I o') For tiose who start*tIeir spring slewing- early,'we are holdig this first Spring Showing of. Beautiful Fabric*s. N ewest colorsand pattern-s await-you now! * Paddock >Sport Prints Interesfing in pattern and beaufiful in fker colorngs. Prced if 50c yard .and the Printed Chiffons. Ideal for one of those Iovely evening gowns. Priced af $1.25 Piion.Wilmeffe 588 e J Printed' GCallant Swisses In Pastel Shades wifh a woven dot, a very preffy maferiai. Priced af 59c yard for Sports Wear use Hytona Fabrics Wifh a Shanfung Wea0y,, in plain colors, 36 iches widé. Phone WiImoffe 588i 11 46-48 Wilmeffe Avenue