Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1931, p. 1

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MORE Will Appear at Sunday Eveninig ClQub Again With Pictures of Southwest Branson De -Cou, Who deligbted, the Wilmette :Sunday Evening. club aud- ience last Sunday night with bis "Dreamn Pictures on Japan," withnmu- sical accomnpaniment,, will present an entirèly ne.w series of. "Dream Pic-. tures on Unusual Western ýWonder- lands' before the sameè club Febru- ary1. Following is the.program:ý Vislting Death Valley ln Eariy Spring. Ryan and ita Scenie Railway. Dante's View., The new Furnace Creek Inn. The Devil's Golf Course. An Oasis Ranch. Mafking, Taikies ln an American Sahara. Wonderfui Sand. Dunes. lu- cerediblie Coloringe.. "Death Vailey-Weirdest, of Deserts" Musie--Dirge from Conertlo Groso (Ernest Bloch) Leawing Los Angëles in Aiugust for' * the Snake Dance Harveycar Cruise. S"New Studles of the Grand Canyon" (From the South Rim> Mùsic-Sýymphony I D .Minor-Enid of Firet Movement <Cesar F'ranck> In and Ar ound Old. Santa Fe. The Indian, Détour. 'Unbelievably Primitive Mexican Villages ln the Truchas Woun- tai ns. Off .the Beaten Path., Cliff Dwiellings. Taos and other Ptieloq. A T 'rip to Carlsbad, N. M. "The Carlsbad Caverns,-an UJnder- ground Fairyiand"l k . Msic---,Elegte (Tsehaikowsky) , Other Indian Pueblos., Festival at Sia. "Acoma, the City of the Sky" Nfusie-Pueblo Dndian Love Song (Thur-, The wonderfuiiy colored Perrified Forest of Arizona. Nature's Jewel Box. Chaco Canyon and Pueblo Bonito. A* Wid Country. Àrriving in Hopiland. Desert and Mesa. Scene of the Snake Dance. Harvey Camrp at Mishongnovi.. Trhe aunuai Snake Dance, nist remark-, able aboriginal ceremony, *in America., A prayer fo'r ran., "In Hoilanid" fte 1ae ,c .Nu sc--ChantofteSnk ae (Actuai . Recording hy the Hopf. Indians) Contlnuing -the Tour into Southe!rn Colorado. A Dude Ranch. Climbing the Mesa Verde. Amazing Cliff Dwell- ,rïgs of a forgotten people, in the Mesa Verde National Park. Returning to theý lndian Country. Sbip Rock, X. M. -The Land of. the -ýTivajos- Would You Gail Thzis Good Business? Tbe Wilmnette Village board, funictioning in the capacity of the Board of Local Iniprovenients Tuesday even ing, February 10, at a special session awarded tbree se-\vNer construction contracts to the Caiineil-Conirad Const.ruction conipany, highest of three bidders left froîii a large field (if conipetitors following an elirni- nationprocess at a previous meeting. jobs included ini the three conitracts-areinstallationi of sani- tary sewer bouse drains, lead water, service pipes and stormn' sewer bou.se drains in. the territory roqghlv described as wvest of Ridge road and north of Lake avenue. Inlual three Canneil-Con- rad bid high 1 1,'-a, Nide imargin-30% above the, low bidder, Nicholas Santucci of Niles Center. The contracts were awarded follic.ving a length eso f the board hechind closcd. doors. at , which, no invitation for discussion was given property, owners wvho are to be assessed fopr theimprovemients. The public meeting wvas brief-cut and dried- perfunctory. The clerk called tbe roll. Three Trustees, E. C. Cazel, Staniton Vanlnw%,agenl and Carl C. Re.nneck ar approved the award., T rustees RZuth H. SnVder anidWM. We. DeBerard opposed the award, and President Orner v-oted iii favor, of the award to Canniell-Coiirad,. Trtistee Hans von Reinsperg wvas absent. We present the figures of the three bidders %%hlo survived the ellinination process: Sanitucci P. J. Collins Cannell-Conrad Sanitary- sewer .............. $19,147.50, $28,305.00 $24,975.00O Water leads........12,457.90 12,50ý4.7 0 14,231.10, Storm sewer........17,388.00' 16,560.00 24,M4.00 Total bids..........W,tO,3.4'J $5W,369.70 $64,046.10 It wiIl be'seeix that the Cannell-Cohrad comibined bid is upward of- $15,000 higber than the lp*est-bidder. The taxpgyers in. theterritory affected must pay that difference wb.en the inevitable assessnient bis are rendered. Granted that the board bas acted in absolute good faith ini the matter, (the lowest bidder may not always bcenetitled to the job) the, tact remains that the taxpayers must here assume an extra burden that seems all out of reason. Ask yourself the que stion: Would any good business mnan pay 30 per- cent more for an article when lie could get the same article at a saving of $000, particularly Mien the total cost of the commodity arnounts toi $50,000 or $60,000 But isn't the board-doi ng. just that?ý We have three thorouglhly:responisi-I ble bidders, fully accredited, backed. by years, of eminently- successful work in the sewer.construction field. -Santucci, for example, bas instailed seWtrs costng oretha $2000000 in the ûeigbboring town of, Nues Center Collins is quite as well qualified., So is Cannell-Conrad. Then:why, the award'to the highest of the three biddersI ,The explanation is off ered that Canuell-Conrad did a splendid job of_________________ lay ing the $1,000,000. sewer recently installed, and is. therefore given first consideration. Oranted; Yet on thatI _mm4:à Wilmette end Evanston Offi- ciis',HoId. Pariey on Water Question Five Wilmette vill age officiais, Village President'Earl E. Orner, Village Man- ag er C. M. Osborn, Trustee W. W. De- Berard, chairmian of 'the water comn- mitteê of the Village board, iud, Trus-- tees Ernest C. Cazel and Carl E. Ren-. neckar met with représentatives of the city of E vanston in Mayor Charles H. Bartlett's office Monday- night to discuss plans for increasing W'ilmette's. water supply f rom Evanston. This meeting was held f ollowing ac- tion taken hy thé Wihnmette Village board on January 20 when a resolution %vas adopted, requesting Evanston for a n increased water, stpply utider.cer-. tain conditions. Officiais'of the two muicipalities bad twô chie f points of difference as to the, nature of the contract which should be entered into for an increase in water supply fori Vilmette, one as to the termof the contract and the other as to the place that the increased -water supply should be f urnisbed. In the resolution adopted january 20 the Wilmette Village board requested that the larger wvater supply be furnisheci to Wilmette at tbe Village limits ini Sheridan road, while Evanston officials pre fer to supply the water at East Rail- road avenue and Isabella street. * uggest .Aternative Pla Anotber sugÉestion made at the meet- ing Monday night was that a water main he, laiîd on the east side of the« Sanitary district canal f rom Lincoln avenue in Evanston to Sheridan road in W'ilmette, thereby avoidinf- the neces-, sity of, tearing up pavemnents. No agreé- ment was. reached and the matter was left, open f or further investigation. Although the Evanston officiais had expressed the opinion that a twenty- year contract should be entered into betweenthe two municipalîties for the increased water supply. as a result of ciaugnter, Mr.. and Mrs. A. W. Cus nie. They will remain there abx three weeks and,.will return to W mette albout,,the middle of April 4ZIj e....... 321 shopper the, Satisfaction of à weil- stocli.d p n t ry pur- chasd et genuine savings.,1 I ' Il I - .-.--- ,- - -.--. and Ostend. She will retur. by way ôf Quelbec and the, St. Lawrence rivi. endwi llegoue, about six weeko*

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