Frock Collection at Surplice Blouses Blouses Pleaf inngs Ever so swagger reteeattractive costumes ior doy- Uirne wear qen- erally' contrived in 61 clc. navy. green or: brown and cleverly pointed wth gpright. Iy plad accents. The two, rnodels sketched are ta be found in our delqght. fui group at $16.50, which includes frocks for ail occaôsions, in- dividuaIly interpret- ing the important trende of the mode. *have invaded the new mode and Fashon bas decreed that Itta smart lassie wiII bae her plaidiel" Of course,. a wee bit goes a long way. and the fashion-wse woman, wilI utilize..ber plaid 'as a chic accent to an" otherwise monotone. costume., It may be à scarf, a jaunîty - at, a.blouse or even a-skirt *..but a touch of plaid wil be found in, thbe wardrobeý of traveler or stay-at-homle. Spr ng Silks Ado pt «a Criss -Cross Pa th to Vogue. * Supple. lustrous and widely diversfied in' pattern the new plaid silks permit a choce of glowing color combinations. In the bfvored 39-inch width. Fabrics-Second Ploor,. East Roomà ,Apparel Shops=Second Ploor Now ilII AýGay large 4l Wilmett. 1100 .95 Yd.