Members Take Pride ini Resumê of Work Accomplished by Philanthropy Pepartment S By A. S., OutstaX]di!lg amnong the niany seui annual.reports of theWoman's CatbW oic çlub of Wfilmette and one o wh'icb the inembers are veryprn isthe report of the ,philanthropi chairman, Mrs. George t. Ld -i Chief among the charities sponsoreî by the group is the work doie, foi t.Vincent's orphanage. Last year when the- Sisters weri preparing to open their neW. building and were bandicappedby lack oi funds, the club decided to doxiate au eight* bed ward in the asYlum. By giving card parties, seillng quits aîid baving bakery' sales, the mnemben have iraiseci the $500 necessarv' and they' noW Proudly caîl their o'n tl Blueroo at St. Vinicent's. Ail the sheets, inattreýss covers, quilts, and curtains hav~e been made by the club members, and only ast %veek thîe mlemibers finishied sevelnty--niiue ittle dresses, ail iwith a bit of-lhandc-%%ork, to be wo rn by the babies ini their ward. The babies in this ward are caled The Woman's Catholic club of wVil- mettes babies byr the Sisters, and they are privileged to visit thenin at ans, tie. whlch is a wonderful thing for ahe babies and a wonderful thing for the members, especiaily t-he~ grandnîoth'.rs. The activities are not confined tu St. lncent's, for this year fiannel kimnots were made for the children at St. mary'e Jndustr5al school.. Eveiy year the cub sponsors a ]3undie day when outgrowni shoeB and elothirig are collected aind giveri to the chillren at St. Alary's. For. three years they have been edu- cating a student at the Malllnckrodt, Hi1gh sehool for girls. This year besides providing this scholarship, they are alszo paylng the sc.hooling expenses of two littie girls at St. Francis Xavier school. The»e two littie girls are members of-. a famlly the. club bas beeni caring for tor the last tive years. It became inter-ý eÈted, In the famnily, when the mother was very 111 and needed help. She *as. caWred for until she died and on her death bed, she .requested the club to look after her Ilve 'children and elderly father and to sec that the chlldren were. given a Cathollc educiti.on. Sint' lier Next .Tuesday. Februarv 17, is the thirty-sixth birthday' of The Neigh. 'hors and thev are to have a rea! birthdav parti- and festive celebra- ton. There wixill be a luncheionl,at .1 oclckand.earh memiber is ct!ttled to -invite one guest. Mrs. Wendell C 'lark. chairmnai of the social committee, is.iii çharze of, the luncheon and memnbers of the ocacomittee are the hostesi5es MXrs. Charles Howard Bent iq arrang-. inga surprise pro gram, .aîd is sýug- Vesting that those. wbo bave -shiwl.s f rom any country, of' 'ainv age or, size , wear, them, for it w~iil give -1 bit of color and add to the atmnospbere. Tt is a day when thé charter merm- bers .and enieritus member-s bave the place oif bonor, as well as the past oreidenits. The Neigbbors, alwavs, looked forward' to the return of as Ananv of their past' presidents who find that it is possible to corne. Tliere will he a postponed mîeeting oif the muic departineîit Tuesdav iiiorning. Februarv 24, at 10:15, at ilie home of Mrs. Edward Marshall. 140 Keniilworth, avenue. The prograrn %will he given by Mrs. Paul T. Gi4.ert and Miss 'Virginia, Marshall. "Kind- Iv notice the change of address for this meceting frorn the announicemient on the 'February calendar postal" the clubi requests. Book Review and Pageant on Fine Arts Pro gram Miss Aune Whitmack of the XVil- mlette P ublic library 'wiIl open the meeting of the fine arts departmnent of the Wonian's Catbolic club) of WVilmette on Friday, Fehruary 13.-at; the Woman's club, with one of the series of. deligbtful book talks she is' 1resentini to the club. The programn willý consist. of the readingà of the prize-winning poem . in the ériginal, contest. and a 'pageant. cafled ."Sweetbeartis,"ý which will be presented I1w seveîîteen nieniber-s of the club. Appropriate music and songs will1 be rendered by the club chorus. The ex-service committee of the WVoman's club of WVilniette held its monthly meeting Monday, February 9, at the home of Mrs. George C. Lowell, 900 Ashland. avenue. Mending hose anîd other clothing donatedl for the veterans and the sewing of carpeçt rags for the OtcupatiÎonal shop occupied the fin- gers, of Menmbers w hile the' business miatters wvere being transacted. . The distress of -soie, of the fanilies of ex-service men with whorn the com- inaittee is in contact, is very acite owingý to the unemploymenit situation. One young wife bas tried ini vain .to finri wvork and, has no income o'utside of .scanty rations'once a. mocnth from the county.. The committee is tryinig ,to find lier work and'in the icantime is pay- mng, rent and some. f ood: f rom its fund. January 17, six members of the New Trier Higli school. orchestra, Eugene Berg, William Bruce, Foster Beii-- nett, Robert Hess, Rkalph-Kline, and' Bavless Wolf, gave two orchestral pro- grains for the-veterans, mie at 2 o'clocl, for the U. S. Veterans hospital at North Chicago and oie at 3 o'clock at Great Lakes, Red Cross bouse for the men tbere. To quote f rom a letter of appreciation f ro.m the, Red Cross di- rector: "The snap and speed of thé orchestra gave a fine aidý lively àfter- iioon much enjoyed by aill of the men." Invite Wilmette Residents to Book Reviews at Club * The fourth iii tbe series of book reviews occurs Wedniesday mornitig. Februarv 18, at 10:30 o'clock, 'at the \Volian'es club. The first bookc to be discussed is "The Adanis FamiilNv"' bv Janies Truslowv Adanis, to be re- viewed by Mýrs, C.. H. Jones. In writing about the Adanis famnily, the t author bas chosen wbiat is said to be the iost distinguished family that Aniierica bas produced.. Since the miiddle-of the eighteenth'cenitury ttie famu'lv. bas nmaintained ,preernineiîce, due tiot to.xwealth, nor to title,.buit to character and. sheer intellectual a.;bility. The book is a stimulating1 contribution to the studY of Amierican ti civilization. ' Costumes and Settings for "Wby Men Leave Home" to, Be EIab- 1 orate in Modern Manner Rehea Byl .Ior LS.hyMn e' Hoe" hearsas fo "Why Men àLethe Holme" eWich is o b ivn athc vý Wilmete of.mansclu5,6,ond te ee nriing ofMrch 5, 6, nd 7, arel There are to be lovely stage set-- tings in harmony with the sophisti- cated atmnosphere. of the play, 'and costumes appropriately elaborate, are being furnisbed. by Mrs. N. A. Han-I na. "'Lombà,rdi, Ltd." vvas, costumecl 'by. Mrs. ianna and the memorable style show included -in it was pre- sented by ber.; Mrs. Hanna's montli- Iy trips to New York give lier aaî opportunity to knoW the latest ini staging as well as in styles. .Miss Amne Whitmack is *to takce the part of Betty Lor'rimer, the globe trottingk wife of' Artie, .whio is- not mierely oôut of symipathy with, bis learning H>awaiiain, but is. sus- picious of bis teachler, :Honolulu Hattie. Artie's defense i that hie lias to do sometbing with bis ionely evenings, and hie wants lessons on the ukulele because a barp is so heavy to carry around. Miss Whit- miack is known to ail of us for bier friendly inItereat whien we 'Want somnething at the -Wilm-ette library, for lier pertinent book reports, and for the talks on books wliici -she hias been giving in north shore clubs. Recently ,Miss Whitiùack bias been holding a: series: of lectures o:i books at the Catholic WoM_0an's club. She bias taken part, in.local drainatic productions and was. a tourist iii 'ÇloseUp."Y Earle D1. '*Lyoi . takes the 'Part .of Artie Lorrimer,. the busband wbo stays at home while bis 'wif e doesn't. It is a liigh coniedy role well suittel o Mr; Lyon's draimatic. xeine - V-1--- UL F.CII -ni, ustr.c, Jinojis vuceration of Lv eed tomaeby rclubg an dri.Womren's clubs, will give. a talk on ý t blsead to py foodnt, ta. aht"One Outstanding Acconplishuent of w ' 1rfodwhr Eacb Club in tbe District." Mns. aie 804) members li the Womnan's George H. Beaudin, 726 Elmwood ave- .g clu o Wlmtt hand been onue, Wilmette, is radio chairmian for on the7Ir philanthropie work thé teaitb djstrict, which includes clubs as far inorth, as .Waýukegan. TO SEE "DREAM PICTU1RES" The next regular meeting of the Protestant Wonen's Service club will be held at Marshall Field and coni- pany on Wednesday, FebruaY. 1 at 12:30'.o'clock. .Branson e Cou ill lecture. on "Dream Pictures of Our National Parks." l'et-In recent Productions by the dramatic departmeut of the Con- gregational ýchurch she had the role, of an Irish wornuin "Wanted-a- Cook," and that of an old lady in "Soup, Saud, and Sagebrush." Mrs. Macalister -studied dramatic art . a t Xtbe Nebraska .State Normal. college, aud prefers characteïr. pàrts.