Itesolutions of .ondolenc., cards of thenks, obitu- ies, notices of eptertalnente or other affaire ghared Lt regular advertialng rates. Grade Separation will gave hf e. jLetes have immediate action! One ambitious .able citizen can advanc srrisingly'the irterests of his cmui ty, By his active -interest in- the problems' of bis commun ity, by Joiiithebis enlightçned energy, -Civic. Leaguie by bis -comprehensive, vision,ý he, though sin- gle-handed, can accomplish wmonders, in the way of civic betterment. Hlow much moreý can a well-organized,,well-equipped group of s'uch citizens do for the community! rThe Wilmnette Civic league is sucb a group. Made up of Wilmette citizens, many of %Nh onm are p)roineýint in, the worl of affairs,. this league is. bound to assist materially :in -the realization, of many, higb civic ideals and also to :create ni.anv equaiy worthy ideals and plans. The F avowed object of this group is to consider, civic problenis and by discussion to arr 1ive *at -ways and incans oif solving these. prob-, *lems. 1Their prograni of activities is wel. wortb studying. It includes' con sideration of a great varicty of problemls-financial, architectural, landscaping, recreational, educational, politica1, indeed, no subl)ject, of imnportance seeMs to bave been omitted., It in vites into its, mnember-ship every citi-, zenof Wilniette Who is ambitious not only. to conserve the good qualities of his homle towi but also to belp miake -it a'model town. In a recent cartoon by John T. Mc- Cutcheon. headed "As Undle Sam review; bis hope of the future,". the Boy Scouts, are shown m-àrchiing fo r7 A, National,,ward .iibv ig o ro us Bal .wark ýstridesand faces uplifted. Decply. toucbhed by tbe spectacle and realizing significance of the *Scout movemnent,,Uncle Sam voices' bis *strong conivic tioni in the foiiowing trench- ant words: "If 'ail out boys belonged to that raîzation, I'd have nothing to fear for the future of the nation. There, wo .uid ,be ail end to crime Naves,.> andà parents' would have no need te Nvorrv about vhat their boys were up to." There miust be ni 1 nyail over. this broad land of ours wvho share this t.remendous conviction. We venture to a ssert that there is flot on the north shore a real citizen wvho does not bi.leve ,that, if ail AniericaÙ boys were Boy Scouts the future of the Ameni- cari nation -would be assured. And such a belief, sticb a conviction, tieans more than* c ari be e.xprcssed ini a feýv vords. Aniong nîiatNv other things it means tliat the fun- lamientai Boy Scout principles are solid, andi thorotighly dependable. Tbe good BOY' Scott ill be a good citizen. It follows cleàrlv\ and unmnistakably thiat lie who supp)orts thie Boy Scouits sutp- ports the Amierican nation. Every two or three weeks we are shocked to learri of the loss of hf e at a north shore grade crossing. Relatives of those Who th us the lose their lives and Separate. .he. those -*nfortujnate. in- Gýàdes.dividuais Who 'wit;iess rades s u c h happenings cari n eyer f orget.tbe awfui experience. Next week it may be one of niy loved ones whose if e is thus violently cut short. It. may be one of yours. A horse? Is tritc compation-see? He leikes and breathes-a Part of tee, J talk to hin-he knows ety way Wle're comjpaty-day after day. fle loes. grand scenery-sarne as J. A4nd climb? No motn tain trails too high> I terust hint for 1 know hliés true, He'Il stick-until the gaute is thro.ugh. Heil change his gait to suit my style, :(That*'s easier for uis boththe while), ýAnd,, if he's gPrazieg off--away- Sonetianes he'lI nicker-or else . neigh. JVhich se.z he's anxious fer lis mate, T/rat's nme-and. 1 don',t hesitate, l'i tthisleto hii», soft and low, S.oon he'll conte trottin g up (yois knoti).. Ait' nosint' 'rounid i»e-unipdei-standP *Ifs sugar la c t<at-from MY hand. Ilc senlses eVerY vLisl& front bit, Thiesaddle? He and J both fit. Oh, ves.. I likesa rmot orcar To coz'cr distanices, real far, rTnrecehindrcd m1iles-or four-a, day, il'heni; ts sniooth qoit'-alit't no way. Gan give thai service ('.cept it'flyiit' And.ha ganes ight oit.death-defyîn') On good roads-cem JcIt aid such .-lid buss, secems, ca;n't do too imatch.. -1, scdaia.s ?ndan' wtrProof, A-s dry as tinder mider roof, IJVith i, seats just like an ecasy chair, W» tarin as laorne-mos' antyzchere. Ilut-motors. Ias thcirqtroiibles, too; 1Rai» out o' ga.s? l'oit sure arc through; Or get .detoured aot greasy cday, Y Oaur.ot o' liuck- too bad, they'll say A low-ýozf(1? u/'se iii the ditch, -Electric sertce Mscry's witch- An' zvlaeit it's cold, ait'batter-y's 'weak, loClcraaak an', crank, but site don't speak. Tlaaîs wlac tlae horse ait' I both laugit, AnW saY-that c'is somc ltike a gaif, I likes a horse-îlhey sure likes nie, So straaagcr, thar's inay idees- sce?, -Unicle Frank. assing a car One rule, if thoughtfuhly observed, will cover almost ail of the twenty. Here it 0 : "Be as courteous to others as you ezpec.tha~t~.t you." That's the mlo- Whe.n you're wanting some able-bodied young mian to wash your windows, clean your basement, or paint your. screens, re- member that there are New Trier high scbool students who are both able and willing to serve yotu for a modestreconi- pense. or two request numoers. After hearang tfleT, we go about our work with new gtmsto, and can't .belp using a syncopated toucb on the typewriter. *We'll wager a stick of type that New York press roonis have few, if any, such harmonica players as this gloniously, windy musician ,f rom Muskegon, Mich.