Is Here, At Sale Prices! For the bonny wee bairn, the chubby creeper, the tiny toddLer we have, collected a m>stcomprehensive selectin icluding: apparl, juvenile furnitureé, bedding, and, impotntaltcm0ors whech assure healthyl, happy babyhood. This page gives but a, meager suggestion of the many noteworthy value'nw vilable in our Infants' ýShop. s'w NurseryFurniture ln a February Selflng Tih. modern mother wishes to provide. her child with the daintiest, most practical and n.west equipnient avallable. - Mer. is lier opportunity . . . with priais lowered I Storklin. Btbineft., tub. hose, and'table, M.nivory and green .notabl, Value .......................... $7.50 Dressing Table, Storkline, in ivoIy and green, with acssory pockets, onIlv $2.88 "Where do you'.corne.from, Baby dearP"' '<Out. of the, everytehiere, mbt the herel" "Where can we buy your daitity coihesf "'At. WIEBOLDT'S, of couseevery wmise Toddlers Wear Frocks Af Pastelh--Crepe de. Chine A dorably stylod fr ôcklef.lsthe, of heavy, han'od embroid.rncf with do*p hems. Sizos I Philippine Dresses,$ Also for the toddlr. are hand-embroiciered dresses in many styles, sizes 1, to 3 years. Philippine Gertrudes, to mth....9 AII-WooI Seacques Are $1 quality silk, fo 3 Years. Broadclo th Cree per s, $1. Cuning gemmants with hend-embtoidery end' w.l Wilm.tte I 100 Our Annual February. Sale of Fuimiture. Is -Now in Progress T 'Iwo