AtfilticsMary jane Curti s Activities .... ... Betty Buckett, Intramural Athletics Leonard Krupnick Inquiring Rep~orter....... Jane Or. Reporte»s E.thel Andersoný Alice. Altschul John Barden Emmta Bickhani jack Hicks Bud -Howard Witiard Kus Virginia Lotz Ruth Jackson Maizie Mouat Meta Miller Earl MeSss Jane Nôrman Jerome StraUss Bob Greenialil Janet McConneeghay Editor's note: ThisWeeck the staff takes great pleasure in admitting Betty Bucktt and BiII: Sundiof te the Hall of Plame. Betty le an officer of the Girls' club andi Bih of thé Tri-ship club. Both are 'prom-ilnent I pubilcation a.nd Bill le a member of the:track tcamà. Bettyi heati of soccer andi active on the For- mie bôaYd. STORMING THE BASTILLE? Race neots, ýpre-war election dy a the polis, cattie. stampede, or th-e storming of the Basti'he?-thesc are some of the many ideas suggested tc the ebserving person, passing New Trier high, school, at about 12:42 every day. It is certainly a strugg].c for existence, and in this particular, an unnecessary one, The draina takes place ôutside the main entrance of the main building; it has happene-l net once, but often enough te b£ enjoyed by everyone. One can have too mnuclh of any good thing. It seems some of us in some pre- vious incarnation, were '1'possibly ac. custonxed te graziug on the prairies, and partiçipating in a friendly stani- pede, daily. This' was most delight- fuI, perhaps in the "geod 'old days"- but let' 's 'get down te terra flrma, *and realize this is 1931, net 1319. Wie just -can't have stampees ' uy imore in. these. civilized. sections 'of the world. like New Trier township. It isn't doue by intelligent 'p'eople. To those who enjo:yed the "good o!d days" in another incarnation, let tis say forget it, and cooperate. Ttic problem is serieus. Help! Help t And this timne it was a fexuale cry of distress, net the by- word of a well known writer for a current daily paper. What had hap- Freshmen will be freshnien, con- sequently.tle B. S. B. is locked dur- ing both lunch periods. The study building was ciosed once before this winter but was reopened at the re- quest of the Tri-ship Club.'- In_ spite of al the Tri-.ship officers have been ablé ýto do the freshmen and -under-ý ciassmen have continued to cut Up' during the lunch periods.. The matter has passed beypnd ail control of the school as a whole -and any. action taken to reopen the hall must _be taken by the offenders theniselves.. The newly arrived freshmeu pré-i sent. an amusing1 spectacle to the whole schoôL, Little 'do we realize that the habits and impressions that1 they form while amusing us often. influence the rest of their high schoolt 'remajority' of. the freshrnen corne wide-eyed and wondering, aux- ious to please andtrying te do,.the right thing. They are instilled with a ceertain' echool spirit jusiz by the, thought of attending high schooi. They corne ready te work and te flght for New Trier's honor. They corne with the-expectation of taking' part, readyte take, a little hazn, but, stili te' be, accepted as a school- mate. These freshmnen are important te the school as freshrnien for they constitute over a *fouirth of the schôoo's enrohîrnent anmd, more impor- tant, becorne leaders of the school during the next three years. Upperclassmen can tell the-differ- ence between right and wrong, but freshineu cannot. Consequently when they see an, upperclassmian 'walking on the grass, running threugh the, halls, or doing any of the hiundred, and oeeforbidden things, they t hink that because, an upperclassman dees itf, it is' al right for thcrin.*te do irt too. First impressions are àlways thle strongest, and because of this a freshmana oftehi gets the wrong im- pression about some part of the school hf e 'that. influences'him u ntil lie graduates. Upperclassmneu should realize this, and temnper their direct and indirect flIEME SONG Here's to Chicago, The homne of the gat, Where folks think a pistoI shot Is a tire' going flat. Pete.-: *"8?" Dick: "Al that 1. amn, Iowe .te miy Pete: ' That's tough-here, take these two cents and square yoifrself." 'I guess we can squeeze, In here,"l said the youlg nman. as: he edged Into hie parkingplace. 'Was lie r Xrnas party a succes *'Don't' ask! 1 wore homne a wreath t of holly and *shc had my, bat hanging il ln thc window for three tisys t"' Heard iXoca Tourist: "*HoW are thinge with you,c Lýenvinsky ?" Red: "Oh, 1 do a Russian business, thanks." Formù in Line Now for Mother-DaughterFeastt The Girls' club is planning a. Moth-i er's and Daughter's banquet' thist mtonth. The former date,' 1ebruary 18, has been changed te Thursday, February 19, -Every other year a banquet is given fo rthe methers. In the alter- nating years. the fathers are invited., Every year girls have been turned. away becauise of: their tardines.s ini siguing Up'. Mothers and. daughters, buy your1 tickets early T'his is considered'one1 of the best' eveuts of the year by the1 girls; it would be too bad for you to miss it. The entire program will be presented by the girls. Now you know the 'dope, so get busy and buy tickets. The line is forming already. Are you going to be in it? ALUMNI NEWS Tt looks as if New Trier is. geing- to.. have a dlean shirt on this %wek, when she greets soi-ne ýof, her alumni. First in..the ,class of 1930, we find the honorable Bud Haskins back f rom 'Michigan,. and Willà Snyder a nd Cecil H urtt back frein WiscOI1- sn. In the :class of 1929 we-flnd How- Morton's win in the 'iightweight' >attle was due' to their maàrgin that was obtained early in the gamne. It aras even at 13-13 when the first haif vas. over, but" the Mortonians pulled away in the next period to take an 19-13 lead. Borino. went out on fouis and the chances were much siimmer of overtaking the winners.' but the N'.ew Trier cagers broke *up Morton's Étaliing tactics -and cme within twe points of tieing the.score, chiefly. on Beimont's abii ity teo loop in free' thrtows,,the New Triér forward malc- ing good on seven eut of ýnine chantés., With 30 seconds to go, Beimont tried a long shot f rom. far past the center of the floor,> which was ail but in the basket, but slipped out in some man- ner. Warblerang up.four points while Belmiont was, annexing Rifle.ý A much Iimproved Morton team met the New Trier heavies, when they took the floor. Morton had easily net baçk Evanston the week before aipeet Ing a good ua'rding jgameto 'harameL the eieen and gray cagers. Aithougli the local boys held the 'lead through. the entirety ef the col test, fMortoni was neyer far'behind. The outstandlIng N. T.. performers were Chureli, Finlayson and Captain Jones who totaled 33 pointe wlth Church, higl man, wlth 13. Fln- laysn, ithogliat guard. received Il for hie work, and :"Cap" î«ropped, ln,4 field goals. 'The Morton ace wvas Plan-e ieka with the, eum of 10. New Trier found a moment to Use as a reât per- lod as the Cicero boys were, bot for the basket ail the time. and1 any Ietup niltht give the Morton. boys a commanding lead. Near the end of the gaine, the hosts drew Up sharply and looped In enougli shots te set the Morton Iooters te cheering and entreatlng the cagers te, put forth their last ounce of effort lu order te overtake, the green andi gray, but the New. Trier team reél>ondedtot the ycils of thefr followers, fans and tht north shore . school's band, on lt's firet oUt-of-town trip, andi put up a de- fenàce that helti the margin, mintainlne, (heli first place tic with Oak Park, whoý defeated. Proviso on the saine-date. New Trier Boy s Rank HighinRifle Meet The National Individual Scehlastic Rifle was shot duriug the last two wee'ks, of January. The two, highest scores among the New Trier participants were madeý' by J. Me- the matter. "t It is înteresting t notice. that at f his institution, -young Anierica" is s0 desirous te return te their task of seeking an education, that they literally flght their . way jute the building, te get back te, their classes. The spirit is most commendable, but. let us get a better balanced viewpoint BOOK REVIEW treasure. Falmnouth for Orders, by A. J. Vilers.f This book centains the story of a MORE NEW TRIER NEWS race between two fine sailing ships ON PAGE 31 oôf our owri time. Magnificent de- L.,..------------- Ili 81 aàn In- t at dance. - 7 - -,-, -, , We'_%t., hôthe recul Il