel Wash dresses, rompers, Iittie boys' suits, paja- muast, weaters, etc. 'n: r- Mwer, etc., Admisi.aSec At the board meeting held early in, Febrarythe followîng became mem- berr of the Junior auxiliary: Harriet Childs Atwood (Mrs. Burton Atwood Jr.) ýand the Misses Marjorie Koenig, Myrtie Lundquist, and Stella Truska.. At the saine meeting, Miss I)orothy Hall was: appointed t'o srve onit 1 îÔcial commuittee. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 EVANSTO0N C E LEBRkATES' DýOýLLARl DAYý "m2, w- -