It"I be one of those gôod, olci- fashioned Saturdays at the Wilmette theatre where thoughts of the iod- ern schoolroom and of the swif t mov- ing world of today will be banished by the boyishi fun, antics and pranks *of jacicie Coogan in the film,' "Tom Sawyer," to be shown Saturday, Feb- -ruary 14. Special matinee attractions will featlire the.Saturday afternoon performance, and it is: also to be * noted. that the doors of the, Wil- mette ' theatre open at Saturdayi Sundav and holiday matiness at 1 p. in. Theý show begins prompty at 1:15 P. M.- Other, featured players in, "Tom *Sawyer" are Junior. Durkin as Huckleberry Finn, Mitzi, Green as' Becky Thatcher, Lucien Littilefield as the teacher, Tuly:Marshall, as Muif Potter, and Charles Stevens as In- juil Joe. "Min and Bill," adaptation of Lor- nia Moon's penetrating novel,. "Dark Star," will be the attraction at thie Wilmette theatre Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, February 15, 16 and 17. 4 Marie Dressier and Wallace Beery are in the featured roles. The story, a dramatic tale of the conflict be- tween. foster-mother and natural mother for the control of a child, was, one of the best sellers of the season and iin its film form is hailed as one of the most powerful talking picture dramnas of today. Ha& Character Roi. Miss Dressier. as the keeper of ai disreputable waterfront dive, is seen ni her irst character roIe silice "Anna Christie," and Beery, as the fishingýbarge captain, likewise plays his firýt straight noie since his ne- cent successful portrayal of "Thie Big House." The supporting cast includes Dorothy Jordan, Manjorie RambauDonald Dillaway, DeWitt- jennings, Russell Hopiàon, Frank McGlynn. and Greta Gould. On ýWednesday and Thursday, Fébruary 18 and 19,. the WilmInette presents Constance 'Bennett, Ken- i eth Mac Kenna, Bàsil Rathbone, Rita LaRoy and other stars in "Sim1 Bill, the boister- ous fishing-barge captain, and Marie Dressier as Min, the proprietress of -a waterfront hotel, actffahly Iiveç their respective roles iin the vivid drama, "Min and Bill," at the Wil- mnette theatre Suinday, Mbitday and Tuesday, February 15, 16 and 17. The filin is suggested front "Dark Star," novel by Lorna Moon. Joan Crawford lias, Surprise at Varsity Excellent drarnatic entertaininent is prise of thecir Ives in the film, "Paid." .lInber flrst straight dnamatic 'nole, Joan . rawford vividly portrays Mary Turner, the girl whiom the law ruined. Another fine surprise is the leading 'man, Kenit Douglass, Whio cornes f rom the stage and provýes himself different' and sincere. A greatý supporting cast inicludes Robert Armstrong, Marie Prevost, Hale Hamilton, John Miljan and others. O .:n Wedn:esdav and Thursday, Febru- iorth n w unefl t echnncolor witn iEd- die Cantor today and tomorrow, Fni- day and Saturday, February 13 and 14._at Community House. While Ed- die Canto.r, in the role of a "tiervous wreck," -fidgets f rom scene to sc .ene. rolls- his eyes, sin gs,. and' pulls a gag aý minute,.,tie audience will1 also be getting exercise- especiallyabout the facial muscles. Two hours of solid enjoyment ýare p acked intoý this ýfilm, featured by zestful nielodies, by the . presence of beautiful girls whom: Ziegfeld selec- ted, and by the musical acconipanimenit Of George Olesen's flfty-piece orches- tra. Technicolor brings out the 'beau- ty.of the Aizona backgrounds, whiffe the talents of Sai Goldwyn and Flb Ziegfeld shape the production. This Iavish entertainment is offered with .ecojnomy prevailing at Commun ity House, a twelve and one- haîf percent .réduction in the price, of admission having become effective with last week's show. The picture to be showîî at £orn inunity HQuse next week, February 20 and 21, is "Playboy of Paris.' * "Listen-la" on WENR * )onday, Weduesday, Frlday * at ffl&P.KM. I North& Shore Repreae,tative 1. 0. Hughes, Wlanntka 2337 la 1710 Sherin Ave.,, Evanston Sat., Feb. 14-Orne Day OuIy 46FOLLOW THE LEADER' ThRe Perfeet Pool ln a Lasimesln.,TontgI* Key Francis in al$o Our Gang, COMOdy, Saturda!Yi f.b. 14 JACKIE COOGAN in Sun., Mon., Tusi. Feb. 15-16-17 Constance Benne.fin; ,.&SINt"«w a HOLIDAY" also comedy and cartoon Fri., Sot., F.b. 2021 Sunda'y, J@. E.1 4onday, F.b. 22-23 lown-Joan Bonneit reaçn a social'plane whl hum to inake love' to h( Tonight, Friday, Fetý Francis- gives one oft formances of her dist reer in "Passion Fk version of Kathleen Ný the Wilrnefte theatre. ary 13, Kay Sfinest per- guished ca- ýe,", screeni is' novel, at uExcelIent', gays Educational Sckreen REDUCE» ADNI0SIOIi~ I "HOOK, UNE AND SINKER"P 4 'I i "I arbo