Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1931, p. 32

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Pu ver aitÇL wiir<s,-so each e r Chldren who attend the two formances of "Cap O'Rushes" on' Valentine's day ai the National Jege of Education will find that to, bc truce in the apPealiig Ji Engiish tale, which bas beenÈ matized for them bv Miss CI Belle Baker and which, Y011 be p sented for them by Student p)lay of the 'college at 10.30 in the moi ing and at 2;15.o'clock ini the afti >on.Betweenl the lialpy beginn and the bappy enldingk,. owever, du cul1ties arise which the littie heroi ofthe story, Cal) O'Rushes. st mounts., i Rose is really lier iamne. Drivi fromn her homne te ight of birt f day festivity by ber.father, a genti, f man who ived in '"good old Eni lai "because- she proclairned th. she loved -him "better tlian - fres ineat loves saIt," sheleIaves, the, hous in her lawn dress made colorful wit the emnbroidered pictures of flower she loves. Rain drops fai, anîd t, prot et hereelf and lier charminl frock, shie takes rushes from the edgg o f a stream that wandered througl te garden and weaves a cap to coei hehair and a.cloak to. cover li f go*wn. Safe: from rain and wind, looking'as though she were walkitng about in a littie rush bu't she finially I,îds shelcter anîd :work i h kitchen of a large estate -where she keeps the pots and kettles spotless and glisten- ing and the bricks of the hearth fresh. It is thiere that "she is named j Cap O'Rushes, 'because of lier unique garb and the fact that she never tells the servants who sile realyv is. re apparnc at a ballber be- charming, lier 'subseeiit disappear- ance and hier discoVere, both by her hero. and ber father. coipne1 th eharniing tale, -whose details we, leave; j for 'boys and girls of the north shore to discover..tbemnseives. Were we jto, divulge too rnuch. t heir expectancv jwould be "Iessenéd. A Vaientine luncheoi wiIl be served front 12 o'clocek until 2 in the alter- noon to those who have made reser- vations. Alil seats for hnth »éfom r- Hiubert Carleton, rector of thg St. churcli, assisted by the Rev. Lelan( :- Hobart Danfortb, of the Cbiurcb o Uicthe oly Comforter i Kenilwort! a reception will be field in the resi- a- denceof the bride's parents, Mr. -and Nf rs. Burt, Affan, Crowe of 23d e- Raleigli road, Kenilwortb. rs Miss' Crowe will have as lier at- tendants, lier sister, Miss Barbara -Anine,. as maid. of honor, and as gbridesinaids, Miss Dorothy Darling and Miss Carol Knapp of Kenilworti,' e Miss Genevieve Smitbers of Wil- -mette, Miss Janiet Hughes of Glen-. coe,, Miss Harriet Blair and Miss i Ruth Castle of -Oak Park, Miss Flor- - ence Woodard of Owos.so, Midi. and -Miss' Elizabeth Alger of Lansing, Mich *.-Virginia-and Charlotte LIuc.k of Keniiworth wil be> the -flower girls. George Crafts of Neiv York Ci ty as to, serve as: best .aan. a nd the usiiers -wiil be' Charles Doniue. and, Seymnour Hollister of N'ew York City , George F. Isaac 'of Tenilworth. Ed- ward W. Wood, Jr., Rod and Earl Hanson, and George F. Getz, Jr., of Chicago and Dean Campbell Woodl- Talk on Lighting Wil TheEnd Opera Club Year TeCivic Opera club of Ximette concludes its curretat season at 4 o'clock Sunday alternoon, February 15, at Shawnee Country club. G. K. Hess, an authority on ligbting, willi give the prograni .whicb wiil bc an explanat ion of the development. of stage lighting from the time it first was introduced in tbe latter part o? the sixteenth cenfury, down to the ' present timie; tbe effect of lighiting upon dramatj.c situations; ligbt, paint- ing; and stàge operat ion. Fetes 3ie-lc Aanong the recent affairs ini honor of- miss Katherine Elizabeth Lind-ý skog of Chicago prior to her inar-a niage to Walter Richard Neubacher of. Winneïka, was the ri. ll- he I4ebruary 18, at 'the clubhouse, wit-h 4i the following new arrivais in the of club fanxily as guests of honor: ý1, M e s damnes William Sweazea, 'h Winslow Goodwin, Walter Hildër-- - i)rand, I.. P, .Mebhig, Benjamin Buis, 4i Rodney Perril11, Halbert F. Rile,P 9 Edw ard W. Pridmore,- Elnier- D. Becker, Edward C. LgelDal -H. Maxcweîll Clarence Fisbleigb, Carl J. Mylùnd, John C. Koenen, Willi amn D. -Graham, Ernest A. Gouîd, j. P.* Balîman, Frederick A.: Lind, Glenn R. Frisbie, Bernard Brown, Fred- erick W. Strube. Mesdamies Louis Brenner, Haign Kashian. Georgeý M. Christophel,r Harry J. Camner, G. H. Stephenson,- Joseph Regnell, Virgil, Wescott, AI-t fred. C. Thompson, Walter' R. Mar- tens, Harvey C. Orton. C., Sevrnoure Jones, E. J. Claussen, Arthur E.a Ruif, Ralph H. Rice, Howard Bisbop, Harrv C. Carroll. Edward C. Geither, E. S., Lawvson, 'J. H. Simmons, G. . i Stenning, Nathaniel Webb. ai List Hosts, Hostesses bi ti Aiil alurnae of Ngortbwestern uni- 'versity and their husbands aire ilîvited to attend the annual book tea to b)e given by the Associate alumnae at Hobart bouse on Sunday fromn 3 untîl 5 o'clock. Guests are asked to bring gafts Of books or mohey for tbe li- braries of Hobart bouse and Rogers bouse, the two new women's dormi- tories on the Evanston campus. Miss Charlotte Dakin, reader, anîd Mrs. William H. Burger, pianist, biav-e arranged a Valentine programn. Hosts and bostesses for the tea ini- clude Mr. and Mrs. Richard> G.* Breeden M'r. and Mrs. George A. Paddock, Mr. anid Mrs. Artbur, M'. Long of Winette, the latter woman trustee at Northwestérn, and Mr. -and1 Mrs. George W. Robnett, Dean and N{rs. Ralpb B. Dennîs, Professor and: M~rs. James 'Tafet Hatfield, Pro-fesso and Mrs. James L. Lardner, and Mrs. Augusta McDonald. Wilmette. will take Place Saturda' -Februiary 14, at 10:30 o'cîock In the fnorning at St. Ida's churcli nC1. cago, with the Rev. Father Je Shevlin of St. Francis ýXavie uri -officiating. e Attending Miss O'Donneîî as iairj of honor will be Miss Dorothy Ho tf- man of Chicago. She i.s to have ., bridesmajds Miss Maxine Baker awa Miss,,Ruth Hannagan, both, of, Chl.- cago. Ned K-elley wiIl serve as best îfllao for bis brother, andthe ushers iil include Frank: Morrison, bis brother' in-law, Lawrence Roth; Edwair;], Scbager, and George Hanna. of \Vil-. mette. Mr. Kellev 'and bis brideiill anakL their borne in Deerfield. Entertaining in honor of Mv 0)'1Donnell b as included the lulnche'i,;] ad, bosiery sbower -given by 'Ni rý .eo Doyleý of Winnetk:a, a, diut 1 for the b-ride-.eleet and Mr.Kel~ t Wbhicb Mr. and Mrs. Fralkfr Ri Norrison of Chicago were host a'11( iostess, tbe dinner da'nce Miss.Doro- ýh Hoffmant gave, the bachelor dill-. ier ait wbich Ned Kelley waslîost iii, is I)rotber s honor, tbe tea giveni> ). 4rs. Kelley to'bave ber.friends mieet fiss O'Donnell, and thebridai diii- ýr at the Edgewater Beach. ho.tcI or members of the bridai party an(d eir families given. by,,the bride-tô- ?ls parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Doninell. Miss O'Donnell is a graduate ('f t. Mary's of the Woods at South end, mnd., and ber fiancé is a Welf are A uxilia.rg to Mee onfebruary 16 The. Junior auxiîiary of the Inifait Welfare societY wiII bave its aîext meeting .,Monday alternoon at 2 o'clock, at -the borne of Mrs. A. 1 RubY, 191 Park avenue, Glencoe. A;-m sistinDg bostesses wîll be Mrs. H. T. Reiling, Mrs. E. M. Simonds, ,Mr. J. 1-1. Stackhouse, Mrs.-J. C. ,Ande.r-- slif. iS' giving a y' guests Sat- 14, at. his The Wilniette chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold a benefit card party Saturday evening, Febru- ary 14, at 8 o'clock at the Masonic temple in Wilmette. There will be prizes an~d refreshments Dorothv L.1 Kuelzow is chairman cfthe.aitair.* Dinner Host Tonigbt C. Miles McDonald, Jr., ion of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. MçDonald, 1046 Michigan avenue, will entertain sev- eral friends thij evening at the catp- aret dinner at Shawn)ee Countryclb

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