LOVELY. LIGHT, NeWLY FURNISH- ed room. Private entrance to room and bath. 4 doors to Elm St. station. $4. 566 Lincoln Ave. Wijinetka 2670.. 5ILTN41-ltp NICELY FIURNISHED ROOM FOR 1 or 2., adjoininz bath. Near. tranpr tation. :886 Pine' St. Phone Win- netka 2070.,5lLtN41-ltp. FOR RENT-VtRY COMFORTABLE room with garage avallable. Reason- able. 19 Oak St. Ph. Winnetka 2690. 5lLTN41-1tc. 1 OR 2 ROOMS, ALIL COX'VENIENCES. Near New Trier. 1.block Indian H111 station. Tel. Winnetka 769. 51LTN38-tfe SUNNYWARM ROOM, 3 WINDOWS, large closets. Near trans., ln Win- netka. Pbone Winuetka. 41L. 51LTN4l1tc FOR RENT-2 ROOMSFOR LIGH-. T housekeeiing or'ivili sieparate. 1023 Main St. Ph. Wilmette 3007 SILTN41-lip LARGE, LIGHT, WELL FPURN. ROOM wlth or without board sieur tranap. Grg.Ph. Winnetlca 1543. LARGE SOUTH RS]4, AL.SO FRONT room for 1 or 2, adults. 1731 lth St., Wilmnette. 5L3-tfc 2 ROOM UXFURN. KITCHENETTE apt.bath, 2 porches. Ph. Kenilworth 1865.51LTN41-lte CONVENIENTLY LOCATED ROOM, young man preferred. Ph. Wilpsette ne FOR RENT-APAUUISENTrs H*OUSnS AND APARTMENTS FUR- nished and unfurnished. Represeiltgtive wil showv you by ap- pointment. McGuire & Off 1505 chieo ve Greenleaf 1080. 56LTN41-1tc ATT. 3, ROOM FURNISHED SUITE near lake .and "VI station, steami heat, $50. Ph. Wilmettc -905. 56LTN41-lte Buyer and Seller have found the Wdnt-Ads of WILMETTE LIFE of inestimable, value. 'Many ao deal involing hunidreds Of. dollars, has' been the result * of a Classified ad whch cost buit a few cents. Classfied ads wil, bp accepted every evenng until 9. Phone WVihnetté 4300 Wednetdoy befor. 9 P. M. for t6. Curreni l'U.e 60 FOR RENT-U4OUSES WELL LOCATED 6 ROOM HOME, 3 bedroQn-ks, 2 batha, sun and sleeping poceH. W. heat, 2 car garage. RenaI 125per nmu. SMITH & GOSS, INC. 725 Elm St. Ph. Wlnnetka 142 .60LTN41-ltc 10 ROOM WJNNETKA HOUSE BUILT only 7 years and nosi completely re- decorated. 7 bedrms., 3 bathis, 2 car gar. Large wooded grounds. $200_ per month. FRED'K B. THOMAS, AGENTS 743 Elm St. Wlnnetka 2850 6OLT.N41-1tc SUI3LEASE 6 ROOM HOUSE, SUN parler, oil heat,, side location, near school and elevated station and other traflsp. A-147, Box 40, Wiimette. - 6OLTN4-ltc FOR. RZNT-6 ROOMS AND SUN parlor. H. W. heat, large wooded lot,. 4 blks. to- N. W. station. Ph. Wil- mette 476. 1 6OLTN41ltc CHOICE, NEWLY DECORATED,. 5 rms., sun porch and garage. LIv. rm.- 14x27, to Prot ,s. Win. 1630 eves. 60LTN4-ltp OS6 FOU RzNTr-UTORES & OFFICS OFFICE SPACE, $INGLE OR ADJOIN. Ing rooms. Reasonable rentals. Immed- late occupancy. Apply Glencoe State bank. Phone Glencoe 1500. 66LT41-ltp 72 FOR UALE-HOUS beautiful riparian property 130x550 to private beach, grounds wooded and well landscaped. modern colonial home, 4 master cham-M bers, 4 baths, servants' quarters amn- ple garage for. 3 motors. owner will seli for' practically ground value or exchange for smaller lm- pruved. 101baird>& warner 101Skokie Ridge Dr. Glencoe flriargate 1855 Glencoe 1554 (Between Dundee & Green Bay Rds.) 528 Davis St., Evanston Greenleaf 1855 72-LTN-4l-ltcý overlooking. skokie club. grounds--piceturesquie american colonial, 8 ýrms., 3 baths, 2-car gar, spaclous -Wooded- grounds 100xlIe8. Owner wants offer or WillÏ trade for amaller. Mr. adams.4 baird & warner 930 Spanish Court, Wilmette Wil. 292 513 ,Davis St. Greenleaf 1i17 72-LTN-414tc beauty an .d comfort In ofie of the most charming georian. colonial homes we have ever offerel. 5 master bedrms., 3 baths, wooded lawn 80Ix200Ideal location among Evana-' pwner wants offer or will exehange for emaller. mr. ebeling. baird & warner 528' Davis St., Evanston Greenleaf 1855> Hollycourt 1855 72-L-41-lte WINNETKA ESTATE An exceptional o f(erlng because within easy walking distance of station and echools. Two acres beau.tfully wooied grounds, excellent 14-roomn, 5-bath. residence tu 'fine condition. .Wil fr sold- for less than value owing to death of owner. Frcd'k.B.. Thomas & Co. EXCLUJSIVE AGFINTS-WINNETIc 72-LTN-41-Ite to close estate very attractive solid brick. home' £ rms-., 3 baths, unusually well bu&ît a-rare opportunity for somneoneé,,owner iwants offer. mr. aduBis. baird & warner 528 Davis St., Evanston Greenleaf 18655 lillycourt 1855 . : 72-L-41-lte SELL OR RflNT-LOVJ3LY MODERNÇ home overlooklng Lake Shore 4Coun- try Club. Two blks. to Braeside sta- tion. 5 bedrrns., 3 tile baths wlth attic where 2 rooms anid bath la pro- vided for. G. B. refrig. Smooth top range, roll screens, everything tb the finest. Famlly gone to California. Rea- sonable rental. Real bargain to buyer. Open af.ternoons, Owner, 2301 Sheri- dan Rd., Ravinia. 72LTN39-4tp FOR SALE,-$11,O00 8-ri6om frame story and a haif house, very good condition, built-In bath witb tue for, extra lav. and toilet on first floor, good fulirnaoe. A cornfortable: home. 5*large trees, lot 50x140. Terme, $1,250 and $50 and Interest per monti,. TIGHE REAIfY CO. 421 Fourth, St. Wilmette -910, ilu uui e*ven- *. *. rar*At- *ng. ru. y, ..Sflre *xv. gate 4286. 6OLTN41-2tp RK. FRAME ; LARGE LOT; ÔIL Glencoe State Bank heat-liot water syatem, tile bath, IN SUITES 0F 1-2 OR 3 ROOMS showeré bardiwood fléoos, èeda 1r closet; suitable. for Doctor, Dentist, Archi- 2 car garage. Mear oachools, park and teet or, anyj business requlring office tranapi. Wil. 9q1. 6OLTZ441-ltp space. . Low rentaI. 66gLT3$-tfç 714 Elm St., Wlnnetjca Winnetka 2198 Ing. Answers confldential' I . 72-LTN-41 -ltc Write A-156 Box 40 Wiliei 6 ROOM HOUSE, 2 8CR. PORCHffS 73-:, oh boeat, 2-car garage. Good locaition. WANTED TO BUT -O6TO 8 ne 11,00"-1,500 cash. 982 Cherry- homùe l goe msetion. Must s t. Phono Wilinetka 3348.-gain for.eaah, A-16a Box 40