won the broaci jump,.'tooic mird in the shot put. ran a dead heat with) Bender, of New Trier, ini the 50 yard Iow burdies and ran in the relay. Finlayson (N.T.) took the high juimp.* The height was 5 .feet 8 inches. Summlary: 50 y. ah-1_ Quinlan (N.T.); 2, .Berdr(N.; ,Kiby(.T) T BenderSeve.T.n;(E.); 2, Gller.,T (N. :5.6.1 T.); 3, Davdson (..).; T ibert:(9.. 50 ;3,D.yd.hgsn, Sn.T baTie5:(E.);. Eckersall (.); 3, Krem«r (N.T.). Time * 440-1, -Quinlan (N.T.); 2, Kirby, .(N. T.) ; 3, Mlnter (E.).- Timeé :58.5._ 50 yd. iows-1, Bender (N.T.) and Sandbach (E.); 2, Bell (N.T.). Time :6.3. Haif-mile 'l, Boylston (N.T.).; 2, Pav- * lteek (N.T.); 3, Joyce (N.T.>. Time 2:13. Rely-Eersfl;Eîkembury, Sever- son, Squires and Sandbach. Shotput-1, 'Swartzell (.); 2, Schu- man (N.T.); 3, Sandbaceh (E.). Distance 44 ft. 9 Ins. High jump-1l, Finlayson (N.T.); 2, Squires (E.): 3, Ballenger (N.T.). Tleigbt 5 ft. g Ins. Broad jumrp-1, Sandbach (E.); 2, Martin (N.T.); 3, Squires (E.). Distance 20 ft. 5 Ins. Both Swim Teames Wini in Meet With Gary>ites New Trier's swimimers won hoth mneets last Saturday- fromi Gary, the, juniors by 28-25 and the Seniors te. *the tune of 40-19. New Trier's Seniors started off liv winning the relay and continued to win events throughout the entire mneet. The diving as ulsual topped the card, E-c~helnayer taking first as usual with Vic Joyce a close second The grey and green juniors came tip froin hehind in the last event te \Vin the nieet. At the coinclusion of thle diing, second last event, the score stoodl 19-25 in favor of G.qry. New Trier, hçQwever, took first and Second in the last event, the 60 yard swim making -the final score 28- 25. Sunîmrary: Juiors 160 yd. relay-Gary swinring Smith -Kieber, Olsen and Josefeeki. -Time 1,:30 %5 * : 40 yd. Breast-l, Rieber (G); 2, ý01- * sen; ,1 Pearson. Time :27%Y,. 40, yd. swim-l. Seler; 2, Henning.; 31. 5Smith. Time :22Ys. 40 yd. Back-1, Enchelfiayer; X, ie- arfll. tit; buil 4. Ii Ll 1 ap -'v...i the best tinie was 1:21 1/5 mnade .by Funkhouser's seniors, while Minne- ma's sophs nia de 1 :21 4/5, the second best. Carpenter took the ionors ini the 2 Iap race making 2:57 with *Wehr second. , I the 3 l1ap grind,. Persing. copped ,tbe cake with Aschenbach second. The time was 4:43 2/5. Jones' sophomfores surprised us by tiotting the shuttie event in :.29. 1/5: Persing Was next with :30. 1641 ORRINGTO&N AVENUE* Opei Toeaday, Tluradap and Batuw4aisg Etoittga i fr tMe day.i workf Tihe leading rooms of the remain- ing teams in the tournament are: leavyweight division: Wehr and Ca- ton, seniors, Aram, juniors, Joncs and Christensen, sophomores; ightweigbt division: Wehr and Flanigam, se-U M f