Motor Death Toil The world-famous-New Orleans In an effort te reduce the appal!iïi Mardi Gras takes place this year on toil of death and injury resulting ait- Tuesday, February 17, The Chicago nually f rom automobile accidents, Motor club outlines the niotor routes Secretary of State William J. Strat- to the Louisiana metropolis. ton has compiled a code of safety. for "Two main, routes. are avà abe, Illinois mnotorists. the cluib declares ini a statement. "One This codé of motoring rul 1es con isby Way-of Bloomington and Cairo tains twenty..salient points. It' was t epio hmag n a drafted, it is explain.ed, after- careful1 Jucah to Memphis, and through jack- perusal'of statistics compileil bythe, soôtoNew, Orleans. Thisroute, al- state health departm.ent, the high- proximately 1,017 mniles,- is the short- way department* and the- automobile est, but if. includes some 400 miles of departinent of the secretary of state's rael, rmainly in MisssipI TV con o é' ~~~~~~~dition of h rvldsraevee office disclosed the most commoeft' gavld ufaesoare causes of automobile accidents. to good to bad. "cloe oseranc of hes mis." The other route, is, via I'ndianapo.lis,. "Clse bsevane o th.serul'.'ý"Louisville, Nashville, Birriinighaiii. Secretary 'of Stat.e Strattoni declared, Mofntgomery and Mobile. Althougli "is a mâtter of life an ddeath as the it is- 112 'miles longeçr, this route in- statistics show that. failure to observe éludes onilyý 100 milesof gravel.j The thei ~1 Ilinis as nde faall." gravel stretches are niaintained usu- Tie safety code followb6s: i allv. in excellent condition." 1_ Obey ail traffie laws and traffic ThlatdyoteMriGass 2. Observe the right-of-way and î<eep the da.y.Iii which the general public othe right side of the pavement. takes an active part. It isan all-daN1 3. Signal before tifrning or stoppingj ce11bra t ion l asting tntil midnight. i and sound horn betore passing a car ci oofl tetpaae n going in the same .irection. hh orflsetpadsan 4. Use your headlights wlthi.n one b)alis are featuired. The basis of the Iou r after sunset and dimi them wvhen,. celebration is a final fling at un. z poahing another car. 3 ý. Secure your state license promptly frolic 'and, frivolity on the eve of the and ke the plates clean. forty days of Lent. Tlhe cîilire city 6. Exercise the greatest care in cross- gives. itself over 'to the m'neririnie nt ing railroads. 7. R1e as courteQus to othèrs as y-ou !wliich proceeds-through the, 'day at expect them to be to you. 'ait eier-increasing tempo until miid- 18. Go slow in passlng children on the iiight., As the first of the fortv- davs >tdo of the road. eis ahda el o t 'rv-! .9. Signal Properly before pulling ougt .cahda elsti tsarv! or I)aeking out from. the curb. and silence dr-ops like a blanket over. 10. Stop) for aIllarte'ial highways. the vast city. .11. Drive slowly in the vicinity of !school,, and where children are playing. 12. Respect the school boy patrols. *13. Have your brakes tested often. rhm ~assFa e 14. Use extreme care while drlvlng in rh m hsiiFa e weatlier that obscures' your windshield. 1 Have New Cross Member 15. Discourage hiteh hiking. nt pick up strangers on the road. Al Grahian-Paige chassis frames . 16. Keep on your side of the black have been equipped with a niew form uine in the center. of the pavement. 17. Don't put too inuch. -ee)ec f cross member installed immediately on your brakes when thepvent are back of the engine,, a point where slippery. 1ý1.1 baigi peaieyneebuis 18.,,Don't put stickers, on your wind- l)aigi meaivl eddbti shield as they reduce your visablilty. generahlyomitted. because of difficul- 19. When intending to pass another ties of de.sign and assembly, accord- car on the highway, pull out far enough ing te the Hanson' Motor company, behind the vebicle> in front of Yeu to permit you to back in lune if a car is 55 Chestout street, Winnetka, local approachlng from the opposite direc- Grahani Paige dealers. 20. Dont stop on the pavement. The side members of the chassis ________________framne of the Special- eight are in- "as been ancreasec i n a man decreases necessary pedal while increasing braking' e a feuture designed partici the convenience of women ecoounjeat ear te wn and drive Law ffrat ceatme ea co t 1 pe. ati.. uiui poeleep, and lw geuirior dpmeinionmýý ean da t taavias te everj paebager THE. NEW FoRD is a splendid. own and drive b4cauüse of it.s attractive Unes and oIore, safety, com- *fort, speed,, reliabilfty and long '1f.. There are, in addition, three other features of importance to every far-seeing automobile owner.. low first cost, low. cont of operation and up-keep, and- low yearly depreciation. During the lif. of the car., the day-by-day economy of owning a Ford will amount to conslderably more than the saving on the ist cost. You Bave when you buy the Ford and you save every mile you -drive. The. reasons for this ,eeononty are simpllcity, of. design, high quality of unaterilis and e are ilmnu facturing and assemhling. Many vital parts are made to limits of one one-thousandth of 'an inch. Some to three ten-.thousandths of an inch.- Throughout, the. new Ford is an outstanding example of fine crafts.. manshipin'automobile engineering. The more you see of the new, Ford-the moreyo talk to Ford owncrs an-d experienced mechanic-the more certain you becorne of this tact. .. . It brings you everything you want or necd ini a motor car at au unusuaJly low price. elnc wei tat the city of Mol1mC as .wihrescinded its former.- resolution by ressure passing one in whicb it goes on rec- iency-- ord as "not desiring to -handi&ýap the ly 'for state by taking away its funds in this ers. respect." - -'..~*, .~