Chiffon 511k 1lose- S heerl Du1l! $1000 Last Semson'sPrice $1.95 Beautiful stocings of a sh..rness and evennss of weeve, never b.4ore smn, t this price. Dain- tiIy pk*od tops, French fii..t., hermsftch.d run. stop, reinforcd to... Shown in ail the wnt.d mi*sason h des. Buy à supplyl Liste Mesh,. FuiIF shioed7O Course $1,00 g POilery Complet. with.-Shade $3.45 Boa utiful glass base .inipot tery .ff.cts of black, gren or ma- roon--.solid colors or marbl.ized .ff.cts. Complete with kand- ,i.corat.d 14- inch parchment shade. Phone if you cantf corne to the store. L ord's-FirslFFler ai Elevator .Watch LC Building biggcer to serve fi fui structure with many ni with plenty of..air, Iligkt toý the. service and satisfac Clever Ne $1 Liftte girls need mn dresses in the Spring. UI ity to select brand new are of linen lawn, din Lordfs Childrew's Lards IrHirp-First Fier W"tl LORD'S Grow * Lord's StatiItmry-First Floor Watch LORD'S $row M L.r's, Boys' Sj i O