rectors iroiniChicago and the nortb Jshore. On the Sundays during Lent Holy Communion wilI be at 8 o'clock in the morning and Churchi school at 9:30 o'clock. There will be Holy Con- munnion the, first and third Sutndays * düring Lent at Il -o'clock andi Morn- inr Prayer aet the saine hour on the other Sundays. A service, to. be held on Ash ýWed- nesday, February 18, at 7:45 o'clock in, the evening Will include the litany * and a sermon by the Rev.. George E. Gibson of Cathedral Shelter, Chicago. Rectors who wfill Preach at: the T..luesday evenling services, which wilU also be aet 7.45 o'clock are: Febru- arv 24, Rev, Charles Y. Hull of St. Paul's by the Lake, Chicago; March 3, Revi.> Harold L.. Boweg of St. Mark's Episcopal church, Evanston;* March 10, Rev. Howard R.. Brinker of St. Bartholomiew's c h u r c h. Chicago, March 17, Rev. Richard C. Talbot, Jr., of St. Elisabeth's church, Glencoe, and March 24, Rev. Walter C. Bihler Of Christ church, dbicÎRo. During Holy Week the programn of services at the Church of the Holy P Coniforter will be as follows: Maundy Thursday, ApriI 2, Holy Communion, 10 a. m.; Good Friday, April 3, Holy Commnunion et 7:30 an.d 10 a. mi. and choir's rendition of Stainer's cruci- fixion at 8 P. nm.; Easter eve, April 4, Church school Easter service at 4 p. m., and Easter Sunday, April 5, Holy Communion at 8 a. mi. and Il a. m. Wilmette Womiin's Club Has Next Tour Feb. 17 The second of the tours' of the Wilmette Woman's club is to be con- ducted by Mrs. Harry Barnhill on February 17. Motor buses will leav'c tthe club building at 9:30 for the Chi- cago Civic opera, wbere the mvs-, teries of behind-the-"stage at an op- era will be, explained. There.upon, the buses wilI take the menîbers of the tour to the Merchandise mart, to see ifs most notable features and tu visit the world's Iargest broadcasting DeHaven Photo Lois Hamwneu of WiLmette, piaulat, «411 bc prese.sfrd by Clor- ence IRidam at a mtusicale and a tea on Sunday afternoon, IFebruary 15, at 5 o'clock, 1625 Kimnbali building, Chicago. Thtis is lte first of a series of musicales and teas in tvhich Mr. .Eidam 7will present his pupils. Miss lfammett's program will the as follows: Prelude and P'ugue ln A Mlnor.. Bach Sonata ln E Major, Opus 109 .. ....., ....... . ...... Beethioven Vivace nma non troppo Prestissimo 'Andante mnolto cantabile PeYpetual Motion.............. Weber Nocturne 1» P Sharp ...........Chopin Etude ln A Minor, Opus 25, No. Il . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . hopin Etude ln E major, Opus 10, No. ,3. - . ...Chopin Etud ein'AMnoOu 10, No. 2 ..._ .....Choôpin Ballade ln G Minor............ Chopin Capriccio, Opus 76,-No. 1..Brahms Capriccio, Opus 76, No. 2 Brahms MEAL ---A=E LOANS ON REAL..ESTATE, weIl located and carefulfly: selected, stre alway acceptable to0conservative ASBad & Werenk the marlket: for such loans, it wili be to -your adven-: tage n refin gyourprenloa towrte or cail tli. office. 528 Davis St... Evauston Greenleaf 1855 A nother J 'Hair Mattresses and Springs Made to Ordt HL G. LllNDfWALL Hçhe a rade Upbolstgasng Stroe EstbIi.Id 18 mh."hn da14 andscape Çardeners Siisce 1856 GLNIEILL. gJ PHONE ROGERS PAU I2 lit OR GLENViHW S7OR8