74 FO BEAUTIFUI. WOODED CORNER (Overlooking Skokie Country Club golf gourse. Northeast corner of -GroveSt and Jefferson' Ave., Glencoe.' 172xl59. wilI sen,. 72 or. 100 ft., at attractive price. B. B. Clover, 465 Grove St., Glencoe, Phone Glencoe 42 74LTN41-3te W'R. SALE-DELIGHTFUL. WOODED lot ln Highland Park 75x200 witbin 500 ft.,of the lake and carrylng beach rlghts. Neyer again. at such a price as this, *8,000. ýAl Improveinents -ln. Write A-155 Box 40 Wlmette. 74-LTN-41I~tc 6. RO OM RESIDENCE IN OAK PARK for an 8. roomn residence on the North Shore up to $Z6,000. Can add cash. Would. like large lot. A-151 Box 40 Wilmettee 8r5-LTNq-41-ltc SFOR - ALE-HSIEHLD. 006. VACA1TIMà PART WHOLESALE F 17R- niture warebouse. Big Teduction. 7 pcs. early Arn. Con-b. Mah. Bedrin., $145. 7 pou. early An. Cornb. Maple Bedrm., $165. 10 pc. ait Mah. Hepplewhite Dmn. Rmn. Set, $260.* Also Duncan Phyfe and Oak Diu. Set. Auithentic Early Amn Reproduction. Iriner Spring mat- tresses. Lirnited'stock. Act at once. 451-469 E. 0hio St., 1st, FI. Ph. Dela ware 2701. S6LTN41-1tc 13UAUTIFUL DUN. PHYFE DININ C Rrn. set. Table and 6 chairs cost $350 oi $125. Singer elec. sewing machine e»@. Walnut Dbl. bed and dresser $20. Srnali elec.' washer for lingerie, etc., $10. 9xl.0 rg e$12. and 9x12 Chenille rug $40. $60 antique French Poudre table $15. Ph. Greenlea.f 4624. 86-LTN-41-1 tc MAHOGANY LIBRARY TAÂBLE, $2. 7Dlulng table, 8: chairs. $15. Atwiater Kent radio, $25. Glass dish cabinet. $10. Mise. pieces. Also dishes, ete. 752 Sunset Rd. Phone Winnotka 525-1%. 86LTN41-lti3 -BDISON PHONOGRAPH WITH REC- ords and victor attacbrnents, also Zenith Super Six battery radio, both f&r $60. Write Winnetka Talk A-156. 86-LTN-41-Itc FOR SALE-CHEAP, 2 MAH. TWIN beds wtb coil spriflg and nmattress, 1 fire side behch, 1 blue upbolstered chair, all ln gQod condition. Ph. Wil- betweeu Z liaeuoaa ana *'ýâIU also iu Kenilwortb Avenue between 23rd' Street and Locust Road, ailso In Ash- land Avenue between 23rd Street.andý Grant Street; aise ln Grant Street, 26th Street and ,Cleveland Street betweefl Ashland Avenue and the north lirnits of the Village of Wilmette,; :aise ln 25th Street, ]Dartrnouth Street, 24th Street. and :Colgate Street .bet;een' Ashland Avenue and Kenilworth Avenue.1 also in 23rd Street, between Lake Avenue and Kenilworth Avenue, in thée'Village of Wllmetto. County of Cook and State of Illinois, were opened on the 3rd day of February,. A. D. 1931,- and Canneil-. Conrad Construction Comnpany of Ev- anston,' Illinois, being the lowest, me- sponsiblo bidder,. the 'contract waà awarded -to said Canneli-Conrad Con- struction Conmpany, on the, lth,.d.i. of Fobmuary, A. D. 1931' Said bld is for -the work as a whole and ls as follows: 13,000 lineal.feet of one (1) invih extrË,a strong lead pli)(- weighing four and three- quarters (4Y,) pounds te eacb one (1>i foot length of pipe, conteructofi in place, Including labor and material, complote, @ 82e per foot.. ....$0,660.00 533 three-quarter (I%) inieh brass. corporation cocks with g oosenecks, con- nocted to the main water supply pipes, ineluding tapping, labo'r and mia-, teril, complete, @ $2.20 each .................. ..$1,1726O 533 one (1) inclh brase roundway shut off cocks I nstailled in place,ifleud- complete, @ $2.40 eacb ..ý 1,279-20 *533 cast iron, spiral exten- sion,. shut off boxes, *three, (3) inches ln dia- rneter and oxtendlng te six (6) feet long, set in place, includlng labor and mateiats, con-- plete, $2.10 each ...1, 119i.30 $14,231.10' The. owners of a rmajority of the frontage of the lots and lands upon the 8treets Whe're, the said work is to be doue rnay, witbin ten days f rom the date hereof, as provided by law,. elect to" take said work and enter into a written contract to do uaid ,wo'rk at ten 1Per cent lesu. than theprice at which Isame basbeen awamded. with plasticecernent mor- tar lonpiDsed by Volume of one (1) part Of Amegr- ican Portlànd .Cernent and two M2 parts of ean sharp rnorta'r. sand, wibvitrified. tile dise stpe .securel>, cernent- *ed ln plaeail con- structed -lu' place coi- pIete, ncludlng ail laborý and mateilals, @ 15 per foot.. ............. $94975.00 The owners of a inajoritY of 'the frontage of the lots and lands upon the streets wbere. the said work ls to, bo done may, within ton days froni'the date hercof. as. provided b)y law, elect to take 'said %vork and enter into a. writtefl. contract to do said wdrk at ten percent Js t'han the price at whlch saine lbas 1been aarded, EARL, E. ORNER, E ENEST C., CAZEL, WILFORI) W.DBEAD RIUTH HIURD SNYDER, STANTON VAN INWAGEN, RANS vonl REINSPERG, Board of' Local Improve- moents of the Village of Wilrnotte, 4-t _OL(~ F WILIIETTE NOTICE 0 F AWARD OF CQNTRACT FOR STORM SEWER HOUS1E 1DRAINS IN- EL3MWOOD AVENUE AND) OTHER STILEETS (Willmette Special Assessmelit o. 2"#2ý OFFICE 0Fý THlE] BOARD 0F LOCAL IM4PfOVEMENTS Wiimette, Illnois, SFebruary 11, 1931. NOTICE is bereby given to ail per- sons interestod thatý bids for construc- tion of Stormn sewer bouse drains ln Elmwood, Avenue, Ashland Avenue, Thornwood Avenue,, Çhestnut Avenue; Kenilworth.' Avenue -and Beechwood, aAvenue betwen Ridge, Road and 23rd tStreet; also 'ln Asbland. Avenue, hé- 1tween 23rd Street and Grant Street;, jalso in Kenilworth Avenue ýbetween .23rd ïStreet and Iocust Road. also.in Grant Street, 26th Street and Cleveiand'Sréet,ý betweon Asbland Avenue and the nortb lineofo!the Village of Wilniette ; also" in 2i5th -Street, Dartmnouth Street, 24th the art departinent01 'l cli) Announcement was nmade at the club meeting on Wednesday afternoon that Harold C. Keyes, f orrnerly -K-4 of the, United States Secret service, will give a talk on "Guardïng America's Presidents" on Meni's nlight, Fridaý,, February, 27, at 8-.o'clock.. Gardens along the Pacific. co.ist looked doubly attra ctive as secti in the colored stereoptiCof slides of. Branson DeCou, who delighted. the members of the-club last Xednesday with his artistic v*ews- of southerti California anxd his humnor- ous, informai commen ts on them.- The brilliant hues of the flowers, the strangce plastic forms of the sand dunes of the desert, andthe. curious forminso cacti plants were revealed ii quick suc- cession before the admiring eycs ut thc audience, sometinies %vith appropri-, ate mnusic reçorded by'a duo-.art pian.) ,Mr, DeCou spoke nith the utmost case. as if we were ail in bis own *drawing rooril, and, bis rcrnarks were punget t and vastly entertainiflg. The "floral pilgrimage- showcd, a p)rofuision of flowers in the desert. photographied during -March and April after a heavy rain. None of the con- vcntional views of southern*California, towns or cities were showvn, and noth- ing Mr. DeCou>had %vas trite or f ailcd* to arrest the audience with the sheer beauty of :the scetie. Grotesque plant> found only ini the desert, and thcir startling beautiful blossons. astonish'd, everyone. The lecture was enjoyýed %vitli enthnsiasm and interest accorded onlIv at rare.tintes to lecturers. If .was ~ trihute to the artistry of Mr. DeCou. Culbertson to Corne to Kenilworth Tonight. Thbis Friday evening the Kenilwort h club is presenting to the menibers ElyN Culbertson, bridge expert. Following a dinner at which Mrs. Henry Zander. .Mrs. Wendel! Clark, and Mrs.. Vernon Louckesi will act as hostess. Mr. Culbertson will give one of* his iti-. teresting and instructive talks *on "'Con- tract Bridge," a game he knows f roni "A to Z." Due to bis training as a - ~ ~ - - . 14.;r n ~l e c *WANTED - CLF.AN, WHITE RAGS. lino of t *se per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wil- 25th $tr mette. 89LTN36-tfp Street ar *AWmlUII - Q>D-IUNX) SET OFalOAli Bcmn0oi >fust ba-bârgaiin pr1ce. nue. and OeilWtatka114. gL'N4l-ltc lage, of ge ci. VAAwilmette;aiso Ii J.UU UwLIVLU UOria rnjoriy of the ýartmuouth Street, 24th frontàtge of the lots and lands upon the te Street between Asb- streets where, the sjiid work la to bo id Kenilworth Avenue, doue may,' witbin ton da.ys from the 'eet between Làlç Ave- d ate bereof,ý as proirided by 1mw, olect mth Avenue, i 1e Vil- to take said womk and enter luto a te, County o! Cook and lvritten contract to do sald wdk at ton LARD,- wo ImPr0 , L41.1te