Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1931, p. 52

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16cets a lin: ln one pape", 26 cents a lUns hu any twvo ppr. Rats-3o ent alin lnal theepaperu. INIMXRICHARGE $1». Average of lOve words to the lino. No black face type used. 10% discount on al cash with order advertIsementz when brouglit to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, 561 Lincoin Ave., Winnetka, or 341 Park- Ave., Glencoe. Contractrates may be>had upon. requesat. DeadmneforInsetio s advOl'tiSOlrnenti *wWbe for the WiLumWIT Liru or ail tItre. papers; Thursday 9 o'clock for the WZmNWuA TAtLK and Friday S:o'clock for the GLUNcoic Nzws. Telephonea: Wilmette 4300, Wlnnetka 2000, W'tnntka 500 or Glencoe: 1484,. Greenleaf 4800 or Sheidrake 5687. 3 LO*T AND FOUND LOST OR STRAYED-JANUARY 17, blaëk and white Sprlnger SpanieL MaIe. Keniiworth Ilecense No. 119- 1030. Answers> to namne "Duke." Re- ward. Buehier. Ilh..Keniiworth 1414. 2LTN41ltc LOST-BROWN COCKER $PANIEL. name on collar "A Blair.," Wininetka license.No. 141,, Reward. Calt Win- netka 2699. - 2làTN41-1tc LOOT -- BOSTON BULL, MA LE. mmend *'Peter.11 Vefltretain <bonfeet. ReWard. Please eall Wilmiette 4840. 2LTN41-1tcý LOST-B3LACK AND WHITE SETTER and spa.niel puppy. Naie "Ginger.". I41 when lost. Winnetka 557. 2L41-Itp @USINESS SEUVICE EXP.-TRANSLATOR,, PH. D, FRENCH German, Itallan, Norwegian. Also German tessons. Ph. University 8641.. OLTN41-itp ~Ali Kindu cf ,Clarpenter Work Done JOHN BOEISCH Ph: Wthtiette 2165 9LTN86-tfc il DRESSMAKING *Dressnaking .- Rernodeling COLLETTE, SOEURS-Winnetka 1011. H4em stitching CAREFULLY ANDPROMPTLY DONE. Mrs. Schramm-Winnetka 2468. ILTN41-Itp- lu INSTRUCTION' - Learn AB C SHORTHAND 31-A IRA yUL ÉEE AUSTRIAAND GERMANY UN- derexipert native guidance. Unuùsüal opportunity for a few reftned people. 2 montJjs' appt'. $1.000. University, 8641. 31-A-b N41-ltp 34CLUB mBtinUERHop FOR SALE MEMBER SHIP IN NORIH Shore Sehool of Physical Developmenit ln Evanston. Reaà.' Ph. Kenilworth 415Q. 34L4-l-tp 35 *INS PPBMSTK WANTED - ACTIVE PARTNERSHIP in real estate business. State price and number of partuers. Write A-152. Box 40. Wilrnette. 111. 35LTN41-ltp 35 iLOANs LOANS TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Make and buy lst and 2nd niortgages. EVANSTON BOND & MTG. CO. 68Grove St. Greenleaf 5600 38LTN36-tfc 41 SITUATION WANTED-FMALE WANT ÇENERAL WORK 5 Germati Girls-i to 3 yrs. ref. 4 Swedish Girls-i to 5 yrs. ref. 4 Sctandinavlan Girls-i1:to 3 yrs. ref. References on file at tItis office. PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY 748 Elni St. Ph. Wlnnetka 2662 41LýTN41-1 te BEAUTY OPERATOR - FOnMERLY with Ptoberto Roberts, Pasadena, wishes position in exclusive North. Shore shop. Chicago and Pasadena ref. A-137, Box 40, Wilmnette.' 41LTN41-2tp ANY EKIND OF DAY-WORK, WAS- lng, ironing. cleaning and caring for children, by day or evening. $35 per day. N. S. references. Ph. Wil- WANTED - POSITION AS NURSE ,girl, white. Ph. Wilmette 2627. - - 41LTN41-ltp 'WANTED - WASHING. TO TAKXÊ homîe. AÀ-iref. Will eall and deliver. Ph. Wilhnette 3073. 41LTN41-lfle SWEDISH WOMAN WOULD LIKE general. housework. Good cook. Cal Glencue 793. 41LTN41-ltc WANPrED-WASHING, IR014ING AN» cleaning by the day. Best. ref., Ph. Belmont 0410.1 41LTN41-ltp 42 SITUATION WANTED-MALE EXP.ý WHITE PAINTER WOULD welcome any.kind of work-he ean calaomine, djean walls, wax floors and paint anythlng. For furt4ier linfortnaý- tion phone Stanley R. Clague,. Green- leaf (Evanston) 3691. 42LTN40-2tp GARDENER, G ERM A N, EXPERT- enced ln lapdscape, nursery, and greenhouse work. wants steady posi-. Uion on prlvate. estate. Wife willing- to work part-tirne. References given.j Ernil Dieterich, 745 North Laurel Ave., Chicago. 42LTN41ltlp EXPERIENCIDD. REIJIABLE, TRUST- worthy young married man,, 2 small children, will do any kind. ot work. Chauffeur,- housenian, gardener, etc. Carl Stoll. Ph. Dlvérsey 8890. 42LTN40-2nc NEAT, REFINED, CHRISTIAN MAN, colored, would like work in private home. Wanted home more than wages, very handy and wiliing worker. Ph. Atlantic 2013. 42LTN41-Itp H-OUSEMA.N, CLEANING, WASHING windows, serving and' butler work. Also chauffeur. N. S. reference. Ph. Wlnnetka 779, 42L41-ltp 'YOUNG MIDDLE AGED MAN WANTS position as butier, caterer, Frech cook. Good ref. WriteA-146, Box 49, Wilniette. 42LTN41-1 tp, MARRIED MAN WA NTS WINDOW washing, gardén work or Aniythiing around the house, 50c per hour. Ph. Wilmnette 3839.. 42LTN41-ltp HOUSEMAN, CLEANING, WASHING windows, serving and butier work. Also chauffeur. N. S. reference. Ph.," Winnetkp, 779. 42LTN41-lnc 4SLTN41-lPc 44 HELP WANTUD-'FEMAILE POSITIONS OPEN 2-2 2 domestie cook4 - $1.. ..2.. 2.,nursemaids ......... 1-2 2 cooking. lst fi . . ........ .$20 4 general hswk......._.... $18-$20 6 general hswk............. .......$15 2 second niaids............... $16-$I8 2.first class couples We specialize, in exp. help (nly with A-i ref. PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY 74à Elm St. 8 No. First St. Winnetka 2662 Highland Pk. 2.520 44LTN41-1t(. GIRL, .WTHITE, G E R MA NPRE- ferred. Help with cooking and Iron- ing.- Man -on place to doicleaning. Pre- fer go home. nights. $10 week. 713 Greenwoo d. Tel. Wiltmette 2040. 44L4-1-ltip A HIGH, GRADJE REMUNERATIVE position for an ambitiotis woman .(f r efinemnent, with wide social acquaint- ance. No canvassing., Interview by appol ntmnent oflly.,Ph. University 8369. 44LTN41-ltp" SALESWOMAN, REFINED, TO SELL chiidren's beau. hand-made frocks di- rect to inothers. Custoniers list furn. *E.xp. unnec. Marilyn Lýouise Frocks, Madison, Wis. 44LTN41mltp EXPER. WHITE GIRIL FOR GEN- eral housework. 3 In farnIly. No laun- dryr. Ref. required. Prot. preferred. Phone Winnetka 3408. 44LTN41-t'- WHITE MAID FOR GENERAt housework. No laundryv. Wlflnetka 1583. 44LTN41-lh( WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 2 in family. Nice honie. Smai I wages. Wiïmette 3758. 44LTN41-1lp 46 HELP WTD.-MALE AND FEMAS.S POSITIONS 'OPEN, GENERAL. HOUSEWORK GIRLS;' MUSTý HAVE GOOD REFERENCES;. $15-020 week. NTRSEMAIDS-$1ý5-$25 week. COOKS-$20-$25 week. CO1UPLEA-$150-$165 a month.' Open SUNDAYS 2-5 p. m. PAULTNE'S EMP.- AGENCY 48ELM ST.,,WINN19TKA. 46LTN38-tfc 48 FOR SAL-AUTOS USED CAR BARGAINS This Oflice will accept claufifed advertising to be rua j in THE EvANSToN REvmw, reaching 17,500 fami- lits in Bvanston. RIEVIEW copy must b. in by 5 p. mi. on Tuesday. I Tetepbone Wilinette 4300 or Winànetka 2000 PAULINE'S EbIP. AGENCY 748 Elm St. Ph. Winnetka 2662 43LTN41-tc *ALL, EMPLQYMENT SERVICE OPPERS Clerks, Office Help. Decorators, Caruen- ters, Gardeners, CqPles, General Helpi experienced Day Hetp, and Laun- dresses, w*ith Glepcoe references. 663 Vernion Ave. Phone Glencoe 251 - 48LTN4 -ltp LARGE, COMPOITA2BLE ROOM rent,' l block.,frm tranporti Phonie 'Wtwjetka 2848. -511À 2 NICE FÀONT> ROOMB, SING double. Wtnnetka 26M9. 5M.4 1 -

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