receiveci letters at the hrst r awarding of girls eînblemns ýcial assembly prograininl the auditoriumn Tuesday niorning. Those,who received. the awards were amonig the upper third of thivir class in winning the highest numbhler of -points during the first term's work. The points are granted by the Physi- cal Education. departinent of the schools on. the following basis:. Five points for each class if in ftill uini- formn, five points for, playing ini any after scbool gaine, twenty points for each posture test Passed, twenýt-five Points for passing five sùccessive pos- turetests, twenty points for.each folk dau4e Iearned, from, one to.five points, for. each 'inch or foot over standard requirement in high jutnp.1, broad junip.. hal throw, Lr bal ic'. The -occasion, iliiaddition hi lieing. the Sfrst. mid-year 'a wardiug of et- ters to girlIs, vas ~thefirst special asstinbly dev'oted enbirely, to girls'1 athl tics. Director of Recreation Daniel Mt. Davis presideýà oý'er the assemubly and ix*coduced .»ts. Pearl, P. Jonces, ini- stfrjtor ini mathieniatics at, theý Hon'-, aM-« school, 'who. was -the. speaker. of, the .ýioring. Her sp eechw~as dev-otedl to 4p explanation of boW girls couild %vin' points, plIacing particular eimpjha-ý sij -n the. correlation of the athletic prQgram and the other school work. ipresents Pennants Mrs. Gertrude F.itckbonter. girls' gymnasiuim ins tructor at the Howard school, before the awarding of letters presented pentiants to the 6C, 7A, andi 8B girls' volleyball teais, whicb: wo'11 the school cbaipionship in that sport, and presented a special l)enniaiit.,tk the 6C team for wining îthe inter- school chamipionship). Nirgiia M.arslî, accepted the pennants for 6C ai d made à short. talk, at tbe request of. Mr. Davis; conicerning 'the 6C's rec- ords. in past sports. Lois Roberts. and, Betty Kay Morgan, representing the 7A anid 8B teamis,1 made similar reports. 1 Mrs. Fanckboner preseiited the let- ters to the girls, assisted with the thie înens nasicetballteans-. 'l'neî4b't gaines of the season will be played at the Howard gymnasium and froin 7 to 8 o'clock at the Stolp gymnasium on February 23. Recreation assistants, Glen W. Gathercoal and Dudley C. Stone have: deçjded flnot, to. rut .an- other schedule but to hold the gym- nasiurn open for teains to practîce fortheAIIa-Wilmette Basketball, tour- riament which is scheduled to begin Marcb 18. During thé two weeksý in- terveuing. between the close of the A league's season, and the opening, of the tourn amuent, each teain will have an opportuiiity to play two pract -ice gaines. Eleven teains have already ristereti for the tournanent. Referee Merrill Mundy who offi-. ciates the basketball games, at the Stolp gyminasium on Weduesday nights gave four bundreti cubic centi- mecters of blood in a' transfusion to.,a formier college mate of his last Wéd- ýi lesdav- afternoon and ,afew, hours later appeared at the gy niiasium and re±'creed thec three selieduled gaines as usuial. 1 A columinist. in a Chicago paper is fiing îinterestinýg data concérning big cores reutin f romn gaines of bas- ýketbalk. So far, the Fresimen-Bruins [V gaines played the opening niglit of the junior league scbiedule sur- passes aniýtliuig printed lu lus colunmu. l'le result of this gaine was 118 to 0 lu .favor of the Bruins. Russell Horn, captain of the Black, hawk teain, denionstrated just what cau l)e (doue about one-sided scoriuig I in a gaine between bis teani and the M ethodist last \Wcdnesdlay evepîugý 't'lie Blackhawks were leading- 17 to 13 xvitbin two minutes of thec end of theý last quarter wlien Russ becamne cônifused -and shot a basket for theî Methodist... However,' Blackbawks innediately ent into de fensive playý and ýthe final score -as, 17 to15i thecir favor. Vincent V Lilites ,basketl a metuber of the team, repor.ted for gaim- wtlb a hacH The last garnes of the chess tourna- mient saW sucb evenly matched com- petition that the tournament had' to be extended -for a week. The final gaines: are being played between H. J. WrikhJtsoix and. John Boddie, and' will: be completed this weçk. Jhn Moore won the consolaion round by defeating James Lamb last week. The *ladder" tournament. fpr players elim- inated after the consolation roundlhad. started bas met with even,.greater èn tbusiasm than the main tourna- mient. Montgomery Major. was a the top -of the ladder at the.-beginning of this week's play but had to defendl bis position from such--play'ers as George Stone and H. L.. Beach. Thie,'finýalgaines in the first round of play. of the girls' basketball leagpe, left the Wisconsin and Schultz an&d Nord teais tied . for the lead of the field. The Schultz and Nord teains ticd for' the lead of the field.T' e Schultz and Nord defeated the Brownie teain hich had s Lared the lcad up* to the last gaines. by. three baskets last week. The Brownics, fouglit valiantly ntil the fast Min- ute of play and up to that time -was neyer more than a single basket be- hind. The L-irls' basketball teains bave been divided into two leagues, thec schedules of wbichi appear in this week's WVmL.\i£'rE LiVE. A club) endurance record for R. 0. G. model airplanes was made at. the Aero club mnontlily flight contest heid at Stolp'.qynnasiurm Iast Friday night. Harrison Storins broke ail prcvi'ous chlb records by keeping bis midget plane aloft for 113,7 "Seconlds, beating tbe previous record of 10535 seconds madIe by Jack Miller lu the contest wi*th Waukegan last sprin g. Xiiirsof second and third places ini the contest also. qualified for their, junior private licen_-s, tbe <first cer- tificate granted for a sustaÎned fl igbt of a ino(lel. Fayette Lilly Iflew bis plane for 50 seconds to win second place and Donald Scarif, a begiiiner Davis, Coaches Robert Towniey of Kenilworth, F. C. Jackson of Evans- ton, Dudley C. Stone, and Glen W. Gathercoal of Wihnette. met at the Wilmnette Recreation offce, 914 Cen- tral avenue, last Tueýday evening and' mnade out, the basketball schedules for thé North Shore Gra.iiiiaýr Scliool league. Four -Wilmette teanms- wilI take part lu the North. Shore league. whieh is divideti into three divisions, the midget class, boys weiglinig under 90 poun 'ds, the lightweiglit class, bovs over 90. but Weighing less' than 110 1)ounfls, and the heavyweight: class, for boys weighing over 110 pounds. WVilmette bas two midget* class teamns and the following scbedule will showi the dates of com-npetitionl: February 21'i 9 a. in.-Haven at Howard. AI four tea,)i&s ____ February 26, 3 :30 p. .-ineerl- gets at Havenm Both teanis. ardi, 5, 3 :30-Wilmette light elghts: 1and -heavywelghts at' arh3, 3 :30. p, nî.-NivhoIsmdgt at Howard. Both. teamrs. igàt Maàrch 10, 3 :30 p. r1.- lglt- welglits '«fnd ieavyweiglits .tt Howard. March 12, 32.30 p. ii.-Wilnîiette inid*gets ait Nichiols. Both teanis. March 11, 3 :301 P.rn.-WVilrnette 11,ght- weights and lieavywelgrhts at Nichols. Marùh14 :3 p. itt.--Wilipette miiidgets Ia4dciIîtweights tt Kenilworth. March 19, 3,:30 p. mi-Kenhilworth nitd- gets and.,.Iightweights at H-oward. ý: M . n-Girls' basketbail. 'Schultz and Nord vs. XYZ. Stolp gym1nasili.ý 1-:.3ù p. iii.--Chess touirnamnent. 'La.,dder" tournainent. Stolp school ibrary,' P. :0 pi.-Gra.Wimair School girls' gym-ý nasiuin iciass. 'Howard gypnnasiumn. :00 V. ni-Horseshoes for men. Howard sclhool attic. ". :15 -p, . n--Girls' basketball. Chicago vs.- Brownles. Stolp gynnasiuim. "i :00 p. -n.--Busness girls' gymnasiunî class. Hioward gymnasiuni. a:05 p. im.-Giris' basketbail. Wiseonsiii Svs. SOM. Stoip gyninasium. We%;dnesday,. February 18 7 :00' p. n.-Men's basketbali. St. Franci.s- vs. Methodist. Howard gymn-iiasium. 7:00 p. n.-Men's basý-ketbaii. Shamroclit vs. ,Woif Griffus. Stoip gyrnnasiuM'. S :00 p. nî.-Men's basketbail., Black-, hawvks vs. Schultz and Nord, Hioward gymnasinin. 8 :00 p. m.-Men's basketbaii. Lyinan's Texacuos vs. Hofman's. Stolp gym-ý nasium., 9 :.00 P. m.-Men's basketbaii. K. of C. Vs. State Bank. Howard gymnasiui. 9:00 p. m.-Men's basketball. SFC's vs. Bruins III. Stoip gymnasinin. FYllll slu rL8:00 ' rn.--Men's ba ketball. L ym an's 8;~ Jane LilIly, SA, 27U 8:15 P. m.ý'BasketbalI for girls. TNT vs. St.Jsp. oa*gynsun rSteen, SA, 267 points-, va. Telephone Company IL Sol8 ym 90 Lp mJ2OInS ae'to ard 1*ollster i, 8B, 264 points; Shir- naslum. .v ts. ymS9'00P, s Hows ad gymal. litr 259 points; Lpui lie Holm 9:05 P. m.--Basketbal for girls. Olo9:0s. m'- Howrd beketalu.Ilo 6 points; Edth Rowley, vs. Tele»lmone Company 1. SiOlp gym- Bell Telephone compny league. Stolp ; JHazei Ward, SB, 232 nasîur. ,asurI y Anderson, SA, 226 1.1811", ilbruary il Beh, A, 26poits 7:0 . m-Gamnxar bOo ynelm UP. M.-Supet-%,Ied construction, a B hr SA .26 obit . ,00 p.m.--:Grimm r S h.ol>ym aal rn Aero club: Central Sehool M anual Gordon, 361 points, iclama. Howard gymnaislum, : , - , oom ;277bý 0 poitl ta i I rage: 1ge 4 j rage