Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1931, p. 46

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wild me fr uIlesu umll as low as f. o. b. factory ipseaUatiow extra j M matic. Scientiflc. Inexpensive. Here's thé greatest boon to comfort, health, and fuel saving since radiator heat wua invenlted. The Doherty.Brehm:Humidifying Radîator is the firsissimple1, effective, low-cost humidifier ever offered. Sua. ply reiplacmes nradiator-steam,hot water, or vapor., One. unit properly humidiifies the W-hole housce. Auto>. Nomoving parts. Offered by Crane Co. through ugo. Backed by the 7&year Crane reputa- tion. Let us instal k under the Crane Budge Plan for onIy 10% dowi, bal- ance monthly. Write or 'Phone for full information. W. D Luke 514 JE. Raifrod Ave. TeL Wilm.tte. 2020, GOi'md"LDEN DAYS l'By EVANs ~IDrawn for Wilm.u±e Coal & Material Yard E- $I4OULDERS Milton J. Timberlake, veteran of tise.Civil war, who tvili be rc>ncm-II bered by inany residents .iii the Netu Tjrier, villages aws the active aid gentlemnan Who solicitéd sibs$Cri'- tîil.s for the Lloyd Hollister pisb- lications-Wilmette Lifte, -Wittietka Talk and Glencoe Neus-a 'f ew years ao, died ai Highland -Park Monday, Pebruary 2. attise âge of 88 years. He ivas born at Bell- fontaine, Oisio.. Although he w as more than 80 years old When solicting. subscriptions for the three -papers,' he covered'practical- ly ail of New Trier township, includ- ing the villages of '.Wihmette, Kenil- worth,, Winnetka and Glencoe, on foot. Announcement- of bis death was, miade at a meeting of Winnetka Post, No. 10, American.. Legion Monday night of Iast week at C ommuniety House 'in Winnetka, and: the Legion- naires stood, in silence for thirty sec- onds as aemark of respect. Mr. Tim- berlake, a Civil war veteran., had been in the habit of attending Legion meet- ings. He ived ini Winnetkàï for sev- eral years. ýHe is survived. hY a daugliter. Mrs. Arthur B. H-aveunof lHighland Park, and a son, George M. Timnbérlake. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, February 3, f rom 'Heb- blethwaite'"-f uneral ch.apel, 1610 Maple avenue, Evanston. Burial was at Lafayette, Imd. Mrs. Roy R. Marquardt,- 218 Wood- bine avenue, with her- sister. 'Mrs. S. Evans, Ieft, last Saturdav 'for Miami, Fia;., and, Nasbvilleý,Tenn. REAL ESTATE LO4NS Have funds to loan on 'North Shore residential property at rea- sonable rateÈ. See us on renewals. scoi .IIAvveaneuaAyU La IIl.fl>I, reb.F- ary 18, at the same, hour. In his lecture, "On the Botton-, f the Sea," Mr. Zimm*pnan will teil nf his adventures on the ocean's floor, and bis sto(ry will be illustrated by a display' of deep-sea curios, includ- ing coral of al descriptionis, shark jaWs, barracuda 'skeletons and mount- ed deep-sea fish. Mr. Zimmerman worked-on several sea pictures as a diver and photog- r apher., Amolng these pictures were Universal's "àTwentfy T ho usan d Leagues, Under the Sea" and Metr o- Goldwyni-Mayer's "The Mysterious Famoeus as Swimmer He bas been an athlete in many branches of sport, but bis chief fame was won. as a swimmer and an in- structor of -swimmers. In 1908 and 1912 he was on the Canadian Olyni- pic swirnming team. As physical di- recto r at the Milwaukeeý Athletic club, the, Columbus, Ohio, Athletic club, the Chicago AthI-etic associa- tion, and the Louisville Elks Athletic club he turned out manv swimmers who gained national honors. Mr. Zimmerman received considee- able newspaper publicity a few yearrýs agko when be shot the-rapids of the- St. Lawrence riiver between Montreal. a nd Kinerston in a canne. He is saidl, to be the oillv white man who ever accomplisbed this feat. He bias tak- en numerouis long canioe trips, the Iongest being fromi New York Io Louisville in 1924. He made this trip in twenty-nine days. Children '-who attend the lectures will 1e cbarged a small admission. BACK FROM TEXAS Mrs. Edward J. $hager returned to ber; home at 1050 Chestnut avenue after a week's visit with Mrs.- G. J. Bichl,--and the latter's two. daugbters, Miss. Agnes and Miss Helen, who. have been spending part of the winter in San Antonio,ý Texas. TO GIVE BENEFIT BRIDGE St. Mary's society of St. Josepb's church will hold a benefit bridge and bumco party Tuesday afternoon, Febru- ary :17, at 2 o'clock at St Joseph's sehool.: HThe Bible and Worko of Maryv Baker Eddy and ail other authorized Chisia Science Literature îpay hi read. borrowed or purchaged At the IReading Room. I 11THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO, ATNHNDTHS = CHURCH SERVICES. AND VISIT, THE REA»ING OOli &W W16 m 1 0

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