Prize for Poster Fron Minstrel Show~ Frthe, Past two weelcs the seventi and eightb grade pupils at HowarÉ achool. have, been working on posterg for the Logan-Howard P. T. A. minstrel show. There were. prizes offered foi the best posters a.nd for 'the, first onÉ finisbed. It was no,, unusual .ight tc me0 several pupils corne trailung ln neai the end Of the clasa with.the eXeuse tbat thIo3-hadt been painting their, poat. ors which bad te be flnished as soon as possible. ,At iast. on Fébruary 5,ai poster were handed In to be judged. TPhe judges were Mr. Orner, wbo is l*es!dent of the village, Mrs. Jones and. Mise scott who teachers at the Stolp and Central schools. Pirat prime was awalrded to, Jerry Born. làn bis posters were two negroes. One was blewinig a horn and the othèr was beating a drum. Ail the printing on. bis poster was .circular. .Circular ilIrinting ls very diflcuit and jerry's was, perfect. Jessie Murdison and Virginia Green both received tho prime for belng -the firat to band ln finisbed posters. Botb girls banded ln their 'posters at the saineê ti*n., 80 both girls received -a prize. T'he i*izea were ail -boxes of candy. Herbert Meyer, Shirley Leason, Elea- nor Beecher, Doris Sniall, Ruth Chat- art!, Jean ]Perrili, Betty Kay Morgan, Dorothy Robertson, Harold Palmer,, Donald Hermanson, Margaret J4vely and June Sorsen receivet! honorable mention. The Judges sait! that ail the posters were remarkable for seventh and eigbth grade pupls.-Jean Per'riii, SA Howard. Students Are to Develop, .-un The Word gas was inventet! by al h Beigian scientist callet! Van Helmont ,s who lived about 164o. Ho uset! to des- 1 dribe a, new substance wbieh be bad rdiscovered #gaa ýsyl ,vestre," wbcb we Swould caîl carbon dloxide today. Van r Halmout said tbat be callt! bis spirit * gas. We fint! Black and! Priestly*wbo - came -long, after bim, stili, calling tbe .gases, o"air.", 1Their "aira". inclut!ed ô,ygen antd bydrogen and Ilttle of, car- bon1 dioxide. Dalton was werking witb 3 gases when be made his deductina as t to the nature ef the atoni. 3 Robert Boyle made. somne very wise )obse'kvatIons on the nature of the gases that were known In bis days; one. ef these observations bas core downtO. us, as Boyle'a law. Boyle bad no<ticcd tbat a gas will take up Juat as. nucb room as you: cboose to givei.efodeu that If fie kept ta an. eyen tempera- turc, be coult! take a liter of gas and by doubling the pressure, he could cern- piose It into. hait a liter, oi witb three turnes the pressure lie couid forceit into a tbfrd of a liter. It mieans that Juat as gases bave great powers of expansion so aise. do they have cmpressibility , wbether the gas la beavy or iigbt, it wiil be fount! botb at the top and! at the bottorn of tbe bolder. Bromine vâpor la a very bcavy gas. A. gas wili turn into a liquit! more oasiiy - the cdoser its m oleculca are tO'- getber. That la wby Comi*resng a gas forces the moleculea dloser togother, înaking the gasos turn into liquida. Cool- ing doos likewlse, for it doprivea the mevlng meleeules of soeo f tbeir on- ergy and! slows thoin dewn. Wben you Increase the klnotic energy or moviug power of a liquit! by beating it, a vapor wll be given off. Of course, the cooher the temnA,'n*ure- thé%lsa rpQ, u Jof' A merican Robin- I amn going te, tell you about the -t Aerican robin. The American robin is ta large bird about ten Incbes froin beal to tail, wbose aong Is flot especially fine, * but wbose sociability and. frlendliness inale it a welcome visitor. Its plumage. le very pï*etty, tbe Qorange'red breast being conspicuous agaînst the olive gray upper, parts, the brownisb wings and black lbead. It buildsa.a atrong. neat of' hay andi mut!, lays frôin fout to SIXgreihbu eggs. The >robin Je tbe firat bird of the year to return 'froin the soutb. Robins are on tbe .alort for food, conslatinig of fruit especially cherries and! w114 ber- ries. Farmners, protect their cultivatet! cbeýTries and! wild bernies from the birds' cncroachment by planting wild ibrubs nearbyý, but -the robin is of service to tbe farinersali) ln that Its food consiste Iargely ' of lnsects .and Worms, Robins, are p r o t éec t e d from Iindiscrimînate slaughter ln the UnIted States, as 'Weil as Canada.-Eleanor Speredes, 7lB How.- ar&! Engisk Club Formed in, Sixth Grade ROOM' Mrs. Tullan's sixth grade bas startet! an English club. [t consista of the boysj and! gils wbo made not moiYe than tbree, errora on an English test. Tbey are au follows: Marga Hosaeus, Doris Lechler,i Doris Maybercy, Dorotby Starkel, Rutb Wetzel, Fred Uýrelbus, James Lambi Pbilip Rogers, Ashton Taylor and! Or- son Towle. The puplis in this club do net bave te de the clasa work that tbe othera ln tbe class bave to do. Tbey. are allowed te write articles for the JuNioR LiPE and à do other extra wdrk sucb as write boiok repots. hey ustbave a written re- Over 7B3 Cagers k.Last Menday, 7lA second team bad abasketball gaine with 7B Me«ond e- teain. Mrs. Fancekboner: aaid we bave te rotate. Jioward '7A. and! 7B were, the firat ones te, play beSausc they were the first Ônes ready. In the Minutes neither teain made baskets. In- the last soven minutes th core was 8 te 8 W playet! two More minutes te aee wbicb teain weuld win. At the end! ef the gaine, the score' was, 12 te 10 In 7A's. favor., The. Players for 7B werc as fellowa: Eleanor Speredes, jUmùping center , and forwart!; Hélen 'Linidetromn ans! Shirley, Garnias, forwards; Margaret Liveiy ans! VirgInia ,Oison, guards. and Jean, Gordon, aubstitute. The girls frein '7B nho Made baskets were: Shirley Gar- nies, ýHeIen. Lindstrom and Eloanor Speredes. For - 7A the scorers Were Nanicy McClintock, Dorothy«Masig and, Lois, Jane Roberts. 7' second team bas lest one gamne and won one gamne ands! sehas 'lA. 1Nxt'Monday, l'B firat téan, wilI play. 1 hope our firat team can win aIl our gaines because we can play Stolp for the cbarnpionsbîP. Mrs. Fanckboner. sait! If we dit! net have enougb playera we could take one playor off tbe second or third teain, If tbe firat teain was play- in.Mrs. Fanckboner said that they were going te award lettors te the girls. It will bo Frlt!ay or Monday.-Eleanor Speredes, 7B Heward. Social Science Classes Bnjoy Their New Books -The .seventh grades of the Howard of a ae trato U M , sect MaryI proJeet lias seven sinaller tihings. rate of apeed, that ia,,1 when tbey - are -J rkon under It. Tbeyr are: news- beatod beyond a certain point, ne pres- Snoozes During Wirîter and! magazine chîppînga, news an- sure on earth eau make thein go te- The Viceroy butterfty gets Its every reviews, biograpby, revlews of gothor and! stay togother. No gas, wben day naine froin tbe fact tbat It 'Imitâtes bVents, 1931 eventé, pîctures con- it gets above its critical temporature eau the Monarcb. It is founs! all over the g science matonlal, and miscel- be tufrned Into a liquis! by pressure. Yon United! States as far - west as the Sierra e. These are te ho put ln thé forai wiii -have te cool it down firat and tben Nevadas,- and! sparingly even te the irap, book. We are going te illus- apply yeur pressure. The critical tom- N'orth Pacifie coast. This species bas hein with pictulres and! put thei.n Perature la different for every gas. t1we familles a year In the nortbern tions, under differout sections.- There bas been a tiresome amount et part of, its' range. The. caterpillar of Louise Schaeffer, 7B IHoward. ropetition lnl the story ef gas. Kinetic the autumn brôod, -Wben balf grown, means te - iove. Vapo~r means the gas- relis a leaf, tics it fast te a twIg witb. cous ferin ef any substance wbicb l9 811k, ant! then . nakes a silk coucb, motive Is Resuit of orunarîly lîquis!. When a liqu id turns wbero it spends the winter. It feeds on - d 1., A dLinto vapor. .the molecuies aciuree-ea- the willow, olr apnadnotn -, -n wiluitwe u ie. ve ai, seirn to *lnd social science vcry. inter- esting. M Wc also have- Social' Science netebooks wblcb are like tests. Tbey have questions on evcry chapter; whicb wé are te answcr and then correct. We aIse have new,notoboka. I hope we aIl bave a good Utnie, aucli as wc had on our last, books.-Relen Lindatroiin, Howard 7B.- C irls Learn tbre of Tap Dancing: .in ( 1n n e , abhool >on Februar-y 19 ands.21 Boie Seffer, 7E Howars!. Itor IR Iq0 Itf J j