D'S Grow e rth Shore betteri A beaufi-, d aures à. modem, store, space-a store dedicafedi ofispatrons. Dresses to 6 Years.. y~these printed cotton ài is a splendid opportun .- w ies at a saving. A few, I -- c.. is-Firs FI..r kS Grow u Send Vlnt'ne Send themn to those whom yo.u!ve been intendiig- to. weite.,q theresi no, bottei a to remem- ber them than withlea VALEN- TINE. W.bhave hunçreds 'of, aàttractive ones from 3c to SOcý froim which to choose- Lord's S#airneey-first Floor Keep Chlri en Interested Witmý BOQKS'I 25c' 50C W.'v. r.duced severai hundr.d books for small childr.n. Son. withiteroit- ing poems and beautifulIy colored il- lustrations, some wth blank peu and ink illustrations for them to paint, and others th.t en*erfain fhemn with the probl.m of cufting-out and pasting-in pictures. Just the things to k.ep their minds and bandms busy. Lord's Rooks-First Fhior (<N / FII~ Daby9s Os.u Reu-$eoeud Fboor Watch LORDS Grow W ~~1~~~ Smart FeitHaI Have Touches of Straw at $9 his time of yer always brings thougjht of new bats. These are of f.elit end ulraw, Panamalaques and b.thg ribbon and are a wis . nd very smart choice for immediate wear. They look 11k. Sprinq bats yet they are sturdy enough for NWinter weather. In doek and1 ight shades. Ail headiizes. Lords MiUhsctr-Second Fleer Peter Pan- Cuaranteed 'Fast-CoIor Walsh- Fabrics Lord', Fârics-First Fboor Watch LORD'S Grow