Monday, February 16, a bridge luncheon will be given at 1 o'clock with Mrs. Robert Golding and Mrs. Roy W. Peet the hostesses. The, next family bridge dinner is planned for Wednesday, February 18,. with dinner at 6:30 followed by cards. The Arnold R. Baars are listed as host and hostess. A fancy costume junior dance for Friday, February 21, is another event on the calendar for the month and isj especially, for cbildren in, tbe sikth, I seventh, and eightb grades.-> It will be in session from 7 until 9:30. M embers aàre ânticipating the musi- cale, Sunday, February 22, wben, Fav Palnmer, Kreer, contralto, and Mar- guerite McAdarns,- pianlist, will give the program. Their appearance in a j musicale Iast season was received J itb much enthusiasm. Members of the club, the men es- pecially, are interested in, ping pong, and a tournament in tbis ýindoordi-. version.will beheld at the club Fi-, day, February 27. Men of the *Vista del tago were entertained at a stag î; ping pong party Monday evening. Charity Bail WilI Be Sponsored by N. U. Northwestern uliversity is~ spon- soring a formai dance to be given this evening, February 13, at the Aragon bail room to raise money for the food relief fund of the North- western settlem~ent. The university j expect.s to realize $1,000 for charity. Twentyýsix leaders, men and women, oni the campus have been appo inted. to inake arrangements for the dance. The following students have been selected to serve on the cornmittee: Bernice Bernard, Beth Cole, Dorothy, Durham of Wilmette; Estelle Engle- hardt of Wilmette, Josephine Faw- cett,,Helen Fitch,' Anne Larson,,Avis LunblMari. Powley, FIorence «« Ross, jean Simpson,,Dorothy Verges, aimd Augusta Watson.' The. Young men. include Harold Boyer, Nelson Dodge, Preston Fan- ley of Kenilwoëth, . Lloyd Griffin, AI Hiaglund, Vergil Hassler, John North- will be on sale at the door. Bridge, five hundred, euchre, and bunco will be played, and table prizes given. Refreshments wilI 6e se --. STOCKS. BONDI Telephone Wilmette 2717 or 15 yesr tems. CODY TRUST COMPAN4Y %5 SoutIm Le Bd. Sta~.t RandoIpIm6600 CIIlCAGO I E Far more than ""JUST A COOK-,STOVE" Yoù say your'ten-ýyecr-old gas ron ge stili cooks some pretty good meals? 0f course it does. But how would you like a range that does, more than cook . . . sets. you free from your kitchen when you waCnt to go out ... simplifies your whole jooi f meal preparation? This is exactly the surface burners when you're flot cooking and lets the range do double duty in small kîtchens. There's also a roomy utensil drawer tO keep pots and pans wîthin roch- ing distance. Surface burners of patented construction trouble at aliltto dean. Mrs. Frederick Best of, Waverly, Ohio, is spending several ýweeks with ber son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best of 939,RDona, JOSEPH W. KEHOE, District Manager 1141. Central Aveà. Wilm.tte Phione 2899 F anhew- are- no n- 0